Angel Healing ...the extras!
Thursday, 4 December 2008
There Is Only One Reason
There Is Only One Reason
There is only one reason to do anything: as a statement to the universe of Who You Are.

Conversations With God, Book 1

Posted by angel-healing at 8:18 AM GMT
Thursday, 20 November 2008
visit the Bristol Green Store

Before you go Christmas shopping, come & see what's on offer locally in the Bristol Green Store!  Special items in from local producers especially for Christmas!

 The Bristol Green Store has grown up out of my Moon Times businesses, and a need to provide access to my products beyond the webshop and fairs.  I was also fed up with not being able to get practical green things, from cleaners to insulation, without a day trip away or spending a fortune on carriage from online stores.

 So I teamed up with Emma Winfield  (of Simply Natural Homes), an active member with me of Transition BS3, to launch Bristol's one-stop-green-store.  We are located within The Ghost Office (the former Post Office in The Chessels in Ashton / Bedminster), and share the space with his traditional corner store.

 We've got multiple ambitions for the store - in addition to providing sustainable goods and practical items to help us each lessen our impact, we want to build the Bristol-wide local economy.  We are inviting every local producer of sustainable goods in and around Bristol to get involved, offering their items for sale through the store.  We are also launching a services directory listing local tradespeople with experience of green trades & products.  We will also be contributing towards keeping The Ghost Office open as a corner store, a vital local service for the elderly and less able in our area especially.

 Please support us by coming in to the store, letting us know what else you'd like to see in there, bringing samples of your produce if you'd like to be part of the offering, printing off flyers & posters and displaying them in your window and around Bristol and so on.



warm wishes,
Rachael Hertogs

Posted by angel-healing at 9:08 AM GMT
Updated: Friday, 21 November 2008 9:54 AM GMT
Wednesday, 19 November 2008

When we feel good, we feel good.

But what is the source of this feeling? Most of us never give attention to what is actually happening inside our bodies as we move from one mood to another mood. Happy then sad. Angry then calm. Hungry then comfortable. As we move through these different states and emotions, we are actually going through biological changes. Our internal chemistry, the hormones we experience are changing.

People often think that these mood changes and feelings are purely psychological. Just a mental state. Almost imagined. But we would never say such a thing about animals. When a cat is meowing with hunger, we don't describe the cat's state as psychological. The cat is experiencing a biological state of hunger and out in the wild goes hunting. When an animal freezes and trembles with fear  — a mouse caught by a cat, a cat caught by a dog — that frozen state is caused by the hormones of fear and anxiety.

It's biological.

We humans, you and I, are animals too. We are flesh and blood creatures just as much as we are souls and psychological beings.

Of course our psychological states affect our chemistry. Yogis can mentally control many of their hormones and physical functions. David Blaine, for example, can spend extended periods of time encased in ice and recently spent 60 hours hanging upside down in New York's Central Park. (This is not a yogic exercise I recommend to my readers, particularly those trying to maintain dignified hair-dos.) I am also very impressed by those Himalayan monks who can dry wet towels with heat generated from their own bodies.

But the main point I want to make is that we are organic creatures filled with hormonal juices that create strong feelings and experiences.


There are many spiritual traditions that give special attention to the juices and feelings inside our bodies.

This is one of the ways that Spirit speaks to us — through sensations and feelings. At the core of Taoist and Tantric spiritual practices is the skill of noticing and managing these subtle sensations inside the body. This skill is also at the core of the many traditions that use symbols such as Trees of Life, cauldrons and chalices. In modern language, this ability to notice subtle body sensations is known as kinaesthetic awareness. In esoteric language it is sometimes called clairsentience — using the whole body as an organ of perception.

In spirituality the physical body is often described as a temple — a temple to be inhabited by the soul.

Our physical bodies are the homes of our psyches and consciousness. Our bodies ground us into the educational experience of being alive, here on earth. It is obvious therefore that we need to care for this physical temple, so that our souls may more easily and fully incarnate.

