Angel Healing ...the extras!
Sunday, 26 September 2010
The Only Message That Matters
Mood:  bright
Topic: Musings
The Only Message That Matters
We Are All One.

This is the only message that matters. It is the only message there is. Everything else in life is a reflection of this message. Everything else sends it.

The fact that you have so far failed to receive it (you have heard it often, but you have failed to receive it) is what has caused every misery, every sorrow, every conflict, every heartache in your experience. It has caused every murder, every war, every rape and robbery, every assault and attack, mental, verbal, and physical. It has caused every illness and dis-ease, and every encounter with what you call "death."

The idea that we are not One is an illusion.

Communion With God
Neale Donald Walsch
Pages 13-14

Posted by angel-healing at 9:04 AM BST
Sunday, 27 June 2010
What Is Love?
Mood:  bright
Topic: Musings
What Is Love?
It is that which is without condition, without limitation, and without need.

Because it is without condition, it requires nothing in order to be expressed. It asks nothing in return. It withdraws nothing in retaliation.

Because it is without limitation, it places no limitation on another. It knows no ending, but goes on forever. It experiences no boundary or barrier.

Friendship With God
Neale Donald Walsch
Page 156

Posted by angel-healing at 11:59 AM BST
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Message from Lakota medicine man on oil spill and what we can do
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Musings
Message from Lakota medicine man on oil spill and what we can do

Although the head of BP says the oil leak is "small" - a well known Lakota medicine man 'Chief Arvol Looking Horse' says otherwise and what WE CAN DO:

"A Great Urgency... To All World Religious and Spiritual Leaders.

My Relatives,

Time has come to speak to the hearts of our Nations and their Leaders. I ask you this from the bottom of my heart, to come together from the Spirit of your Nations in prayer.

We, from the heart of Turtle Island, have a great message for the World; we are guided to speak from all the White Animals showing their sacred color, which have been signs for us to pray for the sacred life of all things.

As I am sending this message to you, many Animal Nations are being threatened, those that swim, those that crawl, those that fly, and the plant Nations, eventually all will be affect from the oil disaster in the Gulf.

The dangers we are faced with at this time are not of spirit. The
catastrophe that has happened with the oil spill which looks like the bleeding of Grandmother Earth, is made by human mistakes, mistakes that we cannot afford to continue to make.

I ask, as Spiritual Leaders, that we join together, united in prayer with the whole of our Global Communities. My concern is these serious issues will continue to worsen, as a domino effect that our Ancestors have warned us of in their Prophecies.

I know in my heart there are millions of people that feel our united prayers for the sake of our Grandmother Earth are long overdue. I believe we as Spiritual people must gather ourselves and focus our thoughts and prayers to allow the healing of the many wounds that have been inflicted on the Earth.

As we honor the Cycle of Life, let us call for Prayer circles globally to assist in healing Grandmother Earth (our Unc'I Maka).

We ask for prayers that the oil spill, this bleeding, will stop. That the winds stay calm to assist in the work. Pray for the people to be guided in repairing this mistake, and that we may also seek to live in harmony, as we make the choice to change the destructive path we are on.

As we pray, we will fully understand that we are all connected. And that what we create can have lasting effects on all life.

So let us unite spiritually, All Nations, All Faiths, One Prayer. Along
with this immediate effort, I also ask to please remember June 21st, World Peace and Prayer Day/Honoring Sacred Sites day. Whether it is a natural site, a temple, a church, a synagogue or just your own sacred space, let us make a prayer for all life, for good decision making by our Nations, for our children's future and well-being, and the generations to come.

Onipikte (that we shall live)"

Chief Arvol Looking Horse
19th generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe

Posted by angel-healing at 7:36 AM BST
Updated: Wednesday, 26 May 2010 7:37 AM BST
Monday, 17 May 2010
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Musings
We, the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers
Ask you to join us:

MAY 18, 2010

Along with many peoples all around the globe, and many water prayers this spring, we are calling for a

Our main intention for this healing is to return the waters to their original pure crystalline blueprint, and to add to their abundance for the nourishment of ALL living things on the planet.

