Angel Healing ...the extras!
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Here are eight tips for finding miracles in your own life, and for helping others to find miracles in theirs:

Here are eight tips for finding miracles in your own life, and for helping others to find miracles in theirs:

1. Define Miracle. After all, we cannot find that for which we are not looking--and miracles are not always supernatural. According to the Midrash, the bush from which God called to Moses had been burning forever. The miracle was not that a bush caught fire and remained intact, it was that Moses noticed. What's your definition of a miracle?

2. Look closely. We have all been raised on stories of parting seas, resurrection of the dead etc. What is the "smallest" miracle you can identify in your own life? Why is it really something very big?

3. Tell miracle stories. Where have you witnessed miracles, as defined by you, happening for other people? What do you think made those miracles possible for them?

4. Dare to hope. Hoping for miracles can empower us by reconnecting us to what it is we really most desire. For what miracles are you hoping in your own life?

5. Make a list. What qualities do you possess that make you worthy of a miracle? Even if that hoped-for miracle never comes, it's amazing how unexpectedly wonderful things can happen when we recall how worthy we are.

6. Invest in making a miracle.  Where can you start the process, which might unleash a miracle in your own life?

7. Discover your inner light. Like the little bit of oil that burned longer than anyone expected, each of us has abilities, talents, and capacities, which are little known or under-utilized. What are yours and how could they be used to accomplish a miracle for someone else?

8. Celebrate. If it matters to you, make the most of it.  Finding joy in what is, helps unlock our ability to locate the miracles we still need.

Posted by angel-healing at 9:57 AM GMT
Sunday, 21 December 2008
tips fpr a GREEN Xmas

For a season so focused on family, it’s amazing that, during Christmas, so many of us overlook our Mother Earth: We drive from store to store searching for presents, we travel long distances to attend parties, plus, we throw away an estimated one million extra tons of rubbish each week between Xmas and New Year’s Day! For those who want to celebrate in a more eco-friendly style, we’ve gathered some tips to help you green your holiday traditions.

Burn Cleaner Candles

 Most of us love the warm glow of candles come Christmas, in Advent wreaths, the kitchen, and everywhere else in the house. But did you know that some candles can contribute to indoor air pollution? Make sure any candle you purchase has a metal-free wick to avoid releasing lead into the air (that means tossing any you bought before October of 2003, when lead wicks were finally banned). Candles made from beeswax, vegetable wax or soy are also much cleaner burning than those made with paraffin wax, which is a petroleum product. And don’t forget to trim your wick to 1/4” before lighting to limit the amount of smoke that enters the air.  Buy bees-wax candles from The Bristol Green Store made by Bella Bees!

Be An Earth-Wise Wrap Star

 Stocking up on wrapping paper that ends up in piles on the floor and in the trash post unwrapping can be costly, not just for you but for the Earth, as well. Chances are, your friends and family won’t mind if you wrap your gifts in recycled brown paper bags, or newspaper, as it is what’s inside (and the thought!) that counts, right? For wrapping options that are a bit prettier, look for rolls made from recycled paper.

 Use Earth-Loving Lights

 Deck your house and tree with energy-saving LED (light-emitting diode) lights. You can now find them in every shape, size and colour imaginable and they use about 33% less energy than traditional incandescent lights, so they’ll save you money, too. According to a study conducted by the U.S. Department of Energy, if everyone replaced their Christmas lights with LED strings, in just one month, we’d save at least 2 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity—enough to power 200,000 homes for an entire year!

Green Your Evergreen

 Each year,  millions of Christmas trees are uprooted and sold. This year, try purchasing a tree that has its roots intact, then planting it in your garden once it has served its seasonal purpose. Another option is to recycle your tree. When you throw your tree into the rubbish, it ends up occupying valuable landfill space, whereas recycling turns it into wood chips which can be used to mulch gardens and parks.

