Angel Healing ...the extras!
Monday, 25 January 2010
Moon Times Jan Newsletter
Mood:  happy
Topic: archive newsletters


Subject: News from Moon Times;  News and SALE!! Products ….

Please forward this newsletter to any friends, family or colleagues who may be interested! 


Hi Ladies,
This is a short newsletter just to highlight our Sale Items and let you know that Rachael gave birth to Dorothy Grace on 11th Jan (10 days late!) she was a healthy 8lbs 13oz- 4kg!

We are slowly getting back in to the swing of things and managing to process orders within 7 days of them coming through.

We are also phasing out the velcro fastening pads- replacing them with the press stud fasteners…we do have some velcro ones still in stock…if you specifically want some send us an email and we will let you know what we have left.

Sale Items

Earth Pathways Diary 2010. Spiral-bound. 21cms x 15 cms
£10.99 or 2 for £20

Moon Cycle Calendars Moon Phases for 2010- UK edition

plus teas, smudge sticks, some pads…check out the Sale Section

I am finishing with a quote from The Pill book and a poem by Pam Chubbuck….
Take care, much love
The Moon Times Team xxx

The Pill Book

“In Native American tradition there’s a beautiful saying that at her first period a girl meets her wisdom. Through her menstruating years she practices her wisdom, and at menopause she becomes her wisdom.”

From The Pill: Are You Sure It’s for You? By Alexandra Pope and Jane Bennett, published by Allen and Unwin

Blood time by Pam Chubbuck

Finally ...
Squatting ...
Hovering over the moss ...
I watch my blood
Slowly drip onto the earth ...
A glob of red ...
I watch as I have never watched before...
My blood.
I breathe ...
Smell the smell of it ...
Fresh ...
Alive ...
Different than on a pad, old and brown...
Or held within me ...
Plugged up
Never to be seen
Or allowed to be my teacher ...
I see the inner juices of my body
There on the living moss ...
Spongy, as I step
Or sit or lie upon it ...
Like the inner
Uterine tissue lining - bed
Which creates
The possibility
Of Spirit ...
To take hold
And turn to flesh.
Trickles slowly down my inner thigh ...
I watch ...
Time stands still
Marked only by
Drops of crimson as they hit the earth ...
I enter dream-time ...
The altered state of
Blood-time ...
This blood ...
My blood ...
Speaks to me ...
Come into me
And dance the dance of life
It beacons ...
You are Dancer Woman
Powerful ...
Fresh ...
Feathered Hawk Woman ...
Bleeding Time Woman ...
I have mysteries
To tell ...
And power to unfold ...
Listen with your heart ...
Your blood pump of life ...
As it moves
The saline mother of all fluid ...
Blood of passion ...
Through your womanly body ...
Come into me ...
My blood calls ...
I hold all things ...
Known and unknown ...
See, feel, taste, smell ...
Rejoice in!
The secrets of your woman blood ...

Pam Chubbuck is the author of Passages Into Womanhood: Empowering Girls to Love Themselves; What My Mother Never Told Me About Bleeding and Other Essential Stuff: Poems to Amuse, Enlighten, and Empower Women; and an audio book; Woman Spirit, a menarche myth, as well as several other books and articles. Passages Into Womanhood

It is not my intention to send out spam or unwanted mail, if you DO NOT wish to receive mailings from me in future,
please reply to this e-mail and type REMOVE in the subject line. Your address will be removed from the list immediately. 





Posted by angel-healing at 11:12 AM GMT
Updated: Monday, 25 January 2010 11:15 AM GMT
Monday, 23 November 2009
Nov News From Moon Times
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: archive newsletters

Subject: News from Moon Times;  News, Xmas Products and weblinks….

Please forward this newsletter to any friends, family or colleagues who may be interested! 

This is probably my last newsletter until the New Year, I am anticipating being closed for a few weeks in early Jan as my baby is due Jan 1st! So do think ahead, especially if ordering goods for Xmas! and as a special thank you gift to my regular customers, the first 6 orders we get after this newsletter will recieve a limited edition lavender Moon Soap!
I’m just back from a trip up north to visit family but also to connect with Jane a representative from the Shyira Trust in Rwanda- I was able to give her pads that you have bought for the women there and also get an update on the project; wonderfully they have managed to start a sewing project making their pads which I just think is fantastic! Jane was telling me what a difference it has made to the women as they have no underwear and usually the mattresses in the hospital get ruined very quickly from the blood loss after birth. So a HUGE thank you for those of you who bought pads for the project! For more info see Shyira Trust

On another subject…I was asked about making some xmas themed pads! I haven’t had any luck in sourcing any xmassy flannelette but would recommend the red pads for a xmassy pad gift! If you want a particular set made from the red ones do email me, otherwise red pads can be found here
Red Pads

So what's new at Moon Times?

We have plenty of Earth Pathways diaries and Moon calendars….

We have some new Natural beauty products, along side the Bella Bees balms and essential oils we have a range from Pure Nuff
Shampoos, conditioners, body bars etc….

Something for the blokes....a quick plug for my husbands website! Tom has always loved being in nature and is very lucky to work as an environmental youth worker doing bushcraft with city kids….from this he has developed some bushcraft tools that make an ideal gift for your sons or men in your life who also have a love for the outdoors- see Fire Maker

I am finishing with a excerpt from Susun Weed’s article about the Wise Woman Tradition! Do scroll down for a read.
Take care, much love
Rachael and the Moon Times Team xxx

An article to finish....

see Susun’s Website

by Susun S. Weed
The Wise Woman Tradition is the oldest known healing tradition on our planet. It offers a unique view of health that is woman-centered and deeply empowering to women. This is in stark contrast to orthodox - and most alternative - healing traditions, which are based on male viewpoints which disempower women.
The medicine I learned in school was based on a linear, scientific, male worldview whose truth I did not question. When this medicine failed me, as a woman and a mother, I sought alternatives. Herbs helped me take care of myself and my family, simply and safely, but I questioned the assumptions behind what I was taught. It was clear to me that alternative health care disempowers women as much, or more than, orthodox medicine does. They both actively assume that the norm on which assessment of health is to be based is masculine in gender.
Assuming that a healthy male is the definition of health may not seem like much of a problem, unless you are a woman. This core assumption has hurt, and continues to hurt, women in a multitude of direct and indirect ways, from the deeply personal to the widely political. This assumption leads to attempts to "correct" - with drugs and surgery - physical and emotional states that are normal (and healthy) for women, but not for men.
Consider: Healthy women were given DES (a hormone) simply because they were pregnant - their offspring are cancer-prone.
Millions of menopausal women have been (and are still) treated with hormones in an effort to replace what is "lost." Does this improve their health~ No. Use of hormone replacement increases the risk of stroke, heart disease, and breast cancer.
Menstruating women need some quiet time alone. Instead they are offered pink Prozac to help them overcome their "depression."
Women are advised to have their uterus (and increasingly their ovaries, too) removed since they are "not needed after menopause ... just places that can harbor cancer." It is well known that a woman's sexual response is unlikely to be as strong, and may even be lost, when she loses these vital organs. A century ago, a woman who challenged male authority could be diagnosed as "hysterical" and her uterus ("hyster") removed (often without anesthesia or disinfectants).
There is more to medicine than the male perspective. I speak for the woman-centered tradition. It offers men and women a new way to think about and create health in all stages of their lives. It empowers women to take charge of their health and their lives, to honor and respect themselves, and the earth. I call it the Wise Woman Tradition.
The Wise Woman Tradition empowers women by:
~ Focusing on simple remedies that are easily accessible
~ Sharing information freely
~ Offering compassionate listening
~ Renaming her weaknesses as strengths
~ Reminding her that her body is the body of the earth, is the body of the goddess, is the sacred ground of being.