Pray in your local waterways, at the rivers or lakes or streams. Or pray with a bowl of water in the middle of the cities.

"We are Water Babies.
Do not to forget to say thank you every day for the water you drink,
the water you bathe in.
Without our Mother water we would not survive."
Grandmother Agnes Baker Pilgrim, Takelma Siletz, Oregon

The specific ceremonies being conducted on May 18, 2010:

Grandmothers will be holding Water Prayers in the following places:

African Rainforest, Gabon - Grandmother Bernadette Rebienot
Great Lakes, USA- Grandmother Rita Blumenstein
Mountains of Oaxaca, Huautla de Jimenez - Grandmother Julieta Casimiro
Desert of the American Southwest- Grandmother Mona Polacca
France - Grandmother Flordemayo
Black Hills of North America- Beatrice and Rita Long Visitor Holy Dance
Plains of North America, Montana-Grandmother Margaret Behan
Hood River, Oregon- Agnes Baker Pilgrim
Nepalese Himalayas- Aama Bombo
Brazilian Amazon-Grandmothers Maria Alice Freire and Clara Shinobu Iura
Tibetan Ceremonies in Canada- Tsering Dolma Gyaltong
Mahia, Aotearoa, New Zealand - Ambassador Pauline Tangiora

At the same time, people will be praying at
Nine specific bodies of water around the planet using crystalline energy

· Lake Tahoe, California
· Lake Titicaca, Peru
· Lake MacKay Australia
· Lake Chad, Africa
· Lake Bikkal, Russia
· Lake Kissyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan
· Lake Geneva, Switzerland
· Lake Superior, Minnesota
· Colorado River Complex
(Healing and Purification Ceremonies for this vital USA waterway)

"Water reflects the human soul. If you say, 'thank you' to water, it will be reflected in the form of beautiful crystals overflowing with gratitude in return." Masuru Emoto, The Secret Life of Water

For more information:

Posted by angel-healing at 10:53 AM BST
Updated: Monday, 17 May 2010 10:55 AM BST
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
On freedom
Mood:  bright
Topic: Musings

"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us."

-- Stephen Covey

"Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you."

-- Jean-Paul Sartre

"One cannot make a slave of a free person, for a free person is free even in a prison."

-- Plato

Posted by angel-healing at 4:25 PM BST
Friday, 19 March 2010
Bringing an End to Judgment
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Musings
Bringing an End to Judgment
When you bring an end to judgment, you bring an end to an entire way of living. This is no small thing. This is a life-changing shift in attitude and behavior. This is a miracle.

But how does one perform this miracle? That is the question to which everyone wants an answer. Please, then, pay very close attention to what I am going to tell you now: The way to move out of judgment is to move into gratitude.

Happier Than God
Neale Donald Walsch

Posted by angel-healing at 5:13 PM BST
Sunday, 14 February 2010
The Infinite Journey to Conscious Loving
Mood:  amorous
Topic: Musings

The Infinite Journey to Conscious Loving
by Gay Hendricks, Ph.D. & Kathlyn Hendricks, Ph.D.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make a heroic shift out of an old paradigm, the default programming that we’re born into Unconscious Loving to a new paradigm, Conscious Loving. Here’s a quick look at the old and the new paradigms, so you'll know what you're getting out of and getting into.


We repeat the same patterns and problems over and over, and we don’t identify ourselves as the source of those patterns and problems. We spend a lot of time ignoring or recycling the patterns, and expend considerable energy trying to prove somebody else is to blame.

We get defensive in situations where we could get enlightened. Somebody says, "Hey, you’ve got a drinking problem." We reply, "Says who?" They say, "Well, you drove into the driveway last night, ran over the kid’s bike, threw up in the flower bed and peed in your wife’s steam iron." We reply, "Nobody’s perfect, and you're a jerk for ruining my day with your negativity." (Defensive maneuvers: Getting sleepy, bored or tired; getting irritable, hostile or tense; getting fascinated by TV, food, liquor, tobacco, drugs; stonewalling, sulking, withdrawing.)