 Car Share

 When driving to church, holiday parties, or even the mall for shopping excursions, why not do so with others? You’ll save on petrol and reduce your carbon footprint, while spending time with friends and family you may otherwise rarely run into during the hectic holiday season.

A Hostess Gift Worth Giving

 Looking for a useful, unique, and thoughtful host or hostess gift? Consider making a donation to an environmental charity. By doing so, you’ll be improving the world while reducing waste—after all, how many bars of soap, hand towels or holiday mugs does one person really need? At, you can search through more than 1 million different charitable organisations, learn more about each, and then purchase gift certificates that recipients can redeem as donations for their charity of choice.

Don’t Toss Old Toys

 Kids inevitably outgrow their toys. Instead of tossing what they’re tired of into the rubbish, why not donate your family’s gently used games, dolls, and other playthings to families who are less fortunate? Bring them to your local Salvation Army charity store or check with your church to find out if they will be collecting both old and new toys for families in need. Just be sure to only offer up items that are clean and that aren’t missing any pieces or parts.

Stay Green By Keeping Clean

 When the holidays are over and the houseguests are all gone, clean up with safer, less-toxic cleaning products. Most cleansers are loaded with chemicals that can be harmful to your health and pollute the water and air. Switching to non-toxic, all natural products (that contain ingredients your grandmother used to clean the house with) is a simple way to be green and clean. Visit The Bristol Green Store in Jan to stock up on Simply Natural Homes natural cleaners!

Cut Back on Cards

 Reduce paper waste by sending your loved ones E-Cards instead of traditional paper cards. offers plenty of free options, as do sites like and If only old-fashioned Christmas cards will cut it for you, look for those that are certified by the Forest Stewardship Council: Cards with the FSC logo on the back are made from recycled paper or from trees that were grown and harvested in a sustainable manner.



Posted by angel-healing at 9:29 AM GMT
Saturday, 20 December 2008
protect Barack Obama and our loved ones. from William Bloom
Dear Friends

Seasons Greetings and Love.

A quick announcement and then a longer piece on how we might be able to protect Barack Obama and our loved ones.

March 21/22 - Glastonbury    More information


How can we protect Barack Obama? The new President of the United States is symbolically of huge importance. It is crucial that he does not fall victim to the same forces that assassinated Martin Luther King, Jack Kennedy and Robert Kennedy.

As spiritual people, as workers with inner energy, is there anything that we can do to help?

This is exactly the same question that we may ask when our loved ones are travelling in dangerous foreign places. At this moment in time a young friend of mine is working in Mumbai as there are riots and bombings. What can I do to keep her safe? What can I do to protect my own daughter from the cruelties and abuses of the world?

Even asking this type of question raises anxiety in me. I fear that just thinking about it may create the actual event I don't want to happen. Energy follows thought. As a wise teacher once said: 'Worrying - is to pray for something you do not want.'

But this leads to the first great lesson: All protective prayer work must be done from a personal space that is completely centred, confident and relaxed. If it is done with any worry, anxiety or tension, prayer work will have a negative effect, as it radiates psychic pollution and may indeed attract that which you do not want.

The second great lesson of protective work is that we must be fully connected to the love, compassion and benevolence of the universe. It is only when we are anchored securely in that benevolence that we can manage, without being overwhelmed or triggered, the suffering that happens on earth and in humanity.
These fundamental guidelines are not new. They have always been at the heart of healing and protection. We must be calm, grounded and fully connected to benevolence.


From within that calm and connected space, we can then begin our work of protection. First, we can always call for help— from spirit, from angels, from spirits — and express gratitude for their presence surrounding the person we want to protect. Imagine him or her surrounded by their loving safety.

Then we can begin to contemplate, visualise and sense Barack Obama and his family living a fulfilled and graceful life. Their home, workplace and journeys are safe and secure. We see and feel them living into their senior years. We can imagine Barack with white hair, playing with his grandchildren and talking about his days in the White House.