Posted by angel-healing at 11:48 AM GMT
Updated: Monday, 23 November 2009 11:50 AM GMT
Monday, 5 October 2009
Moon Times Oct Newsletter
Mood:  bright
Topic: archive newsletters

Subject: News from Moon Times; Moon News, Wear It Pink Day, New Products and web links….

Please forward this newsletter to any friends, family or colleagues who may be interested! 

Hello Ladies,
Autumn Equinox and full moon blessings! Yesterday was full moon in Aries; during the Aries full moon we can tap into the child within - the part of us that lives from a place of love and innocence, that part of us that has unquestioning faith and belief that everything is, and will be, ok.
The determination of the moon in Aries encourages us to tap into a powerful source of courage and stamina to rise again from any setbacks we may face. During the harvest of this full moon we can release our ego, sift through the elements of self, both long-standing and newly acquired and retain that which serves purpose while leaving the rest behind. These is a good time to spiritually and physically cleanse ourselves of all those elements in our life which no longer work for us and to use the pioneering, and ambitious energies of Aries to take those leaps of faith and re-create our lives in a way which is more beneficial for us. To read more see

And while we are on the topic of the moon…I was shocked this week to read the moon is being bombed with a rocket on the 9th October in search of evidence of water! The official site says it will be 66ft wide, and other sites say up to 5 miles wide, so lets pray for the former. How our Grandmother Moon will feel about this who really knows, I am calling for people everywhere to get together and send the moon love in all the wonderful and whacky ways we all do it.......
the story on line

31 Oct is wear it pink day!
Our Pink Pads raise money for the Penny Brohn Cancer Care Centre- support their good work by wearing a pink pad on Wear it Pink Day!
pink pads

So what’s new at Moon Times?
Small Moon Sponges These sponges are a smaller size for light flow days, young women or pre birth, pack includes 4 sponges.
small sponges

I’ve got some lovely Lakota Sage smudge sticks…which are on an Oct special of £6.00 instead of £10! These are the biggest smudge sticks I’ve ever seen (12 inches!) and may come in handy for any Samhain gatherings you might be planning at the end of the month!

We have many more poppered pads and panty liners now in stock- feed back has been great press stud pads

And a quick plug….Look out for Juno Magazine- a lovely natural parenting magazine who is featuring some of my articles in the next few issues. I love it! Juno

Also …a couple of great websites to share with you ….
Some very creative cloth pad art:
pad art
There is an amazing new Menstrual Health DVD out- The Moon Inside You- thoroughly recommended!! The website for the movie is
see trailer and keep an eye for the UK version on release soon.

Take care, and have a great Samhain,
much love
Rachael and the Moon Times Team xxx

A couple of articles to finish....

Can Breast Cancer be Prevented?

Excerpt from: Breast Cancer? Breast Health! the Wise Woman Way
by Susun S. Weed


Sometimes it seems that every magazine, newspaper, radio show, and piece of mail has a headline declaring that every woman’s risk of developing breast cancer is increasing. There is a numbing feeling of inevitability in these pronouncements. More and more women think about breast cancer as a when rather than an if.

It’s true that there’s more breast cancer now than ever before, that between 1979 and 1986 the incidence of invasive breast cancer in the United States increased 29 percent among white women and 41 percent among black women, and incidence of all breast cancers doubled.

It’s true that the percentage of women dying from breast cancer has remained virtually unchanged over the past 50 years, and that every 12 minutes throughout the last half of the twentieth century another woman died of breast cancer.

And it’s true that breast cancer is the disease that women fear more than any other, that breast cancer is the biggest killer of all women aged 35 to 54, and that of the 2.5 million women currently diagnosed with breast cancer, half will be dead within ten years.

These facts frighten me, and they also make me angry. My studies spanning 25 years and many disciplines have convinced me that the majority of breast cancers are causally related to the high levels of radiation and chemicals released into our air, water, soil, and food over the past 50 years. United States government researchers estimate that 80 percent of all cancers are environmentally linked.

What can be done? The answer isn’t as simple as a yearly mammogram. That may help detect breast cancer, but it won’t prevent it. To prevent breast cancer we need to take individual and collective action.

Effective action requires understanding the causes of breast cancer and what decreases breast cancer risk. But there are few conclusive answers to these queries, partly because most research focuses on eliminating breast cancer after—not before—it occurs. Science has validated so few risk factors for breast cancer that 70 percent of the women diagnosed with breast cancer have “no identifiable risk factors.”

Scientifically accepted risk factors for breast cancer

1. Sex (Women get a lot more breast cancer than men.)
2. Age (Seventy-five percent occurs in women over 50.)
3. Lifetime exposure to estrogen (Early menarche, no pregnancies, late menopause, hormone pills increase risk.)
4. Family history (Two close relatives with premenopausal breast cancer increases risk.)
5. Lifetime exposure to radiation (The greater the exposure, up to a threshold, the greater the risk.)
6. Race and culture (White, European-extraction women are at greater risk than other women.)
7. Height and weight (Larger women are at greater risk.)

Unfortunately, our sex, age, reproductive history, family history, exposure to radiation (such as fallout from above-ground atomic bomb tests), race, culture, and height are beyond our control. When we’re told these are the only risk factors, we can be left with feelings of hopelessness and panic.

But when we include risk factors that are considered “not well substantiated”—but which are clearly contributing to breast cancer incidence—including ingestion of and exposure to prescription hormones, hormone mimicking organochlorines, prescription drugs, petrochemicals, and electromagnetic fields, as well as unwise lifestyle choices such as smoking tobacco, drinking alcohol immoderately, wearing a bra, or not exercising, then we can find many ways to lower breast cancer risk. No need to panic.

 Not accepted, but likely, risk factors for breast cancer

8. Organochlorines (Exposure increases risk.)
9. Electromagnetic fields (Exposure increases risk.)
10. Tobacco smoke (Exposure increases risk.)
11. Alcohol (Greater use increases risk.)

Excerpt from: Breast Cancer? Breast Health! the Wise Woman Way
by Susun S. Weed

Posted by angel-healing at 9:30 AM BST
Updated: Sunday, 11 October 2009 8:44 AM BST
Friday, 14 August 2009
News from Moon Times aug 09
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: archive newsletters

Subject: News from Moon Times;  Jam Sponge, Popper Pads, Moon Lodge Forum...Please forward this newsletter to any friends, family or colleagues who may be interested!


Hello Ladies,

I hope you are having a great summer!
I'm now 5 months pregnant and the heat is making me swell like a balloon!!
In an attempt to put my feet up I've been working to simplify the website and have made the categories easier (I hope) to navigate- and have added more info to the titles- such as whether pads have popper fastenings!

so what's new at Moon Times?

We have recently taken over Jam Sponge ( ) as  their creator couldn’t cope with the orders on top of her other businesses! Although the 'attitude' of Jam Sponge is quite different from Moon Times I do love the concept and of course it appeals to a younger audience :)

They are also available on the Moon Times website!

We have many more poppered pads now in stock- feed back has been great See

We have also made sure pads say if they are velcro or poppered in the descriptions.