We have feelings we don't share, or are carrying secrets we haven’t told to the relevant person. (Distinction between secrets and privacy: Secrets are things you hide because you’re afraid of how others would react if they heard them. Privacy is when you keep something hidden because to share it would dilute its personal or sacred nature. Example: For Bill Clinton, Monica was a secret, and the relevant person to tell was Hillary. For Monica, the journal she kept would fit the privacy category.)

We think of ourselves as victims and go back and forth between thinking of others as perpetrators or fellow-victims. In conflicts, we argue from the Victim-Position, casting others as Perpetrators. To resolve arguments, we often join the others in being Fellow-Victims.


Us: You're ruining my life, you jerk.
Them: No way. You're ruining my life, you jerk.
(Repeat until somebody drops from exhaustion.)
Us: You know what? You and I are okay. It’s the world that’s ruining our lives.
Them: Yeah! Here, have a brewski.

We don’t express our full creativity, and have a variety of reasons, many of which are excellent, why we’re not doing so.


The new paradigm is built on the earlier foundation described in our earlier books such as CONSCIOUS LOVING. In that book, two principles occupied center stage: The Authenticity Principle and The Responsibility Principle. The Authenticity Principle holds that relationships only flourish when both people speak the microscopic truth. If any relationship problem recycles, look for the significant truth that has not yet been spoken. If the microscopic truth is not spoken (for example, "I didn’t have sex with that woman") a costly and tiresome melodrama usually occurs in the aftermath of the lie.

The Responsibility Principle holds that relationships only flourish when both people take 100% responsibility for any issue that arises. By contrast, most people try to apportion responsibility, which always leads to blame, conflict and power struggles. For example, a repetitive conflict about money only resolves when each person claims full responsibility by asking, "Even if it looks like my partner’s problem, in what ways am I contributing to the perpetuation of this problem?"


Now, two new principles take relationship transformation into a new dimension: The Commitment Principle and The Appreciation Principle. These principles hold powerful keys to an ongoing problem in human relationships: How to free individual creativity while simultaneously bringing both partners into greater harmony.

The Commitment Principle: Every relationship problem is rooted in an overlooked commitment issue, and if this issue is addressed correctly it becomes a springboard to a profound breakthrough in closeness and individual creativity. The principle holds true even if the two people involved in the conflict have been in relationship for decades. It also applies to boardroom as well as bedroom relationships. By analyzing hundreds of conflicts, we discovered that the problem often began with a withheld commitment. In other words, someone (or sometimes all parties) did not fully commit. Once we made this discovery, we worked out a simple way to find where the commitment problem was located and a technique for moving through the impasse rapidly.

The Appreciation Principle holds that relationship problems begin in an "appreciation gap," a specific place where a break occurs in the ongoing flow of appreciation. In the absence of a felt-sense of appreciation ‹given and received, spoken and unspoken) a host of energy-draining problems ensue. After discovering this principle, we designed a simple set of appreciation activities, which anyone can do.

In Conscious Loving, we do things very differently than in the old paradigm:

If a pattern or problem repeats itself, we look for the source of the pattern in ourselves, even if another person looks like the main character in the drama. Example: Even if your partner is the one who’s come home drunk every night for the past sixteen years, the conscious person thinks, "Hmmm, how am I inviting this sort of behavior in my life?" and "Hmmm, who was it that didn’t kick him/her out fifteen years and 364 days ago?"

We commit ourselves to learning, instead of getting defensive, in every interaction. We get skilled at thanking people and the universe for giving us feedback, instead of punishing them. "Thanks for pointing out my drinking problem. From my actions (the bike, the flower bed and the steam iron), it appears I’m out of control."

We make conscious commitments, and hold ourselves scrupulously to those commitments. We commit to things that are within our control, such as telling the truth and taking responsibility, not to things that can't be controlled (promising to love the person always, promising we'll never do it again, etc.)

We tell the truth, and give enough detail so that the relevant other person fully understands. Bill: "Yes, indeed, I had sex with that woman. The first five times were fun and titillating, although I didn’t ejaculate, but the last two times were ho-hum even though I did. I feel guilty as hell and scared you won’t like me."

We take full responsibility for what happens in our lives, and seek out relationships with others who also take full responsibility. In a conscious relationship there are no power struggles because each person takes 100% responsibility.