Here in the inner worlds we are creating an energetic scenario of a long and fulfilled life. Always done with complete calm and dedication to the highest good. This 'thoughtform' of his fulfilled life  has the potential to disarm potential aggressors who will sense that in the dreamworld their nasty plans cannot be fulfilled and they therefore back off.


Some of us may then feel called to deeper work of protection, which can only be done if:

•    We are psychologically stable.
•    Our nervous systems are vital and strong.
•    We are totally connected to and soaking in the benevolence of the divine.
•    We have a quiet sense of courage and the willing, when appropriate, to self-sacrifice.

This more profound work starts with an understanding of the complexity and interdependence of humanity's collective karma.

Some months ago I wrote about the troubles I had as a parent with my teenage son's difficult attitude. I was always blaming him until one day I went over the top with anger and frustration. It was in that moment of highly charged emotion that I had to take responsibility for my own feelings. Suddenly I saw how I was implicated in his teenage problems. I had a past life memory of being a smug priest blessing young men as they marched off to war.

My own violence — my own karma — was now returning to me via my son.

In some way or another — if we accept the logic of ancestors and a collective human history — we are all in some way connected to all that is good and all that is bad. So when we are protecting Barack or our own loved ones, we are protecting them from aggressors whose violent attitudes might possibly be our own responsibility. Who knows what we or our ancestors did in the past or whom we harmed? As John Bradford said in 1555 as he watched a man being taken to his execution, 'There, but for the grace of God, go I.'

So it is possible to tune into these potential aggressors and assassins, apologise for our own part in creating their violence, and wish them healing and forgiveness.

Even more courageously, recognising our interdependence and the blessings of grace, we can offer to absorb and redeem their pain and violence. As an act of service, we can practice the classic healing meditation of breathing in their negativity, absorbing and transforming it, and breathing out a blessing towards them.

If you have never done a meditation like this before then try the technique just for a few seconds at a time, backing off immediately you feel any sensations of anxiety. In this way you can gradually acclimatise yourself to this profound work of service. But — this is a serious health and safety warning — do not attempt this kind of deep healing work unless you are one hundred per cent psychologically stable, strong and connected to the love of God, because otherwise it might emotionally disturb you. Rest calm in the awareness that there are others called and able to practice this alchemy, this transmutation of tarnished stuff into gold.

So let us hold Barack and all our loved ones in our hearts, grateful for the protection of angels and spirits. Let us hold too a clear vision and sense of them living long, fulfilled and happy lives. And let us also extend that blessing to all beings.

I wish you all my love for a Blessed New Year.


Posted by angel-healing at 10:10 AM GMT
Thursday, 18 December 2008
support for Lammas
Apologies for cross points, please distribute widely

Lammas, a volunteer-run co-operative promoting Low Impact Development has recently lodged an application for 9 eco-smallholdings in Pembrokeshire, Wales .

The Groups says:-

This is our last go at achieving planning permission through Pembrokeshire’s Low-Impact Development Policy 52. Even a brief letter would help us hugely in our endeavour to make this a reality. Help us demonstrate that there is support from all over the country and around the world for this project. Let's create a viable, visible precedent!

Please write to:
Planning Department
Pembrokeshire County Council
1B County Hall
SA61 1TP

Include the following planning reference in your letter: 08/0962/PA

And simply indicate your support for the project. If you are able to add your reasons for supporting the project, please do. Don't forget to include your full name and postal address.

Hard copy in the form of letters has quite an impact on the Planners, and in the likelihood of an appeal, on the Planning Inspectorate, but if all you have time for is email then you can compose it as follows:

Subject: Registering Support for 08/0962/PA

Message: I would like to register my support for the Lammas project…..

Yours sincerely,

You are of course welcome to add any extra comments about why you think it's a good thing. Cc'ing us in will mean that we can keep track of how many supporting letters we have (they have been ‘lost’ in the past). If you can email document files of hard copy letters, while not absolutely necessary, that would be helpful, as well.

If you know anyone else who would be inclined to support us then please let them know.