Popper pads aren’t yet available in large sets- but can be bought as 'starter sets'


Whilst having a clear out and tidy up I found a number of Womens Wisdom booklets- these are on sale


Don't forget our Charity Pads...supporting the Shyira Trust Maternity Project and The Penny Brohn Cancer Care Centre see '


and just to remind you about our
Moon Lodge Forum do check it out!

Take care, and have a great rest of the summer,

much love
Rachael and the Moon Times Team  xxx

an article to finish....
I was amazed to get this from
the author wasn't credited though!

Cycle Of Power
Honouring Menstruation
In the ancient past, as humanity began to move toward a patriarchal society, women were gradually deprived of the awareness of a wonderful gift. Previously, menstruation was considered a miraculous and cosmic event wherein women were strongly connected to all things spiritual. A menstruating woman was considered to be at the height of her power and was encouraged to spend time looking inward for feminine wisdom. Her menses held mana or the 'breath of life' and were a source of nourishment for the fertile soil. But as the goddesses were cast aside, women's relationship with the lunar cycles and the tides was cast aside. Menstruating women were forced to remain apart lest they infect others with their uncleanliness and their wisdom was suppressed. Contradicting today's attitudes of shame, however, is a strong movement seeking to reclaim the power of menstruation and to see it as a supreme blessing rather than a curse.

For many women, menstruation is a time of altered awareness, creativity, spirituality, and new heights of intuition. The need for solitude or rest is unjustly perceived as a weakness, when in reality it indicates a strong urge for introspection during the menstrual cycle. Perception and sensitivity are both amplified, encouraging women to challenge themselves and others. The Native American tradition states that a menstruating woman has the potential to be more spiritually powerful than any male or female at any time. Some may experience these changes during different spans of the cycle. It is not uncommon to experience a stillness and desire for quiet during the first part of the menses and extreme clarity during the latter part. In ignoring or denying such feelings, men and women alike lose touch with feminine power and the awareness of the value of menstruation.

It may be helpful to understand that menstruation is a natural time within the moon cycle to retreat from worldly concerns and to embrace transformation. Women may enter into the cycle in one way and find they emerge renewed on the other side. Harnessing the power inherent means listening to intuition, noticing unique synchronicities, and understanding the core of oneself. It is a gift from the body to the earth and from the body to the mind.





Posted by angel-healing at 3:04 PM BST
Updated: Monday, 31 August 2009 3:09 PM BST
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
News from Moon Times Jul 09
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: archive newsletters


I have just had the most wonderful weekend at Quest where women came to chat to me about all kinds of menstrual health issues, and purchased lots of pads, sponges, diva cups and moon cups! One woman who bought a diva cup came back the next day to tell me how soft and comfortable it was!

This has been my most sucessful fair ever- mostly I feel I am working hard to challenge women to try an alternative to tampons and pads- where as these women were amazingly open to my products :)

so whats new on Moon Times?

 The new Earth Pathways Diary  2010 is out- See

Again, as last year it is dedicated to raising awareness and appreciation of the spirituality, magic and wonder of our land and the people who live here. Its mission statement is as follows: 'Celebrating the work of UK artists and writers who inspire our connection to the earth, the healing we are all part of, and the part we are all playing in creating the changes we wish to see happen, whether on a personal, local, or global level.' It’s a joy, it has that feel of something that is fresh and alive. Full of imagery, photographs and art by long-time favourites - Glennie Kindred, Carolyn Hillyer, Wendy Andrew, Dorrie Joy, Suzie Goose and many others, all in full colour. Full of inspired writing and poetry.

We also have the took kit- Key to the Universe (Jo- one of the authors came to Quest to offer card readings)
Key to the Universe Together, the book and cards offer a tool kit that helps you connect to the Primal Energies and begin working on them in your everyday life. Through conscious integration of these Energies you can work on problem areas of your life and relationships, save energy wasted in meaningless repetitions, and channel it into achieving your objectives. There are many paths you can explore that can lead you to growth: here is one that enables you to take practical steps to improve your daily life, the life of those around you and the future of the planet.

Other new products are:
Pads with poppers- after a few requests for press studs rather than velcro- we finally have the ability to fulfill your wish! See the design is the same- except wth press studs instead of velcro! I hope you like them :)

We have also created the 'basics pad' for those on a tight budget!
These pads and panty liners are ‘unfinished’- ie they havent been hemmed, turned inside out and finished like the more expensive pads. They fasten with a press stud. Basics Pads and Panty Liners are made from non organic flannelette on top but still have an organic fair-trade cotton underside and pads have 1 towelling insert.

see our 'Donation Page' for the Shyira Trust Maternity Project buy a pad/s for the women in Rwanda- The Trust have already bought 14 pads to send over, but many more are needed! see our 'Donation Page'

and just to remind you about our
Moon Lodge Forum do check it out!

Take care, and have a great summer, much love and many blessings,
Rachael xxxx


Posted by angel-healing at 11:22 AM BST
Updated: Tuesday, 7 July 2009 11:23 AM BST
Thursday, 4 June 2009
June News from Moon Times
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: archive newsletters


Hello, I’m back from a wonderful Sacred Arts Camp- the sun shone and we sang and danced! I do hope you had a wonderful bank holiday!

Since I got home I’ve been reading Alexandra Pope and Jane Bennett’s book The Pill- wow, what a shocker! I have some for sale and I really recommend it to women who are on it, thinking about going on it or your friends who are on it! (under the term The Pill they include all hormonal contraceptives)

The statistics of women on the Pill who are suffering from depression as a side effect are scary- and its made me realise many women I know who suffer from this are on the Pill- I’ve never made the connection! And a lot of doctors don’t either. There are many stories of women who have suffered extreme side effects apart from depression, and amazing survival stories- it well worth a read. I have posted a review of the book below and its available here on our books page  

Anyway- on a happier note- I have a new page where I am donating 10% of the price of our PINK PADS to the Penny Brohn Cancer Care Centre, so if you fancy going pink… click here

Moon Times Pink Pads are to raise money for Penny Brohn Cancer Care Centre

10% of the cost of your pad will go direct to

I’ve finally finished and published my new book; The Moon Times Cycle Charting Journal (including Moon Cycle Malas)

For women who want to chart their cycle naturally: includes information on your cycle, your hormonal changes throughout the month, natural methods to chart your fertility and has a 400 page journal to guide you through your cycle! Set includes a moon chart and moon mala beads Moon Times Cycle Charting Set is avalaible in our Books section

“Tuning in and listening to your body is the key to self empowerment and well being!

This set including journal, cycle malas and moon chart provide an interactive tool to enable you to understand how your cycle and body are influenced by your hormones and the ebb and flow of the moons cycles.

“Give yourself time to tune in and reclaim your cyclic nature. Write a short journal entry everyday. The rewards for doing this are beyond measure. You’ll feel connected to life in a whole new way, with increase respect for yourself and your magnificent hormones.” Dr Christiane Northrup”

What else is new?
See Shop for featured products and new stock!

A selection of Women’s Teas are on sale here

We have some Healing Herbs Wall Charts (these have very useful information and make a great gift)
Wall Charts

And you can visit us next weekend at :

The Garden Festival, Hellens Manor, Herefordshire 13 & 14 June
A wonderful festival celebrating all that’s green: from plants, to hand carved wooden objects, woven baskets, clothes, brick a brac and much more…well worth a visit!
Garden Festival

Or in July at:

Quest Natural Health Show, Newton Abbott Race Course, 2-5 July
A wonderful weekend of workshops and stalls and music
Moon Times will be there with a stall and Moon Lodge and Joanna who created the Daughters In Flower Cards will be offering readings!

and to finish...