Noticing and guiding subtle sensations in our bodies is the most effective way of caring for our biological temples. This is the best method for cooperating with healing energy and also for managing our internal chemicals and hormones.

Most healers are familiar with sensations in their hands when healing energy flows. It is possible to have exactly the same experience in every part of your body, not just your hands. This awareness is developed by giving careful attention to all the subtle sensations inside you. Most importantly this mindful, kinaesthetic attention needs to be practised with a compassionate and healing attitude.


One of the great things that I discovered in my endorphin research is that when healing energy flows through our bodies, it is accompanied by a hormonal, chemical change. This change has a significant impact on our physical, emotional and spiritual health. We stop producing the hormones of fear and start producing endorphins, the hormones of well being.

The two hormones of tension and anxiety, adrenalin and cortisol, are great for survival because they give us a supercharge of energy and tautness to get out of danger's way. But if they are not burned up through intense activity, they remain in the body causing frozen tissue and sensations of fear and panic. This tension also blocks the flow and absorption of the healing vitality that pervades the natural world.

When however we give kind awareness to the subtle sensations in our bodies, the production of adrenalin and cortisol is immediately stopped and our 'Inner Smile' triggers the release of the 'miracle' neuropeptides, the endorphins. Endorphins anaesthetise pain, relax tissue and create sensations of pleasure, calm and well being.

In The Endorphin Effect, I describe five triggers that help to produce endorphins.

First, there is the Inner Smile in which we give kind awareness to our own bodies.

Second, there is the strategy of sinking into the posture and soft breathing of a good rest or nap.

Third, connecting to the natural world, from a blade of grass through to the immense mystery and wonder of the cosmos, triggers endorphins.

Fourth, twenty minutes of exercise also triggers these miracle hormones and was first noted as the 'runners' high'. This can be any exercise and doesn't need to be aerobic.

Fifth, and for many people this is the easiest, doing something you like, or thinking about something you like, triggers endorphins. Think of your favourite person or animal — and almost immediately you will notice the beginnings of a pleasurable sensation. Endorphins!

Then, whichever of these five triggers you use, the key is to notice the enjoyable subtle sensations and let them sink more deeply into you.

As these wonderful hormones, the endorphins, are produced, tissue relaxes and healing energy flows more freely. Body and spirit in full cooperation.

I wish you all good health and many blessings.

All my love to you and yours.


Posted by angel-healing at 9:38 AM GMT
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
Topic: Schedule- shares etc

New Year Reiki I Course


Anyone can learn to be a Healer

Rei = Spiritual   Ki = energy, life force


Jan 10th & 11th, Montpelier.


Reiki is a powerful ‘self help tool’ ~

it helps develop a positive attitude to life,  increases energy

and  expands creativity.

  Reiki brings about deep relaxation, feelings of joy and well being,

leaves you feeling calmer, content and serene;

it helps you feel more optimistic and better able to cope with

day to day stresses that modern day living often brings.



Taught by Rachael Hertogs- Reiki Master/Teacher

This level allows you to channel reiki energy and thus treat yourself and others. The class consists of an attunement and all the required information & practical exercises to allow you to understand and use Reiki.

For further information, please contact Rachael

on 9537765  email



Posted by angel-healing at 9:33 AM GMT
Updated: Wednesday, 19 November 2008 9:37 AM GMT
Sunday, 16 November 2008
Recognizing the Illusion (Part 2)
Recognizing the Illusion (Part 2)
It's as if God said, "If I'm going to become physical, then I've got to carry with me all the laws which make a physical world work. I will do this by inventing a tiny particle which, through its design, will, first, create the universe and then dictate all behavior like gravity, magnetism, the strong force, and the like throughout the universe because of the way I have constructed it. At the same time — and in order to make things easier for Me — I will invent senses which make the possessors of those senses think they see and touch and hear real things, think they witness space and feel time pass, when in fact all that realness will just be an illusion."

Consciousness and Quantum Behavior
Barbara Dewey
Page 9

Posted by angel-healing at 11:12 AM GMT
Saturday, 15 November 2008
Recognizing the Illusion
Recognizing the Illusion
God is separate from nothing, and nothing is separate from God.