All letters need to be received by Christmas Eve – 24th December 2008

Dr. Larch Maxey

Swansea University/Prifysgol Abertawe

Coming Soon! "Low Impact Development: The Future in our hands." Edited by Jenny Pickerill and Larch Maxey

Posted by angel-healing at 12:18 PM GMT
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
What the Soul Is After
What the Soul Is After
Stop making . . . judgments against yourself. Learn what is the soul's desire, and go with that. Go with the soul.

What the soul is after is — the highest feeling of love you can imagine.
The highest feeling of love you can imagine.

This is the soul's desire. This is its purpose. The soul is after the feeling. Not the knowledge, but the feeling. It already has the knowledge, but knowledge is conceptual. Feeling is experiential. The soul wants to feel itself, and thus to know itself in its own experience.

The highest feeling is the experience of unity with All That Is. This is the great return to Truth for which the soul yearns. This is the feeling of perfect love.

Perfect love is to feeling what perfect white is to color. Many think that white is the absence of color. It is not. It is the inclusion of all color. White is every other color that exists, combined.

So, too, is love not the absence of an emotion (hatred, anger, lust, jealousy, covetousness), but the summation of all feeling. It is the sum total. The aggregate amount. The everything.

Thus, for the soul to experience perfect love, it must experience every human feeling.

How can I have compassion on that which I don't understand? How can I forgive in another that which I have never experienced in Myself? So we see both the simplicity and the awesome magnitude of the soul's journey. We understand at last what it is up to:

The purpose of the human soul is to experience all of it — so that it can be all of it.

Conversations With God, Book 1
Neale Donald Walsch

Posted by angel-healing at 8:49 AM GMT
Updated: Wednesday, 24 December 2008 6:59 PM GMT
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
December Newsletter
Mood:  bright
Topic: archive newsletters

December 08

Free e-newsletter From Rachael Hertogs

Archive newsletters can be found at


I just wanted to remind you that, today, 10 December 2008, marks Human Rights Day and the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. So perhaps take a moment to think of those who are suffering, offer a prayer and give thanks for your own ‘safe’ life.

“It is our duty to ensure that these rights are a living reality -- that they are known, understood and enjoyed by everyone, everywhere. It is often those who most need their human rights protected, who also need to be informed that the Declaration exists -- and that it exists for them.”  Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon


We its been months since my last newsletter- and so much has happened, I walked part of the Camino De Santiago (what a wonderful, peaceful, amazing experience that was ), from there I went straight to the women’s 13 Moons Festival, and then back to reality of  working and teaching! My biggest news is that I have opened a shop- well a shop within a shop. We were unable to save our local Post office- but are hoping by opening our Bristol Green Store inside the old Chessel St Post Office we will at least save the corner shop from closure! So half of our shop is a very ordinary corner shop- with all your usual food stuffs and stationary supplies etc and then  on the other side is our Green Store- promoting local producers and sustainable green products- see below for the longer article and our website and face book link!


I have a new Angel Meditation- see


and of course my usual Moon Times products (we have extended our range in to Moon Sponges and Cups!) see

we will be supplying bamboo and hemp nappies in Jan 09!


Phew, well I guess that’s me…do enjoy the rest of the newsletter-- as usual there’s some events listed, networking section, winter tips, an affirmation and inspirational quote! Much love, Happy Winter Solstice and many Xmas blessings, Rachael xxx   

Courses and Reiki Shares:


New Year Reiki I Course

Jan 10th & 11th, Montpelier.


Reiki is a powerful ‘self help tool’ ~

it helps develop a positive attitude to life,

increases energy and  expands creativity.

Reiki brings about deep relaxation,

feelings of joy and well being, leaves you

feeling calmer, content and serene;

it helps you feel more optimistic and

better able to cope with day to day

stresses that modern day living often brings.

This level allows you to channel reiki energy

and thus treat yourself and others.


The class consists of an attunement and

all the required information & practical

exercises to allow you to understand

and use Reiki.