Book Review by Anita Bennett

The Pill: Are you sure it’s for you?

By Jane Bennett and Alexandra Pope
Published by Allen and Unwin 2008

“The best news is that the female body is designed for ecstasy.” (p. 198)

From two writers who have devoted much time to women’s fertility health, comes a book which should be making the same headlines in the mainstream media as does the anti-smoking lobby. Why? Well, for one, how many of us knew that the authoritative WHO (World Health Organisation), upped the warning on the Pill in July 2005 by reclassifying it from “possibly carcinogenic to humans” to unreservedly “carcinogenic for humans”? That’s right, the Pill is proven to increase your chances of getting cancer—use of it before age 20, when most women take it, doubles the risk of breast cancer (The Lancet). And the injectable contraceptive that many of us feminists succeeded in banning in the 70s, Depo-Provera, because it caused such dreadful bleeding and weight gain is experiencing a big revival in the UK, even though experimentally Depo causes the most rapid proliferation of breast cancer cells. As the book asks so clearly “Will we soon see packets of the Pill carrying warnings like those on cigarette packs?”

Don’t hold your breath, but do take a look at how the Pill affects our everyday enjoyment of sexuality. Exactly thirty-three years ago, when in my twenties, I nearly died from a Dalkon Shield IUD-related ectopic pregnancy. After the British National Health Service saved my life, because warning signals had not been picked up while I was living in America, the consultant gynecologist, flanked by a group of medical students, came into my room to discuss my case. “What are the side effects of the patient taking the Pill now?” They went through the usual ones, thrombosis, etc., but still the consultant was not satisfied. I spoke up. “It’s puts you off sex.” “Right,” he beamed at me. “It decreases the libido.” I returned to the diaphragm for the rest of my reproductive life, following in my mother’s and grandmother’s footsteps and used it to overcome the
same consultant’s prediction that with only one tube I would be unlikely to ever have children. I’ve had three, on one tube.

So how wonderful it is to read on from the author’s line about ecstasy that “when we are given drugs such as the Pill, this ecstatic potential is interrupted the more it’s interrupted the more we may find ourselves relying on outer sources for our "high" and not trusting the wisdom and power of our bodies.” They drawn attention to Professor Lorraine Dennerstein who noted on television “that it’s strange that we have pharmaceutical companies spending millions of dollars trying to develop a pill that improves women’s sexual interest or arousal, while at the same time we liberally distribute the oral contraceptive Pill, which suppresses women’s sexual function. The Pill flattens out the natural oestradiol highs and suppresses testosterone, delivering a double libido blow.”

The book is easy to read, with punchy chapter titles, such as “Period power and how to get more of it”, “Dying not to get pregnant”, as well as clearly headlined sections. I would like summarise in quotes key points from several chapters, starting with “Taking the Pill for skin and period problems.”:

“If you are taking the Pill to handle PMS, period pain, cysts and acne, it’s important to realise that the cause of your symptoms hasn’t actually gone away, it’s been repressed. You can create further difficulties for yourself. These can be poor overall health, feeling unconnected to yourself, moodiness and depression—and YOU MIGHT ALSO HAVE MORE DIFFICULTIES WITH YOUR PERIOD AND FERTILITY WHEN YOU DO COME OFF THE DRUG. …”
Chinese Medicine practitioner Jane Lyttleton says that the Pill causes symptoms of liver qi which can lead to premenstrual symptoms, headaches and mood changes, and eventually risk fibroids.
The authors go on to explain that, “The Pill makes it harder to heal health problems in general and it could be exacerbating your menstrual woes rather than aiding them… It drains your body of essential nutrients, and disturbs absorption of key nutrients.”

One of the most refreshing insights, a real improvement from earlier feminism, is the emphasis on menstrual wellbeing. “This is
based on respect for the real intelligence for of your cycle. The old way which viewed the cycle as the problem is very last century and counterproductive.” A box has the following health tip, “Doing what you love. If you did not have to worry about the rest of the world when you bleed, what would you most love to be doing? Find a way to do at least 10 per cent of that.”

The beauty of the book it is more advocating how to get it right than it is simply knocking the Pill. My favourite section contains suggestions on how to combine barrier and natural fertility methods. “By combining natural and barrier methods ‘user fatigue’ can be avoided, as a condom or diaphragm may only be needed for a few days a month…When barrier methods are relied on solely for contraception, effectiveness may be compromised when a couple becomes tired of using them and may guess at or hope for a safe time. By learning fertility awareness you add to you options and deepen your understand of when you’re fertile. It’s easier then to enjoy safe, contraception-free sex and save the rubber for when you really need it.” To compliment my diaphragm soapbox, I recommend their excellent advice on natural spermicides, including, from Russian research, a fizzing Vitamin C inserted into the vagina ten minutes before sex. Or lemon juice on a sea sponge. This is important because some spermicides are not easily tolerated and it puts women off diaphragms.

As a teacher of the Alexander Technique, best known for back pain and performance anxiety, I like the section on the beauty of natural methods because it compliments my work to encourage dropping bad habits and to adopt new ones: “Gaining an understanding of their cyclic changes is not only healthier but also far sexier and more positive for relationships. The great secret of these methods is that once learnt, they then become automatic and then there’s very little to do…

“Paul’s partner Genevieve had tried the Pill and an IUD and then learned that Natural Fertility Management methods. He thinks,
”It’s great living with a natural woman and being part of her sexual and fertility cycles.” They happily share their contraceptive responsibilities and enjoy using fertility awareness to decide about when, or if, they want to have children.”

If there is one critical suggestion I would make it would be to make the Epilogue into the book’s subtitle—“Contraception for Great Sex”. This is the culmination of all the book’s hard work and it should be pasted on every bedroom wall. They write: “In the same way that relationships and sexuality are journeys of discovery, learning about your fertility and cycles can equally be an adventure that reveal new horizons.

Sex is a potent, grown-up activity, with powerful grown-up consequences—emotionally physically, socially and psychologically. In order to experience all that sex offers—the fun and the passion as well as the fulfillment and healing—requires embracing the whole sexual package. By giving care to your decision about contraception, as well as all the other implication of a sexual relationship, you may be very pleasantly surprised about what experiences unfold for you.”



Posted by angel-healing at 4:58 PM BST
Updated: Monday, 8 June 2009 8:32 AM BST
Saturday, 25 April 2009
Moon Times Newsletter
Topic: archive newsletters

Subject: News from Moon Times; new products, the connection with the moon & events.

Please forward this newsletter to any friends, family or colleagues who may be interested!


Hello, its lovely having warmer weather and some sunshine! I hope you are getting in to your gardens and soaking up some vitamin D!

Below are some new Moon Times Products, and article on the Connection to the Moon and events for your dairies!

Well I have been very busy rewriting my Menarche booklet and getting it published- its got a beautiful front cover by the artist Dorrie Joy (whose postcards are also on my website) See Postcards


The Menarche Book will be added to the Books section very soon!! Books

Menarche- a Journey into Womanhood- book for young women; including menarche (first period) stories, the connection to the moon, understanding your cycle, menstrual tips, books and poems.
Starting your period is a natural process however; initially it can be a little scary. You may know what your period is, but still be a little frightened when it starts.
This book is a chance to explore your feelings, thoughts, creativity that comes from being a bleeding woman, it will help you understand how your cycle and body are influenced by your hormones and the ebb and flow of the moons cycles. Tuning in and listening to your body is the key to self empowerment and well- being!