We commit ourselves to full creative expression. If we're fully engaged in our own creativity, we don't have time to accuse others of oppressing it.

We speak appreciations frequently. Examples: I appreciate you for helping Kevin with his spelling last night, I appreciate the way you look today, I appreciate your sense of humor.


We’ve found that it’s possible to take a rapid ride to hitherto-unimaginable relationship heights by adopting one very radical concept and practicing one very simple technique.

The Concept

Stop focusing on problems, difficulties and issues for a period of time (a month is a good period of time to start with) and instead, focus only on expressing appreciations to your partner (or to anyone else you want to be close to, such as children or co-workers.) At the end of the period of time, you can always go back to focusing on problems if you want to. However, most people find that expressing appreciations clears up even long-standing, recurring problems that nothing else has budged.

The Technique

Step One
Choose a heartfelt commitment to making the expression of appreciation your top creative priority. In other words, choose to regard thinking up and delivering appreciations as your highest art form. A year or so ago, I (Gay Hendricks) chose appreciating Katie as my highest priority art form. Until then, I regarded my writing as my highest priority art form. I decided to put as much time and energy into noticing things I appreciate about her, thinking up ways to appreciate her and delivering appreciations to her as I did to my writing. To my delight, our relationship took a quantum jump (it was already great!) to absolutely transcendental. To my great surprise, my writing became even more fun and productive.

Step Two
For one month, put your focus on one major activity: Think up and deliver appreciations as often as you can, but at least ten to twenty times a day. Focus mainly on verbal appreciations, appreciation-by-touch and telepathic whole-body appreciations. Use material appreciations sparingly if at all.

At the end of the month, evaluate the level of positive energy that’s flowing between you.

© The Hendricks Institute.

Posted by angel-healing at 12:29 PM GMT
Monday, 11 January 2010
The Soul Loves Intimately
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Musings
The Soul Loves Intimately
The soul loves intimately, but the self is shrouded in fear. The soul knows that all things are facets of an infinitely faceted divine singularity; that each face you meet is, in fact, a unique expression of God.

The self insists otherwise, mistaking each facet of God as a being separate from God and everything else, and envisioning a scarcity-driven, zero-sum world of competing selves forever condemned to a fearful and anxious existence.

It isn't the soul that needs to hear the message of love, but the self. It isn't heaven that needs to be transformed by love, but earth.

"Why Angels Have Wings"
Rami Shapiro

Posted by angel-healing at 8:06 AM GMT
Thursday, 7 January 2010
Shine Your New Spirituality Light
Mood:  bright
Topic: Musings

You are the light of the world. Do you not know this?

Everyone is, when they choose to be.

A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bushel. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.

In the same way, let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and praise the beliefs which have sponsored them.

By this means you can help others span the chasm between yesterday and tomorrow, and close the gap between the comfort of tradition and the necessity of innovation.

For the world must now invent itself anew. Yet honor the past as you envision the future. Do not completely reject old beliefs, nor require anyone else to. Enlarge upon them, alter them where alteration seems appropriate, and invite others to do the same.

Let your New Spirituality be not the rejection, but the fulfillment, of all that your old religious laws and your ancient prophets have promised you. And when others ask what you are doing, say: Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them.
The New Revelations
Neale Donald Walsch


Posted by angel-healing at 9:25 AM GMT
Sunday, 27 December 2009
Joy and Sadness
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Musings
Joy and Sadness 

Joy is life, expressing. The free flow of life energy is what you call joy. The essence of life is Oneness -- unity with All That Is.

This is what life is: unity, expressing.

The feeling of unity is the feeling that you call love. Therefore, in your language, it is said that the essence of life is love.

Joy, then, is love, expressing freely.

 Whenever the free and unlimited expression of life and love -- that is, the experience of unity and oneness with all things and with every sentient being -- is prohibited or limited by any circumstance or condition, the soul, which is joy itself, is not fully expressed.

Joy not fully expressed is the feeling that you call sadness.
Friendship With God
Neale Donald Walsch
Page 264


Posted by angel-healing at 9:45 AM GMT

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