For further information, please contact

Rachael on 9537765



Reiki Share Dates for 2009- all Shares will be at Akousis 

(Fairlawn Rd, Montpelier) Friday Evenings

Feb 6th, April 24th, June 19th, Aug 7th, Oct 2nd and Dec 4th contact me to confirm attendance.



My New Venture- The Bristol Green Store

The Bristol Green Store has grown up out of my Moon Times business, and a need to provide access to my products beyond the webshop and fairs.  I was also fed up with not being able to get practical green things, from cleaners to natural beauty products, without a trip across town or spending a fortune on carriage from online stores!

So I teamed up with Emma Winfield  (of Simply Natural Homes), an active member with me of Transition BS3, to launch Bristol's one-stop-green-store.  We are located within The Ghost Office (the former Post Office in The Chessels in Ashton / Bedminster), and share the space with his traditional corner store.

We've got multiple ambitions for the store - in addition to providing sustainable goods and practical items to help us each lessen our impact, we want to build the Bristol-wide local economy.  We are inviting every local producer of sustainable goods in and around Bristol to get involved, offering their items for sale through the store.  We are also launching a services directory listing local trades people with experience of green trades & products.  We will also be contributing towards keeping The Ghost Office open as a corner store, a vital local service for the elderly and less able in our area especially.

Please support us by coming in to the store, letting us know what else you'd like to see in there and bringing samples of your produce if you'd like to be part of the offering!.



Products on offer- natural cleaning products, Eco paints and varnishes, baby booties, baby and kids t-shirts, nappies, breast pads, grown ups t-shirts, tea towels, cards of all kinds, photos, Bella Bees wonderful balms, Moon Times eco sanitary wear, natracare pads, organic cotton wool (throw away and washable!), knitted hats, scarves, wraps, gloves, wool, felt purses, scarves, wooden plates, bowls, mirrors, green bike oil, books, Pure Nuff  beauty products, diaries, calendars, gift packs and so much more!!


Events and Networking

'Introduction to Massage' with Claire Day from Bella-Bees.
Sunday 25th January 2009 10am - 4pm & Tuesday 27th January 2009 7pm - 9.30pm @ the Pierian Centre, 27 Portland Square, Bristol.

For people who would like to learn massage but want a taster before
embarking on a full course.  For therapists who need a refresher or to
learn some different techniques - then this is the course for you.

Booking essential as limited places.  Total fee £65 or book as a couple for £120 Make this a Christmas gift that keeps on giving!

Moon Journeys: retreats, workshops, courses and pilgrimages, for personal and spiritual development. Mostly working in small groups, often with the resources of nature and our inspiring environment, we have a wide programme of events and trips (some local and some not so local!) to suite people looking to explore their inner and outer landscapes. See, a new one-stop website for Bristol’s growing green and ethical scene, is taking a fresh approach to local environmentalism. Launched by researchers at the University of Bristol, it’s a place for you to discover local businesses and initiatives, search for ethical jobs, trade free stuff, and tune into local news, events and discussions.

Your Community Clinic- see website for dates and venues! Provide yourself with an opportunity for rest and enhance self esteem, feel more peaceful, content, positive and better able to cope with day to day stresses!£10 for 30 mins. Treatments are 30 minutes- although 1 hour sessions can be booked. see web site for therapies, venues and dates 

Peace Dances in Bristol With Amida Harvey
 Dances of Universal Peace offer a way to touch the spiritual essence of ourselves and of others through sacred chant and movement. Saturday 20 Dec 10.30 to 4pm doors open, drinks available from 10am Horfield Quaker Meeting House 300 Gloucester Rd, Bristol BS7 8PDTickets on the door £25 (£20 concessions)All welcome – no previous experience or pre-booking needed. Please bring veggie lunch to share. Ffi tel Celia 0117 924 1023 

Beautiful Therapy / Office Screens from Cambridge Futon: Shoji square pattern with paper backing ....Natural, black or red.  £75  plus £10 delivery per screen. Bamboo screens ....Natural, black or walnut.  £85 plus delivery, see or contact

Websites don't have to be expensive. They can cost as little as £50 to set up a simple one and are a great way to let people know about you and what you do. You can use them to promote your business or to share family photos with friends overseas.  Contact Lisa Cole  for more details.