I have also created Moon Cycle Mala beads to chart your cycle!

For women who want to chart their cycle naturally
Moon Cycle Malas are a string of mala beads coloured to help you identify the days in your menstrual cycle where you are likely to become pregnant if you have unprotected sex.
These Moon Cycle Malas come with full instructions on how to use.
RED mala beads mark the days you are not likely to become pregnant
CLEAR mala beads mark the days you are most likely to become pregnant.
Moon Cycle Malas can
o Assist you in understanding and connecting with your body
o Assist you in learning to track your menstrual cycle
o Assist your partner in feeling more involved in family planning


What else is new?
See Shop for featured products and new stock!


We have some great Kits & Gift sets
healthy woman kit, moon maiden kits (2!) for girls, Mooncup and Moon sponge kits, a Relaxation kits, Lunar Eclipse for women nearing menopause….also incontinence pads now have their own page and patterned pads can be chosen by the pattern now!

We have also begun to stock Moon Sponges fro prolapse Prolapse Sponges
A more natural alternative to the hard pessaries some women use.
Diva Cups have been reduced by 10% as well as a few other items- some pads and pad bags are on sale!




Well I think that’s it…I just want to finish with a plug for Sacred Arts Camp- I met my husband at this camp and fell in love with both him and the camp life! The highlight for me has always been the tribal menarche ceremony held for the young women….its amazing! See their website and perhaps I’ll see some of you there! Sacred Arts Camp

 much love and blessings, Rachael

at Moon Times xxxx


 The Connection to the Moon


We know the tides of the oceans are caused by the magnetic pull of the moon. Scientific evidence shows that our biological cycles are connected to the moon and the tides, they work together with the electromagnetic fields of our body and affect our physiological responses.


The average woman’s menstrual cycle is 29.5 days- the same length of the moons cycle. It takes 29.5 days for the moon to wax from new to full and wane from full to new again.


There are many parallels between the moons cycle and our menstrual cycle; the introspective dark energy of the new moon is similar to the time of menstruation and the outward fullness of the full moon is similar to ovulation.


Research has shown that women living without artificial lights (home lighting, street lights etc have created an unnatural disconnection to our natural relationship with the light of the sun and moon) and who don’t eat foods that contain artificial hormones naturally bleed at the dark/new moon and ovulate with the full moon.


Many Tribal peoples refer to the moon as ‘Grandmother’ and admire her as an ancient wise one. Keeping track of the moon in your journal may invite some of the wisdom of Grandmother Moon in to your life!


A note about the Thirteenth Moon

There are Thirteen Moon Cycles in one solar year, The Mayans used a thirteen month calendar- when the patriarchal Gregorian Solar Calendar was created the Mayans said women had been ‘robbed of their moon and their power.’


“Transformation begins; the wheel of life turns

around the centre of spirit.

It dances and flows with the rhythm of my cycle - within me.

Turning, ever turning. The Cycle of Life”


So watch for that month that there are 2 full moons and perhaps you have 2 bleeds.

“Our failure to attend to the menstrual cycle as a vital and vitalising psycho-spiritual process deprives women of a fundamental layer to their process of maturation and empowerment including preparation for the profound psycho-spiritual challenges of pregnancy, birth and mothering. Unless we address this issue our healing, psychological and spiritual disciplines will constantly fall short in speaking to and nourishing women today. Our spiritual, psychological and physical wellbeing will continue to be undermined”. Alexandra Pope


EVENTS Moon Times will be at...pencil in to your diaries....


CANCELLED- due to credit crunch

The Goddess Show: Bath Show Ground, 7th June



The Garden Festival, Hellens Manor, Herefordshire 13 & 14 June  

A wonderful festival celebrating all that’s green: from plants, to hand carved wooden objects, woven baskets, clothes, brick a brac and much more…well worth a visit!
Garden Festival


Quest Natural Health Show, Newton Abbott Race Course, 2-5 July

A wonderful weekend of workshops and stalls and music
Moon Times will be there with a stall and Moon Lodge and Joanna who created the Daughters In Flower Cards will be offering readings!


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ALL outgoing e-mail is virus checked


Posted by angel-healing at 2:10 PM BST
Updated: Sunday, 17 May 2009 2:13 PM BST
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
e-newsletter From Rachael Hertogs
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: archive newsletters

March 09

Free e-newsletter From Rachael Hertogs

Archive newsletters can be found at


Hello! It has been a while again, and again I have lots of news!

I have new products on my website …with great books for women (ideal for mothers day gifts!) - Menopausal Years: The Wise Woman Way,  My Little Red Book, The Secret Pleasures of the Menopause and my compilation ‘not for profit’ book- Thirteen moons- Some of you have bought my Women’s Wisdom booklets over the years….well I have taken the ‘best bits’ of the booklets and created a 250+ page book called Thirteen Moons – it includes a Moon Journal for you to fill in and chart the connection between your cycle and the moon, as well as containing many articles by inspiring and amazing women, poems, art, stories and much more!

Also products such as women’s health kits, Bella Bees wonderful soothing balms, bamboo and hemp nappies, eco cleaning products, Green Bike oil etc! check it out



I also just wanted to highlight to those of you in Bristol….The Bristol Women’s Show, Ashton Gate, Bristol 29th March  

£5 entry with loads of freebies, workshops, advice, fashions shows, goody bags hope to see you there!


Have a happy mothers day and enjoy the sunshine J

blessings, Rachael xxx

Courses and Reiki Shares:


Reiki II Practitioners Class


Reiki II class starts April 14th  

-Tuesday Evenings 

and runs over 6 weeks in Montpelier 


Reiki II is about building on Level I, this level increases the flow of reiki energy and includes a further attunement. Reiki symbols are also given to help with more specific areas of healing and to allow distant treatments. There are a number of requirements and case studies to fulfill before receiving your practitioners certificate.

For further information, please contact

Rachael on 9537765



Reiki Share Dates for 2009- all Shares will be at Akousis 

(Fairlawn Rd, Montpelier) Friday Evenings

April 24th, June 19th, Aug 7th, Oct 2nd and Dec 4th contact me to confirm attendance.


Menstrual Health Workshop- at The Goddess Show: Bath Show Ground, 7th June

I'll be there with my Moon Lodge doing workshops and selling my products! do check their website:


The Bristol Green Store EXPANDS….

We now have a stall in the Exchange Hall, St Nicks Market, Corn St, Bristol


We’ll have our usual range of green & practical products from cleaning products such as Soap Nuts, vinegar, organic soap flakes to cloth nappies and wraps (new and 2nd hand), ‘personal care’ items; toothpaste, organic cotton wool, Mooncups….  locally made items such as Bella Bees Balms, Moons Times organic pads & panty liners, Simply Natural Homes natural cleaners, wooden hand crafted items etc

We accept Real Nappy Campaign Vouchers and offer Bio D washing up liquid refils!

Green Earth Paints, Thermafleece and more still available at our Chessel St Shop Bedminster.



Products on offer at St Nicks- natural cleaning products, Lactivist baby t-shirts, cloth nappies, breast pads, Bella Bees wonderful balms, Moon Times eco sanitary wear, natracare pads, organic cotton wool (throw away and washable!),  wooden goods, recycled china necklaces, green bike oil, and so much more!!