There is nothing that God needs, because God is everything there is.

This is the good news. Everything else is an illusion.

Communion With God
Neale Donald Walsch
Page 14

Posted by angel-healing at 9:43 AM GMT
Sunday, 9 November 2008

Dear Friends,

This lesson will be available on streaming video on Guru Rattana On-line in about a month. For Guru Rattana On-line go to www.yogatech. com/grol. html There are now about 20 classes available on www.yogatech. com . Check it out and join my classes wherever you are! Blessings,

Guru Rattana :+)




This issue of New Millennium Being examines the energies and messages of what I call the Scorpio-Aquarian election. We have witnessed an historic American election that will significantly impact how we enter the Aquarian Age. We will explore the planetary energies that have lined up to support and guide us on our journey into the Aquarian Age.

This election is both the continuation and the beginning of a long journey. There are so many aspects to this journey. What I would like to focus on is our quest (1) to open our hearts, (2) to experience oneness with others and (2) to become more conscious and responsible human beings.

At the beginning of any journey, we set out with hope, faith and some fear of the unknown. At pivotal points along the way, our hope and faith is renewed. But no matter how we gauge the distance we have traveled, there are always challenges that must be faced to move forward. One of the most important messages of this election is to remind us that ultimately our journey is to find and live in our heart. In our heart, no matter where we are in our physical travels, we have already reached our goal.


The United States presidential elections are always held when the Sun is in Scorpio. Scorpio and its ruling planet Pluto demand an in-depth and honest look at reality. If we are not able or willing to be honest and truthful with ourselves and each other, if instead we go into denial, we make serious mistakes and have to live with the pain and suffering that we cause ourselves, others and the world.

Eventually when the pain we have created is just too much for us to bear, we give up our illusions and surrender, sometimes willingly and sometimes unwillingly, to the necessity of change. Fundamental change requires a transformation in consciousness.

If is often said that things have to get really bad for us to be willing to change. We have reached that point in the world. It has taken the American and the world economic crisis to wake us up. We see signs that the apathetic, checked out, victim-oriented collective consciousness is dissatisfied with the way things are. There are people everywhere who seem to want to be part of something new. There is palpable hope in the air.


In the United States, the 2008 presidential election seems to have cracked our attachment to the old and our resistance to change. What is the nature of the change that is upon us?

The most auspicious and interesting planetary alignment of this election was the exact opposition of SATURN in VIRGO and URANUS in PISCES. A SATURN/URANUS opposition happens only every 40 years. The last time Saturn and Uranus were in opposition was in 1965-67. This was a time of volatile and profound political and social turmoil. This was the time of impactful civil rights and antiwar demonstrations.

Because of the retrograde movement of the planets, there will be 3 exact oppositions of Saturn and Uranus. The first occurred November 4th. So this election is just the beginning of another period of profound social and economic change. The next exact opposition is February 5, 2009, when Saturn is retrograde. The third opposition is September 15, 2009 when Uranus is retrograde.

So what is the nature of the relationship between Uranus and Saturn when they oppose each other? Saturn represents stability, convention, the status quo, the past, tradition, conservative values, and resistance to change. Uranus symbolizes reform, rapid change, transformation, unconventionality, progress, self-empowerment and freedom. Their opposition dramatically highlights what does not work and why. We become aware of the necessity to radically alter structures that no longer serve us. The challenge is to artfully use wisdom and experience to keep what works, to throw out what does not work and to support radical transformation where necessary. When Uranus confronts Saturn, change happens!

In this election, John McCain, a 72 year old Virgo, represented Saturn. If elected, McCain would have been the oldest elected president. Barack Obama is a Leo with Gemini Moon and Aquarius Ascendant. Obviously, at 47 years, Obama represents youth and change.


When Saturn and Uranus work together, they can combine both pragmatic (Saturn) and progressive( Uranus) qualities. Note the graceful and heart-centered concession speech by McCain. There is nothing so honorable as a good loser.