Green Finder- check out  the green directory showcasing the best eco friendly products online & at green events throughout the U.K. We are here to help you in your quest for a greener lifestyle whether you are making your first faltering steps in sustainability or you are a fully fledged environmentalist wishing to learn more about saving the planet. Here at GreenFinder we aim to provide you with all the information you need to make those all important steps (big or small) for a cleaner, greener and more ethical world.



Health Tips for Winter

By  Kami McBride


1) Eat medicinal soups

Soup keeps you warm and is easy to digest. If you are exposed to any sickness, your body can focus on healing instead of having to digest foods that take a lot of energy. Soups are easily digested and are the perfect winter food. Just load your soups up with LOTS of herbs 

How to Make Delicious Medicinal Soup


2) Drink herbal tea on a regular basis


  3) Keep your lymph moving

We often move less in the winter so it is important to find ways to keep your lymph moving and clearing out stagnation. Your lymph system helps to carry your immune cells, so healthy lymph movement means a healthier immune system.

 One simple thing you can do is to incorporate more massage into your life.  Massage is a great winter remedy. Working with a massage therapist is always nice, but you can also bring massage into your home on a regular basis.

 Get a few nice massage oils and do ten minute massage exchanges in the evening with the people you live with. It is amazing how much you can accomplish in ten minutes several times a week. 


Kami McBride has taught herbal medicine since 1988. Through her classes andpersonal wellness consultations she helps people understand how whole foodsand herbal medicine are an important aspect of everyone’s preventive healthcare plan. Kami has helped thousands of people learn to use herbs in their dailylives in ways that are healthy, safe and fun and she teaches classes in herbalmedicine and women’s health at her school and herb gardens in Vacaville,California.  


An affirmation for you -

The light of God surrounds me;

The love of God enfolds me;

The power of God protects me;

The presence of God watches over me.

Wherever I am, God is . . .

And all is well!

Prayer of Protection (1941)
James Dillet Freeman (1912-2003)
Poet Laureate of Unity



And to finish: On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know...

...that every increased possession loads us with a new



John Ruskin said that, and he was right. Life is not about our physical or material possessions, it is about the agenda of our soul. When material possessions serve that agenda, they can be wonderful and are to be celebrated. But if they come between us and the soul, then we may very well be delayed on our holy


Our journey is the path back to peace, to harmony, to deep inner joy, to love, and to God





Posted by angel-healing at 10:12 AM GMT
Friday, 5 December 2008
Message from the Hopi Elders

Message from the Hopi Elders

We have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour
Now you must go back and tell the people that this is the
And there are things to be considered.
Les hemos estado diciendo a la gente que esta es la Hora Undécima.
Ahora deben regresar y decirle a la gente que esta es la Hora y que
Hay cosas que considerar
Where are you living? ¿Dónde estás viviendo?
What are you doing?¿Qué estás haciendo?
What are your relationships?¿Cuáles son tus relaciones?
Are you in the right relation?¿Estás en la relación adecuada?
Where is your water?¿En dónde está tu agua?
Know your garden. Conoce tu jardín