Events and Networking

EVENTS pencil in to your diaries....

The Bristol Women’s Show, Ashton Gate, Bristol 29th March  

£5 entry with loads of freebies, workshops, advice, fashions shows, goody bags


The Goddess Show: Bath Show Ground, 7th June

 I'll be there with my Moon Lodge doing workshops and of course selling my products! do check their website:


The Garden Festival, Hellens Manor, Herefordshire 13 & 14 June 

A wonderful festival celebrating all that’s green: from plants, to hand carved wooden objects, woven baskets, clothes, brick a brac and much more…well worth a visit!


Quest Natural Health Show, Newton Abbott Race Course, 2-5 July

A wonderful weekend of workshops and stalls and music

Moon Times will be there with a stall and Moon Lodge and Joanna who created the Daughters In Flower Cards will be offering readings! 




International Dance and Voice Camp

22nd MAY to 30th MAY 09

Held in Chiltern Hills in Oxfordshire, England


Sacred Arts Camp - be part of a delightful international community that honours the spiritual richness of the world. Building Community in rhythm with earth and sky, celebrating life through dance, voice and creative play.


Sacred Arts Camp is an alcohol, drugs and dog free camp!


The Dances of Universal Peace are the main focus of the Camp. These simple, heart-opening dances are based on sacred phrases from the world's spiritual traditions. Sing your heart out; experience the joy of singing together, explore your voice, discover harmony and learn beautiful songs from many traditions.

Sharing groups offer opportunities to explore current themes, skills sharing, men’s and women’s groups and celebrating our young adults. For adults & children of all ages, camp is a wonderful place for creativity, play and making new friends. Teenagers form a vibrant community within the camp, creating music, sharing and forming long lasting friendships.




Phone: Diane +44-(0) 1297 33700


Your Community Clinic- see website for dates and venues! Provide yourself with an opportunity for rest and enhance self esteem, feel more peaceful, content, positive and better able to cope with day to day stresses!£10 for 30 mins. Treatments are 30 minutes- although 1 hour sessions can be booked. see web site for therapies, venues and dates 

Peace Dances in Bristol With Tansen - an international teacher and mentor for thedances of universal peace .

"The Dances of Universal Peace change lives. And the world changes life by life. All over the earth people long for an alternative to the numbing effects of consumerism, to the fear of diversity that drives humanity apart. They long for an actual experience of reverence for the earth and life in all its forms. The dances show how." Neil Douglas-Klotz.

 Dances of Universal Peace offer a way to touch the spiritual essence of ourselves and of others through sacred chant and movement. Saturday 21st March 

doors open, drinks available from 10am Horfield Quaker Meeting House 300 Gloucester Rd, Bristol BS7 8PDTickets on the door £25 (£20 concessions)All welcome – no previous experience or pre-booking needed. Please bring veggie lunch to share. Ffi tel Celia 0117 924 1023 




Flower Eco Tips


 When choosing flowers forMother's day and gifts, consider where  your flowers have come from, what  conditions they might have been grown  in, and how far they've had to travel to get to you!

Many cut flowers have a sizable carbon footprint because they are grown abroad and shipped thousands of miles to the U.K. Pesticides may also have been used to grow them which can be harmful to both workers and the environment.


Don't despair though there are plenty of greener options available....

1. Smell the Seasons. Bulb flowers like Daffodils, tulips and hyacinths are not far away...we all associate sunflowers with summer - even winter has its share of beautiful, seasonal flowers.

2. Fair Trade flowers - consider the impact on the people in the country they were grown in. Were they grown in heat controlled greenhouses with pesticides and other chemicals?

3. Local or Organic - Use a florist who is knowledgable about selecting sustainable flowers - either grown locally or from an organic farm. Why not ask for biodegradable ribbons and accessories too?


An affirmation for you -

Be Open to Healing

I am open to my healing angels.
I am healthy, whole, and complete.
I allow my Inner Light to shine bright.



And to finish:


The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost.

-G.K. Chesterton 

Posted by angel-healing at 6:36 PM BST
Updated: Wednesday, 18 March 2009 6:38 PM BST
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
December Newsletter
Mood:  bright
Topic: archive newsletters

December 08

Free e-newsletter From Rachael Hertogs

Archive newsletters can be found at


I just wanted to remind you that, today, 10 December 2008, marks Human Rights Day and the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. So perhaps take a moment to think of those who are suffering, offer a prayer and give thanks for your own ‘safe’ life.

“It is our duty to ensure that these rights are a living reality -- that they are known, understood and enjoyed by everyone, everywhere. It is often those who most need their human rights protected, who also need to be informed that the Declaration exists -- and that it exists for them.”  Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon


We its been months since my last newsletter- and so much has happened, I walked part of the Camino De Santiago (what a wonderful, peaceful, amazing experience that was ), from there I went straight to the women’s 13 Moons Festival, and then back to reality of  working and teaching! My biggest news is that I have opened a shop- well a shop within a shop. We were unable to save our local Post office- but are hoping by opening our Bristol Green Store inside the old Chessel St Post Office we will at least save the corner shop from closure! So half of our shop is a very ordinary corner shop- with all your usual food stuffs and stationary supplies etc and then  on the other side is our Green Store- promoting local producers and sustainable green products- see below for the longer article and our website and face book link!


I have a new Angel Meditation- see


and of course my usual Moon Times products (we have extended our range in to Moon Sponges and Cups!) see

we will be supplying bamboo and hemp nappies in Jan 09!


Phew, well I guess that’s me…do enjoy the rest of the newsletter-- as usual there’s some events listed, networking section, winter tips, an affirmation and inspirational quote! Much love, Happy Winter Solstice and many Xmas blessings, Rachael xxx   

Courses and Reiki Shares:


New Year Reiki I Course

Jan 10th & 11th, Montpelier.


Reiki is a powerful ‘self help tool’ ~

it helps develop a positive attitude to life,

increases energy and  expands creativity.

Reiki brings about deep relaxation,

feelings of joy and well being, leaves you

feeling calmer, content and serene;

it helps you feel more optimistic and

better able to cope with day to day

stresses that modern day living often brings.

This level allows you to channel reiki energy

and thus treat yourself and others.


The class consists of an attunement and

all the required information & practical

exercises to allow you to understand

and use Reiki.


For further information, please contact

Rachael on 9537765



Reiki Share Dates for 2009- all Shares will be at Akousis 

(Fairlawn Rd, Montpelier) Friday Evenings

Feb 6th, April 24th, June 19th, Aug 7th, Oct 2nd and Dec 4th contact me to confirm attendance.



My New Venture- The Bristol Green Store

The Bristol Green Store has grown up out of my Moon Times business, and a need to provide access to my products beyond the webshop and fairs.  I was also fed up with not being able to get practical green things, from cleaners to natural beauty products, without a trip across town or spending a fortune on carriage from online stores!

So I teamed up with Emma Winfield  (of Simply Natural Homes), an active member with me of Transition BS3, to launch Bristol's one-stop-green-store.  We are located within The Ghost Office (the former Post Office in The Chessels in Ashton / Bedminster), and share the space with his traditional corner store.