VIRGO is a hard worker. But Virgo can also be very critical and cynical. PISCES (Uranus in Pisces) has its loving and fluid way of helping us transcend our knit-picking view of the situation and connecting us with the universal energies of love. Pisces makes it possible to experience our oneness. Uranus works toward the collective good and wants everyone to play their part in a the collective effort. Note Obama's acceptance speech when he talked about every calloused hand and every person playing a part in creating solutions to our current challenges.

PLUTO forces us to eventually move from resentment to soul-searching. We can no longer afford to mourn the past. We have to embrace the unknown future. We have to give up victimhood and take responsibility for what we create.

The uplifting message is 'Come from the heart.' Obama, a LEO, embodies the Sun energy of the heart. (Obama has Sun, Mercury, Uranus, and the North Node in Leo.) AQUARIUS says include everyone. Everyone is important. Everyone has a role to play. (Obama has Jupiter(vision) in Aquarius and Ascendant/Rising (how we view the world) in Aquarius.

PISCES reminds us that we are all one. We all have the same need to be loved. Connection with the Divine gives us hope. The experience of our oneness expands our mind and our heart space.

NEPTUNE went direct - forward movement - November 1st at 21 degrees Aquarius, supporting us to embrace the ideals of the Aquarian age. We can feel it - the willingness to collaborate, the desire to do our part, the feeling of equality, the respect for freedom and the absolute necessity for change. Collectively and individually, we are being impelled to take a giant step forward.

2008 is the year that the doors open to step into the Aquarian Age. Now we must walk through these doors in a new spirit of responsibility, respect for each other, and willingness to live in our truth with integrity and commitment to our ideals and values.


Here are a few more observations about Barack Obama's birth chart.

DEEP PRESENTATION TO THE WORLD - Obama has Scorpio on the midheaven or top of his chart, indicating that he presents himself to the world in a deep penetrating way. No fluffy winks for Obama. During his campaign a major theme was - If we focus on superficialities, gaffs and mud-slinging, nothing will ever change. If we get honest, we have a chance to build a better America and a better world. He also has Neptune in Scorpio in the ninth house, indicating that only profound truth will deliver us out of our illusions. The ninth house represents spirituality and foreign travel. He called for mending our foreign alliances in his acceptance speech. He is going to have work to do get America out of its foreign policy illusions.

SERVICE - Obama's chart is focused on service. His Mars and Pluto are in Virgo. Mars indicates where we use our energy. Virgo is service, attention to details and hard work. Obama's Sun and Mercury, both in Leo are in the sixth house of Virgo and service.

RELATIONSHIPS ARE IMPORTANT - Obama has Uranus and North Node in Leo and Pluto and Mars in Virgo in the seventh house - the house of relationships. Uranus in Leo can create surprises from the heart. The North Node in Leo is new territory for Obama - he is learning how to be heart-centered in his relationships.

AQUARIAN SPIRIT - Obama's Ascendant, South Node and Jupiter are in Aquarius. He sees the world from Aquarian eyes. The South Node represents gifts he came in with - he holds strong an Aquarian spirit. Jupiter is what expands us and leads us into the future. His mission is to help bring in the Aquarian Age.

SATURN TESTS - Obama's Saturn is in Capricorn. It is not surprising that his Saturn trials and tests relate to social and economic structures.

SOMETIMES ALOOF AND DEEPLY INWARD - Once in a while we get that warm Leo smile from our new President. But often he may seem aloof. Aquarius is a mental sign and one of the most aloof of the zodiac. Aquarius is connecting with the universal mind to try to pull in new solutions and answers to collective problems. With both Jupiter and Saturn in the twelfth house of Pisces, more is going on inside Obama than we can observe. He is constantly reflecting and connecting with higher energies and wisdom.

PLAYFUL SPIRIT - Obama's Gemini Moon gives him a playful spirit, a love of people and a gift of communication. He is always on the move. His Venus in Cancer is in the fifth house of Leo fun. Venus in Cancer means that what he loves is his family, his home, the Mother Earth and his country.