It is time to speak your truth Es hora de hablar tu verdad
Create your community. Crear tu comunidad
Be good to each other. Ser bueno uno con los otros
And do not look outside yourself for the leader. Y no buscar fuera de ti al líder
This could be a good time! Este podría ser un buen tiempo
There is a river flowing now very fast. Existe un río que ahora fluye muy rápido
It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. Es tan grande
Y rápido que hay quienes sentirán miedo
They will try to hold onto the shore. Ellos tratarán de mantenerse en la playa
They will feel they are being torn apart and they will suffer greatly. Ellos sentirán que
Están siendo partidos y sufrirán bastante.
Know the river has its destination. Sepan que el río tiene su destino
The elders say we must let go of the shore, and push off and into the river,
Los mayores dicen que debemos salirnos de la playa e impulsarnos hacia el río.
Keep our eyes open, and our head above the water. Mantengan los  ojos abiertos y su
Cabeza sobre el agua.
See who is in there with you and Celebrate. Vean quién está con ustedes y celebren
At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally. En este momento de la
Historia no debemos tomar nada de forma personal.
Least of all ourselves. Mucho menos a nosotros mismos
For the moment that we do, Por el momento eso es lo que hacemos
Our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt. Nuestro crecimiento espiritual y travesía
Llegan a un alto.
The time of the lone wolf is over, Gather yourselves! El tiempo
del lobo solitario se ha
Terminado. Reúnanse.
Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary. Erradiquen la palabra
Lucha de su actitud y vocabulario.
All that you do now must be done in a sacred manner Todo lo que ahora hagan debe ser
Hecho en una manera santa.
And in celebration. Y en celebración.
"We are the ones we've been waiting for..." Nosotros somos los que hemos estado esperando.

The Elders, Hopi Nation,
Oraibi, Arizona
los Ancianos de la Nación Hopi.
Oraibi, Arizona.
If you want to findout moreabout these prophesies, please checkout Prophecy Keepers and/or ...the only Native American owned and operated Native Prophecy websites, founded 1996.

Posted by angel-healing at 7:48 AM GMT
Updated: Friday, 5 December 2008 8:02 AM GMT
Thursday, 4 December 2008
There Is Only One Reason
There Is Only One Reason
There is only one reason to do anything: as a statement to the universe of Who You Are.

Conversations With God, Book 1

Posted by angel-healing at 8:18 AM GMT
Thursday, 20 November 2008
visit the Bristol Green Store

Before you go Christmas shopping, come & see what's on offer locally in the Bristol Green Store!  Special items in from local producers especially for Christmas!

 The Bristol Green Store has grown up out of my Moon Times businesses, and a need to provide access to my products beyond the webshop and fairs.  I was also fed up with not being able to get practical green things, from cleaners to insulation, without a day trip away or spending a fortune on carriage from online stores.

 So I teamed up with Emma Winfield  (of Simply Natural Homes), an active member with me of Transition BS3, to launch Bristol's one-stop-green-store.  We are located within The Ghost Office (the former Post Office in The Chessels in Ashton / Bedminster), and share the space with his traditional corner store.

 We've got multiple ambitions for the store - in addition to providing sustainable goods and practical items to help us each lessen our impact, we want to build the Bristol-wide local economy.  We are inviting every local producer of sustainable goods in and around Bristol to get involved, offering their items for sale through the store.  We are also launching a services directory listing local tradespeople with experience of green trades & products.  We will also be contributing towards keeping The Ghost Office open as a corner store, a vital local service for the elderly and less able in our area especially.

 Please support us by coming in to the store, letting us know what else you'd like to see in there, bringing samples of your produce if you'd like to be part of the offering, printing off flyers & posters and displaying them in your window and around Bristol and so on.



warm wishes,
Rachael Hertogs

Posted by angel-healing at 9:08 AM GMT
Updated: Friday, 21 November 2008 9:54 AM GMT
Wednesday, 19 November 2008

When we feel good, we feel good.

But what is the source of this feeling? Most of us never give attention to what is actually happening inside our bodies as we move from one mood to another mood. Happy then sad. Angry then calm. Hungry then comfortable. As we move through these different states and emotions, we are actually going through biological changes. Our internal chemistry, the hormones we experience are changing.

People often think that these mood changes and feelings are purely psychological. Just a mental state. Almost imagined. But we would never say such a thing about animals. When a cat is meowing with hunger, we don't describe the cat's state as psychological. The cat is experiencing a biological state of hunger and out in the wild goes hunting. When an animal freezes and trembles with fear  — a mouse caught by a cat, a cat caught by a dog — that frozen state is caused by the hormones of fear and anxiety.