We've got multiple ambitions for the store - in addition to providing sustainable goods and practical items to help us each lessen our impact, we want to build the Bristol-wide local economy.  We are inviting every local producer of sustainable goods in and around Bristol to get involved, offering their items for sale through the store.  We are also launching a services directory listing local trades people with experience of green trades & products.  We will also be contributing towards keeping The Ghost Office open as a corner store, a vital local service for the elderly and less able in our area especially.

Please support us by coming in to the store, letting us know what else you'd like to see in there and bringing samples of your produce if you'd like to be part of the offering!.



Products on offer- natural cleaning products, Eco paints and varnishes, baby booties, baby and kids t-shirts, nappies, breast pads, grown ups t-shirts, tea towels, cards of all kinds, photos, Bella Bees wonderful balms, Moon Times eco sanitary wear, natracare pads, organic cotton wool (throw away and washable!), knitted hats, scarves, wraps, gloves, wool, felt purses, scarves, wooden plates, bowls, mirrors, green bike oil, books, Pure Nuff  beauty products, diaries, calendars, gift packs and so much more!!


Events and Networking

'Introduction to Massage' with Claire Day from Bella-Bees.
Sunday 25th January 2009 10am - 4pm & Tuesday 27th January 2009 7pm - 9.30pm @ the Pierian Centre, 27 Portland Square, Bristol.

For people who would like to learn massage but want a taster before
embarking on a full course.  For therapists who need a refresher or to
learn some different techniques - then this is the course for you.

Booking essential as limited places.  Total fee £65 or book as a couple for £120 Make this a Christmas gift that keeps on giving!

Moon Journeys: retreats, workshops, courses and pilgrimages, for personal and spiritual development. Mostly working in small groups, often with the resources of nature and our inspiring environment, we have a wide programme of events and trips (some local and some not so local!) to suite people looking to explore their inner and outer landscapes. See, a new one-stop website for Bristol’s growing green and ethical scene, is taking a fresh approach to local environmentalism. Launched by researchers at the University of Bristol, it’s a place for you to discover local businesses and initiatives, search for ethical jobs, trade free stuff, and tune into local news, events and discussions.

Your Community Clinic- see website for dates and venues! Provide yourself with an opportunity for rest and enhance self esteem, feel more peaceful, content, positive and better able to cope with day to day stresses!£10 for 30 mins. Treatments are 30 minutes- although 1 hour sessions can be booked. see web site for therapies, venues and dates 

Peace Dances in Bristol With Amida Harvey
 Dances of Universal Peace offer a way to touch the spiritual essence of ourselves and of others through sacred chant and movement. Saturday 20 Dec 10.30 to 4pm doors open, drinks available from 10am Horfield Quaker Meeting House 300 Gloucester Rd, Bristol BS7 8PDTickets on the door £25 (£20 concessions)All welcome – no previous experience or pre-booking needed. Please bring veggie lunch to share. Ffi tel Celia 0117 924 1023 

Beautiful Therapy / Office Screens from Cambridge Futon: Shoji square pattern with paper backing ....Natural, black or red.  £75  plus £10 delivery per screen. Bamboo screens ....Natural, black or walnut.  £85 plus delivery, see or contact

Websites don't have to be expensive. They can cost as little as £50 to set up a simple one and are a great way to let people know about you and what you do. You can use them to promote your business or to share family photos with friends overseas.  Contact Lisa Cole  for more details.

Green Finder- check out  the green directory showcasing the best eco friendly products online & at green events throughout the U.K. We are here to help you in your quest for a greener lifestyle whether you are making your first faltering steps in sustainability or you are a fully fledged environmentalist wishing to learn more about saving the planet. Here at GreenFinder we aim to provide you with all the information you need to make those all important steps (big or small) for a cleaner, greener and more ethical world.



Health Tips for Winter

By  Kami McBride


1) Eat medicinal soups

Soup keeps you warm and is easy to digest. If you are exposed to any sickness, your body can focus on healing instead of having to digest foods that take a lot of energy. Soups are easily digested and are the perfect winter food. Just load your soups up with LOTS of herbs 

How to Make Delicious Medicinal Soup


2) Drink herbal tea on a regular basis


  3) Keep your lymph moving

We often move less in the winter so it is important to find ways to keep your lymph moving and clearing out stagnation. Your lymph system helps to carry your immune cells, so healthy lymph movement means a healthier immune system.

 One simple thing you can do is to incorporate more massage into your life.  Massage is a great winter remedy. Working with a massage therapist is always nice, but you can also bring massage into your home on a regular basis.

 Get a few nice massage oils and do ten minute massage exchanges in the evening with the people you live with. It is amazing how much you can accomplish in ten minutes several times a week. 


Kami McBride has taught herbal medicine since 1988. Through her classes andpersonal wellness consultations she helps people understand how whole foodsand herbal medicine are an important aspect of everyone’s preventive healthcare plan. Kami has helped thousands of people learn to use herbs in their dailylives in ways that are healthy, safe and fun and she teaches classes in herbalmedicine and women’s health at her school and herb gardens in Vacaville,California.  


An affirmation for you -

The light of God surrounds me;

The love of God enfolds me;

The power of God protects me;

The presence of God watches over me.

Wherever I am, God is . . .

And all is well!

Prayer of Protection (1941)
James Dillet Freeman (1912-2003)
Poet Laureate of Unity



And to finish: On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know...

...that every increased possession loads us with a new



John Ruskin said that, and he was right. Life is not about our physical or material possessions, it is about the agenda of our soul. When material possessions serve that agenda, they can be wonderful and are to be celebrated. But if they come between us and the soul, then we may very well be delayed on our holy


Our journey is the path back to peace, to harmony, to deep inner joy, to love, and to God





Posted by angel-healing at 10:12 AM GMT
Friday, 23 May 2008
May/June Newsletter
Mood:  chatty
Topic: archive newsletters

June 08

Free e-newsletter

From Rachael Hertogs

Archive newsletters can be found at http://angel-healing.tripod.comHi ,Well I didn’t win The Evening Post ‘Sustainable Business Award’ but being a runner up was great- and I got to have a free slap up dinner and dress up in a posh frock and my husband had his dress shirt etc on- so that was fun! Plus all the free publicity! See  I’ve been busy preparing for my stall the Vegan Fayre in Bristol next weekend- see they’ve got some great bands lined up! Do pop by and say hello- I’m on stall 99! I’d also like to recommend a charming book one of my reiki students lent me- its The Buddha and the Terrorist by Satish Kumar- it’s a lovely small book (only £4.95) that is an inspiring retelling of an ancient legend.-The synopsis: Among all the experiences of the Buddha, perhaps his eye-to-eye encounter with an actual terrorist is the one most relevant and vital for those of us caught in the binds of the early 21st century. By telling the tale of the pitiless blood-splattered Angulimala, Satish Kumar reminds us that when the Buddha deliberately and compassionately faced real fear, the fear in that real face evaporated. This revised edition includes a new Prologue, "Talking to Terrorists", in which Satish Kumar discusses how we can best deal with the phenomenon of international terrorism. Keep an eye out for it next time you are book shopping J Below is some info on my latest workshop- A Summer Solstice celebration for women and I have a reiki I weekend coming up in July! Also as usual there’s some events listed, networking section, an affirmation and inspirational quote- enjoy! Much love and many blessings,Rachael xxx   

Courses and workshops:

Women’s Summer Solstice Celebration!

Join me and a group of women in celebrating the summer solstice with a day of touching nature, creativity, singing, movement, visualisation, stories and honouring one another.