HEART-CENTERED - As mentioned above, Obama's Sun, Mercury, Uranus and North Node are in Leo. Leo has a big heart, an ability to self-focus and a very brilliant aura. He is going to need all for the daunting task ahead.

Mr. Obama, we send you blessings for stepping forward to take on this task.


The American nation and the world changed November 4, 2008. But the impact of the planetary alignments not only impacted our collective consciousness, they impacted each of us. In some way, unique to each of us, we are being invited and even forced to change. How did the opposing energies of Saturn and Uranus affect you? What are you leaving behind? What new doors are you walking through? What uncharted territory are you now ready and willing to explore? What soul memories are you now able to remember?

One day we will look back at this point in history and realize not only did something change in the collective psyche, we each personally experienced quantum shifts. The transformation that we are currently experiencing is sudden, evolutionary and permanent. The past is gone. The extent to which we can let go and not hold on will determine the level of our empowerment, creativity, happiness and freedom.


We are a part of a moment in time when more than ever our choices make a significant difference in our individual and collective future. The Scorpio and Pluto archetypes wake us up to the importance of the consequences of our choices. They remind us that we are in constant metamorphosis. We are always in the process of dying and being reborn. But at certain times in the cycle, the moment of birth is upon us. We have to decide if we will cling to the old and create more pain for ourselves or let go and move toward greater freedom, peace and love.

Pluto represents the descent into the unconscious, the unknown and the underworld where there is no light. We can extricate ourselves only by shining light into the areas of our lives where light is needed. Will we shine the light of hope or will we transmit the frequencies of fear, revenge, victimhood and apathy? As you make your moment by moment choices, always remember that without light, we miss our mark. Without light, we cannot find our way out of the darkness.

Now our challenge is to beam more light into our darkness. The task upon us is to face our personal and collective realities with brutal honesty and commitment to finding and living our truth.


The combination of forces activated and available at this moment support us in healing our wounds. We are being nudged to hold the space of love for ourselves, each other, our community, our country and the world during this exciting, but challenging and intense time.

We are being asked to quit complaining and judging and to use our energy more productively - to get to work and do our part - BOTH INNER AND OUTER. We are being asked to open our hearts to ourselves and each other. During the challenging times ahead we will need (1) to use our expanded sensitivity to connect with Spirit and our Soul, (2) to listen to and be guided by higher reason, truth and our heart, and (3) to remember, to experience and to act from the perspective of our oneness.


The Taurus Full Moon is a SuperMoon, when the Moon is closest in its orbit to the Earth. "SuperMoons function like laser beams, focalizing the constant stream of electromagnetic particles into more coherent channels of energy. SuperMoons also increase gravitational pulls, generating more extreme tides, weather and emotional reactions." *(1) The effects of this Full Moon are intensified by the shift of signs of Pluto and the beginning of 'the Sixth Day' of the Mayan Calendar.


November 11th - 11/11 Pluto definitively moves into Capricorn until 2023. Pluto gnaws away at whatever does not work and exposes the reasons why. Pluto in Capricorn demands a truthful look at the state of our economic, political and social structures and a total revamping based on an honest look at what we have created and what must be transformed.

Individually we are being asked the question - Who am I in the world?


According the Mayan cosmology, 'the Thirteen Heavens, divided into seven days and six nights, represent the fundamental stages of creation.' *(2) The Fifth Nights was between November 18, 2007 and November 12, 2008. During the time of the Fifth Night, we experience economic upheaval, the breakdown of superficial materialistic values and hierarchical, patriarchal structures. The Sixth Day begins November 12, 2008 and goes through November 7, 2009. During the Sixth Day, it is said that chaos and darkness will give way to light and an enlightenment global consciousness. *(3)


The Obama draw is the energy of the Leo/Aquarius axis that he embodies. To move into the Aquarian Age, we must live in and operate from our hearts (Leo) and we must work together collectively to achieve our goals (Aquarius.)