It's biological.

We humans, you and I, are animals too. We are flesh and blood creatures just as much as we are souls and psychological beings.

Of course our psychological states affect our chemistry. Yogis can mentally control many of their hormones and physical functions. David Blaine, for example, can spend extended periods of time encased in ice and recently spent 60 hours hanging upside down in New York's Central Park. (This is not a yogic exercise I recommend to my readers, particularly those trying to maintain dignified hair-dos.) I am also very impressed by those Himalayan monks who can dry wet towels with heat generated from their own bodies.

But the main point I want to make is that we are organic creatures filled with hormonal juices that create strong feelings and experiences.


There are many spiritual traditions that give special attention to the juices and feelings inside our bodies.

This is one of the ways that Spirit speaks to us — through sensations and feelings. At the core of Taoist and Tantric spiritual practices is the skill of noticing and managing these subtle sensations inside the body. This skill is also at the core of the many traditions that use symbols such as Trees of Life, cauldrons and chalices. In modern language, this ability to notice subtle body sensations is known as kinaesthetic awareness. In esoteric language it is sometimes called clairsentience — using the whole body as an organ of perception.

In spirituality the physical body is often described as a temple — a temple to be inhabited by the soul.

Our physical bodies are the homes of our psyches and consciousness. Our bodies ground us into the educational experience of being alive, here on earth. It is obvious therefore that we need to care for this physical temple, so that our souls may more easily and fully incarnate.

Noticing and guiding subtle sensations in our bodies is the most effective way of caring for our biological temples. This is the best method for cooperating with healing energy and also for managing our internal chemicals and hormones.

Most healers are familiar with sensations in their hands when healing energy flows. It is possible to have exactly the same experience in every part of your body, not just your hands. This awareness is developed by giving careful attention to all the subtle sensations inside you. Most importantly this mindful, kinaesthetic attention needs to be practised with a compassionate and healing attitude.


One of the great things that I discovered in my endorphin research is that when healing energy flows through our bodies, it is accompanied by a hormonal, chemical change. This change has a significant impact on our physical, emotional and spiritual health. We stop producing the hormones of fear and start producing endorphins, the hormones of well being.

The two hormones of tension and anxiety, adrenalin and cortisol, are great for survival because they give us a supercharge of energy and tautness to get out of danger's way. But if they are not burned up through intense activity, they remain in the body causing frozen tissue and sensations of fear and panic. This tension also blocks the flow and absorption of the healing vitality that pervades the natural world.

When however we give kind awareness to the subtle sensations in our bodies, the production of adrenalin and cortisol is immediately stopped and our 'Inner Smile' triggers the release of the 'miracle' neuropeptides, the endorphins. Endorphins anaesthetise pain, relax tissue and create sensations of pleasure, calm and well being.

In The Endorphin Effect, I describe five triggers that help to produce endorphins.

First, there is the Inner Smile in which we give kind awareness to our own bodies.

Second, there is the strategy of sinking into the posture and soft breathing of a good rest or nap.

Third, connecting to the natural world, from a blade of grass through to the immense mystery and wonder of the cosmos, triggers endorphins.

Fourth, twenty minutes of exercise also triggers these miracle hormones and was first noted as the 'runners' high'. This can be any exercise and doesn't need to be aerobic.

Fifth, and for many people this is the easiest, doing something you like, or thinking about something you like, triggers endorphins. Think of your favourite person or animal — and almost immediately you will notice the beginnings of a pleasurable sensation. Endorphins!

Then, whichever of these five triggers you use, the key is to notice the enjoyable subtle sensations and let them sink more deeply into you.

As these wonderful hormones, the endorphins, are produced, tissue relaxes and healing energy flows more freely. Body and spirit in full cooperation.

I wish you all good health and many blessings.

All my love to you and yours.


Posted by angel-healing at 9:38 AM GMT

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