  Saturday June 21st   (book before May 31st)

St Werburghs

£50 per woman

payment covers hire of a beautiful space – in nature, workshop materials, refreshments and chocolate! 

Call Rachael to book 9537765

Summer Solstice Celebration - embracing the creative energy of the sun.  We will use song, visualisation and art to connect within.

Contact Rachael for further info or to book


At Wise Women’s Workshops we offer unique healing spaces for women

The sessions will be facilitated by me, Rachael Hertogs-I have worked with many inspiring wonderful women in my life. I am a mother of teens, an artist, Reiki Teacher and workshop facilitator.


Reiki I Class

Anyone can learn to be a Healer!

Rei = Universe    Ki = energy, life force 

A weekend course July 19th and 20th in Montpelier   

Reiki is a powerful ‘self help tool’ ~ it helps develop a positive attitude to life,  increases energy and  expands creativity.   Reiki brings about deep relaxation, feelings of joy and well being, leaves you feeling calmer, content and serene; it helps you feel more optimistic and better able to cope with day to day stresses that modern day living often brings. 

Taught by Rachael Hertogs- Reiki Master/Teacher

Cost £150 ~ some concessionary places available- please ask For further information please contact Rachael on 9537765  email  

Rachael and Moon Times will be at various festivals and events this summer- so if you are near by come and say hello! May 31st/1 June- I'll be at the Bristol Vegan Fair where I’ll be joined by some therapist friends who will be offering Indian Head Massage and reflexology! Joanna Crowson who interpreted the 'Daughters in Flower' oracle (on my products page) will be popping along to offer card don’t miss out! June 14th and 15th is the Hereford Garden Festival'll be selling my Moon Times products with my friend Claire from Bella Bees ( June 28th Green Parenting Show- Dulwich I’ll be there with Claire and her Bella Bees products!

Come and vote for the Yaoh 008 Environmental Awards!
Vote every month for your chance to win a Vegan Hamper worth £50!
To cast your vote, just follow this link

Events and Networking

Your Community Clinic- Now with late nights til 8pm- see website for dates and venues!Provide yourself with an opportunity for rest and enhance self esteem, feel more peaceful, content, positive and better able to cope with day to day stresses!£10 for 30 mins.treatments are 30 minutes- although 1 hour sessions can be booked.see web site for therapies,venues and dates 

Peace Dances in Bristol With Philip Tansen O’DonohoeDances of Universal Peace offer a way to touch the spiritual essence of ourselves and of others through sacred chant and movement.Saturday 21 June 10.30 to 4pmdoors open, drinks available from 10amHorfield Quaker Meeting House 300 Gloucester Rd, Bristol BS7 8PDTickets on the door £25 (£20 concessions)All welcome – no previous experience or pre-booking needed. Please bring veggie lunch to share. Ffi tel Celia 0117 924 1023 

Websites don't have to be expensive. They can cost as little as £50 to set up a simple one and are a great way to let people know about you and what you do. You can use them to promote your business or to share family photos with friends overseas.  Contact Lisa Cole  for more details.

Tips: Basil

Beloved BasilBy Kami McBrideThis is the season when basil is most lush. Except for not at my house. The deerdiscovered my basil patch this year. I found two mamas and three babies in mypatch one morning and they had pretty much feasted the basil into nonexistence.I thought I planted enough for everyone, but the deer decided theywanted it all! Oh well, now I have to buy basil at the store.The botanical name for basil is Ocimum basilicum which comes from the Greekword for king. Indeed in many parts of the world basil is known as the king of allherbs. Basil contains plenty of vitamins A and C and is a powerful anti-oxidant.Anti-oxidant herbs help protect your cells from damage caused by unstablemolecules known as free radicals. Free radical damage can contribute to heartdisease, cancer and pre-mature aging. Eating basil helps to mop up the freeradical cells in your body that can be caused by stress, pesticides andenvironmental toxins.Basil is also antibacterial and antiviral making it an effective remedy for thecommon cold and flu. Eating basil in your food and drinking basil tea is goodpreventive health care. Frankly, I suggest eating as much basil as you can getyou hands on this time of year!We think of basil as part of the tomato sauce or pasta dish, but a cup of basil teaworks wonders for almost any digestive complaint. Basil tea relieves stomachcramps and spasms, nausea, gas and constipation. That must be why it is in somany pasta dishes, so you can eat more pasta! Basil doesn’t make the world’sbest tasting tea, but it is not so bad, especially when you find out what it can dofor your stomach.A favourite way to eat basil is to make pesto. You can make the classic pesto withParmesan cheese and pine nuts and you can also get creative and make pestowith many other ingredients. During the summer months in my household, pestois the fifth food group. I like pesto with scrambled eggs for breakfast. Pestospread on my turkey sandwich for lunch and pesto on top of any fish, chicken orpasta dish for dinner. Just eat embalming levels of pesto and no cold or flubacteria can even get near you.Basil is one of my all time favourite herbs. I especially love it because it is tasty inso many different types of meals. Here are some of my favourite ways to get basilinto everyone who eats with me!

Pesto Revival1 bunch stemmed, chopped basil leaves½ cup combination of other chopped culinary herbs: rosemary, oregano,nasturtium leaves and flowers, savoury, parsley, tarragon, thyme, arugula, sage½ -1 cup olive oil3 garlic cloves4 tablespoons of nut of choice: pecans, walnuts, almonds or sunflower seeds3 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese1 tablespoon balsamic vinegarDash of sea salt

Nutty Basil Salad Dressing½ bunch of basil leavesSprig of chopped rosemaryHandful of chopped parsley1 cup olive oil2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar4 tablespoons water1 garlic clove¼ cup toasted sunflower seeds (put plain shelled sunflower seeds in a cast ironskillet and dry roast for five minutes)1/8 teaspoon sea saltDash of black pepperBlend all ingredients except for the herbs together in the blender until smooth.Add basil leaves and other herbs a few at a time until you get the consistency ofsalad dressing that you like. This is my favourite salad dressing; I eat it on saladsand baked chicken

Digest-Ease Basil Tea1 cup water1 tablespoon freshly chopped basil leafPut herbs and water in a pot with the lid on. Bring to a boil and then immediatelyturn off the heat. Let the basil steep for fifteen minutes and then strain it out.Drink one to two cups a day 

Kami McBride has taught herbal medicine since 1988. Through her classes andpersonal wellness consultations she helps people understand how whole foodsand herbal medicine are an important aspect of everyone’s preventive healthcare plan. Kami has helped thousands of people learn to use herbs in their dailylives in ways that are healthy, safe and fun and she teaches classes in herbalmedicine and women’s health at her school and herb gardens in Vacaville,California.  

An affirmation for you -God is my true life. It could not be otherwise. God leads me; God trails me; God holds me in the arms of spiritual love. My thoughts serve me and inspire me as I meet every situation with strength.
And to finish:Behind Every Desire There is no desire that anyone holds for any other reason than that they believe they will feel better in the achievement of it.

Whether it is a material object, a physical state of being, a relationship, a condition or a circumstance — at the heart of every desire is the desire to feel good.

And so, the standard of success in life is not the things or the money — the standard of success is absolutely the amount of joy you feel.

Ask and It Is Given
Esther and Jerry Hicks

 Please forward this newsletter to anyone you think would enjoy it or benefit. Blessings


Posted by angel-healing at 4:56 PM BST
Updated: Friday, 23 May 2008 5:06 PM BST

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