Yogi Bhajan said, 'If you can't see God in all, you can't see God at all." And this is our greatest test and challenge at this time - to have such a profound shift in consciousness that we actually have this experience and live in this reality. This is not just a good idea. It is a transformation in consciousness that allows us to create a better world in the Aquarian Age.


When our heart chakra is open, we awaken to a space of love where (1) There is no discussion or judgment. (2) We feel and can operate out of compassion for ourselves and for others. (3) We are not dependent upon others to have an experience of love. (4) We can hold the neutral space of love, independent of what others are thinking, feeling and projecting. (5) We can offer this space without attaching conditions, expectations or neediness. (6) We enter the realm of simply being love and enjoying the state of love. (7) We experience our oneness. And it feels good!


There are many kriyas to open the heart in TRANSITIONS TO A HEART-CENTERED WORLD. The one that I choose for the Guru Rattana On-line streaming video class the day after the election is Cleansing the Lymph Glands on pages 66 -7. The Magic Mantra Meditation is on page 159. *(4)

The kriya wakens our heart so that we can consciously live in the space of love. The Magic Mantra Meditation uses the sacred mantra EK ONG KAR SAT GURPRASAD SAT GURPRASD EK ONG KAR. This means that the true gift is that we are all one and all made from the same creator. Magic happens when we have this experience of oneness.


To practice this meditation, sit with the hands together, palms up, cupped in front of the heart center. The sides of the hands and the Mercury fingers must touch so there is no space. If there is a gap between your fingers, adjust them so there is no gap. The thumbs are comfortably out to the sides. With the eyes closed, look into the cupped hands. Repeat in a monotone



There is no special breathing. Simply let the breath adjust itself. To feel the results, it is best to chant this meditation for 31 minutes, but 11, 15 and 22 are OK too.


Yogi Bhajan explained that there is nothing equal to this mantra. Chanting this mantra 'elevates the self beyond duality and establishes the flow of the Spirit. It will make the mind so powerful that it will remove all obstacles. We call it the magic mantra because its positive effect happens quickly and lasts a long time. But IT HAS TO BE CHANTED WITH REVERENCE, IN A PLACE OF REVERENCE. When you meditate n this mantra, be sure that your surroundings are serene and reverent and that you practice it with reverence.' *(5)


As you chant be gracefully aware of building a space of love. When you have completed the chanting, sit quietly and hold the space of love inside yourself. Anchor in this feeling and set your intention to take this space with you into the world. You will recognize others in this space because you will experience our oneness.


After tuning in with 'ong na mo guru dev na mo,' we usually chant the protective mantra 'ad guray na may, sat guray na may, siri guru day vay na may'. I invite all those who wish to do so, to include President-elect Obama in this protection. See him and yourselves surrounded in both protective white and gold light. He will need this protection for as long as he is President.

However, you choose to participate in bringing in the Aquarian Age, your participation is requested and required. Our touchstone is ONENESS.

Sat Nam!


'Scorpio New Moon' and 'Taurus Full Moon,' by Stephanie Austin, The Mountain Astrologer, Oct/Nov 2008, Issue #141, pages 103-4.

Transitions to a Heart-Centered World, by Guru Rattan Kaur Khalsa, available on www.yogatech. com

1. Austin, p. 103.

2. Austin, p. 103.

3. Austin, p. 103.

4. Transitions

5. Transitions


The New Millennium Being is copyright 1999 - 2008 Guru Rattana, Ph.D.


New Millennium Being content may be reproduced, but it must be accompanied by the above copyright notice. Guru Rattana, Ph.D., should be credited as the author, and a hyperlink to http://www.yogatech .com/nmb/ should be prominently displayed.

Posted by angel-healing at 6:07 PM GMT
Saturday, 8 November 2008
We Are One, After All
We Are One, After All
We are one, after all, you and I. Together we suffer, together exist and forever will re-create each other.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955)
French Jesuit, paleontologist, biologist and philosopher

Posted by angel-healing at 11:55 AM GMT
Updated: Sunday, 9 November 2008 6:06 PM GMT
Thursday, 6 November 2008
William Bloom on Barack Obama's victory
Dear Friends

Barack Obama's victory today has moved me and I feel tears of joy and suffering.

Walking the dogs first thing this morning and then sitting in meditation, it felt as if the whole planet had gone still, pausing and contemplating the meaning of this victory.

It is obviously meaningful that the most powerful nation on earth will now have a leader who is thoughtful, liberal and compassionate. His ethnic background is symbolic of a new inclusion of all peoples. This is a substantial and passionate shift.

Eleven years ago I also felt a wave of deep emotion when Tony Blair became Prime Minister. Finally Mrs Thatcher's culture could be put behind us and we would return to a more fair and relaxed society. Whilst I watched the great celebrations of that victory night in 1997 I felt twinges of remorse and envy. My godfather was a Member of Parliament and, had I chosen, I too could have made a political career. A few days later, I said to my mother that I wished I had been at the party. 'Don't be stupid, dear,' she replied. 'They're just politicians. Wait and see.'

Of course, she was correct. They were just politicians. Some things changed for the better. Others didn't.

Politicians and statesmen do not stand separate from their communities. They emerge from them and their power comes from how deeply they are linked to the spirit of the times. Just as Tony Blair came into power riding a wave of public sentiment that wanted a new style of leadership, so too does Barack Obama.

But now come the realities of government. As the former Governor of New York, Mario Cuomo, said: "Politicians campaign in poetry, but have to govern in prose."

Another way of looking at this is that campaigning happens in the world of ideas, which now have to incarnate in real life. As anyone who has ever led a project will know, there is a huge difference between the idea and its materialisation. It is rarely simple. The largest ship in the world is the oil tanker, Jahre Viking, which is 1,503 feet long and 226 feet wide. This is approximately five times the length of a football pitch. When the ship's captain orders the ship to turn around in stormy waters, the manoeuvre is difficult and takes time.

Barack Obama not only arrives in troubled times, he is also subject to profound historical influences. Nelson Mandela's liberation was also a time of passionate celebration and signalled great changes. As did the fall of the Berlin Wall. But, as time passes, the deeper dynamics of world history and the collective karma of humanity are played out. The original victory and its celebration begin to stand alone, isolated from the realities that both preceded and followed it, the injustices and dangers of real life.

And there are real dangers. No matter how much we aspire to a world of peace, the collective psyche of humanity still holds deep wells of cruelty and blind power. Abusive behaviour requires clear boundaries and on the world stage stability and peace are, sadly and realistically, only possible through balances of power. Of course, we pray and campaign for a different global culture, but sooner or later Barack Obama will be challenged by a foreign threat — and he will have no choice but to act. We shall again see the karmic struggle of our species' development.

So I celebrate and am deeply touched by his victory. But I know too that he is subject to the forces of history. As he begins to mediate and resolve the various conflicts of the United States, he will need the prayerful support of all of us, especially when his shine wears off. People forget how John Major and Tony Blair slowly achieved peace in Northern Ireland. How long will relationships with the Arab nations take to come back into harmony?

This mindful and philosophical awareness of political realities encourages us to be grounded in our appraisal and support of Barack Obama. Our spirituality — and the essence of spirituality is faith in the wonder and benevolent energy of existence — guides us to be deeply optimistic.

We need to celebrate today. And then maintain, patiently and persistently, a daily practice of strong support for humane values. Pray for grace and for miracles. Hold Barack and his ideals in the Light.

All my love.


Posted by angel-healing at 8:44 AM GMT
Monday, 27 October 2008
BRISTOL GREEN STORE - needs producers!







Needs Local Producers!


The Bristol Green Store stocks PRACTICAL items made by local people!


If you fit this category please send us info about you and your products-




We OPEN THIS SATURDAY and would love to have a fully stocked shop- so contact us ASAP!






The Old Post Office, Chessel Street, Bedminster


· 0117 953 0828 · 07790 759748



OPENING Saturday 1st Nov


POP in and say Hi J

Posted by angel-healing at 6:27 PM BST
Updated: Monday, 27 October 2008 6:41 PM BST

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