Angel Healing ...the extras!
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
December Newsletter
Mood:  bright
Topic: archive newsletters

December 08

Free e-newsletter From Rachael Hertogs

Archive newsletters can be found at


I just wanted to remind you that, today, 10 December 2008, marks Human Rights Day and the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. So perhaps take a moment to think of those who are suffering, offer a prayer and give thanks for your own ‘safe’ life.

“It is our duty to ensure that these rights are a living reality -- that they are known, understood and enjoyed by everyone, everywhere. It is often those who most need their human rights protected, who also need to be informed that the Declaration exists -- and that it exists for them.”  Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon


We its been months since my last newsletter- and so much has happened, I walked part of the Camino De Santiago (what a wonderful, peaceful, amazing experience that was ), from there I went straight to the women’s 13 Moons Festival, and then back to reality of  working and teaching! My biggest news is that I have opened a shop- well a shop within a shop. We were unable to save our local Post office- but are hoping by opening our Bristol Green Store inside the old Chessel St Post Office we will at least save the corner shop from closure! So half of our shop is a very ordinary corner shop- with all your usual food stuffs and stationary supplies etc and then  on the other side is our Green Store- promoting local producers and sustainable green products- see below for the longer article and our website and face book link!


I have a new Angel Meditation- see


and of course my usual Moon Times products (we have extended our range in to Moon Sponges and Cups!) see

we will be supplying bamboo and hemp nappies in Jan 09!


Phew, well I guess that’s me…do enjoy the rest of the newsletter-- as usual there’s some events listed, networking section, winter tips, an affirmation and inspirational quote! Much love, Happy Winter Solstice and many Xmas blessings, Rachael xxx   

Courses and Reiki Shares:


New Year Reiki I Course

Jan 10th & 11th, Montpelier.


Reiki is a powerful ‘self help tool’ ~

it helps develop a positive attitude to life,

increases energy and  expands creativity.

Reiki brings about deep relaxation,

feelings of joy and well being, leaves you

feeling calmer, content and serene;

it helps you feel more optimistic and

better able to cope with day to day

stresses that modern day living often brings.

This level allows you to channel reiki energy

and thus treat yourself and others.


The class consists of an attunement and

all the required information & practical

exercises to allow you to understand

and use Reiki.


For further information, please contact

Rachael on 9537765



Reiki Share Dates for 2009- all Shares will be at Akousis 

(Fairlawn Rd, Montpelier) Friday Evenings

Feb 6th, April 24th, June 19th, Aug 7th, Oct 2nd and Dec 4th contact me to confirm attendance.



My New Venture- The Bristol Green Store

The Bristol Green Store has grown up out of my Moon Times business, and a need to provide access to my products beyond the webshop and fairs.  I was also fed up with not being able to get practical green things, from cleaners to natural beauty products, without a trip across town or spending a fortune on carriage from online stores!

So I teamed up with Emma Winfield  (of Simply Natural Homes), an active member with me of Transition BS3, to launch Bristol's one-stop-green-store.  We are located within The Ghost Office (the former Post Office in The Chessels in Ashton / Bedminster), and share the space with his traditional corner store.

We've got multiple ambitions for the store - in addition to providing sustainable goods and practical items to help us each lessen our impact, we want to build the Bristol-wide local economy.  We are inviting every local producer of sustainable goods in and around Bristol to get involved, offering their items for sale through the store.  We are also launching a services directory listing local trades people with experience of green trades & products.  We will also be contributing towards keeping The Ghost Office open as a corner store, a vital local service for the elderly and less able in our area especially.

Please support us by coming in to the store, letting us know what else you'd like to see in there and bringing samples of your produce if you'd like to be part of the offering!.



Products on offer- natural cleaning products, Eco paints and varnishes, baby booties, baby and kids t-shirts, nappies, breast pads, grown ups t-shirts, tea towels, cards of all kinds, photos, Bella Bees wonderful balms, Moon Times eco sanitary wear, natracare pads, organic cotton wool (throw away and washable!), knitted hats, scarves, wraps, gloves, wool, felt purses, scarves, wooden plates, bowls, mirrors, green bike oil, books, Pure Nuff  beauty products, diaries, calendars, gift packs and so much more!!


Events and Networking

'Introduction to Massage' with Claire Day from Bella-Bees.
Sunday 25th January 2009 10am - 4pm & Tuesday 27th January 2009 7pm - 9.30pm @ the Pierian Centre, 27 Portland Square, Bristol.

For people who would like to learn massage but want a taster before
embarking on a full course.  For therapists who need a refresher or to
learn some different techniques - then this is the course for you.

Booking essential as limited places.  Total fee £65 or book as a couple for £120 Make this a Christmas gift that keeps on giving!

Moon Journeys: retreats, workshops, courses and pilgrimages, for personal and spiritual development. Mostly working in small groups, often with the resources of nature and our inspiring environment, we have a wide programme of events and trips (some local and some not so local!) to suite people looking to explore their inner and outer landscapes. See, a new one-stop website for Bristol’s growing green and ethical scene, is taking a fresh approach to local environmentalism. Launched by researchers at the University of Bristol, it’s a place for you to discover local businesses and initiatives, search for ethical jobs, trade free stuff, and tune into local news, events and discussions.

Your Community Clinic- see website for dates and venues! Provide yourself with an opportunity for rest and enhance self esteem, feel more peaceful, content, positive and better able to cope with day to day stresses!£10 for 30 mins. Treatments are 30 minutes- although 1 hour sessions can be booked. see web site for therapies, venues and dates 

Peace Dances in Bristol With Amida Harvey
 Dances of Universal Peace offer a way to touch the spiritual essence of ourselves and of others through sacred chant and movement. Saturday 20 Dec 10.30 to 4pm doors open, drinks available from 10am Horfield Quaker Meeting House 300 Gloucester Rd, Bristol BS7 8PDTickets on the door £25 (£20 concessions)All welcome – no previous experience or pre-booking needed. Please bring veggie lunch to share. Ffi tel Celia 0117 924 1023 

Beautiful Therapy / Office Screens from Cambridge Futon: Shoji square pattern with paper backing ....Natural, black or red.  £75  plus £10 delivery per screen. Bamboo screens ....Natural, black or walnut.  £85 plus delivery, see or contact

Websites don't have to be expensive. They can cost as little as £50 to set up a simple one and are a great way to let people know about you and what you do. You can use them to promote your business or to share family photos with friends overseas.  Contact Lisa Cole  for more details.

Green Finder- check out  the green directory showcasing the best eco friendly products online & at green events throughout the U.K. We are here to help you in your quest for a greener lifestyle whether you are making your first faltering steps in sustainability or you are a fully fledged environmentalist wishing to learn more about saving the planet. Here at GreenFinder we aim to provide you with all the information you need to make those all important steps (big or small) for a cleaner, greener and more ethical world.



Health Tips for Winter

By  Kami McBride


1) Eat medicinal soups

Soup keeps you warm and is easy to digest. If you are exposed to any sickness, your body can focus on healing instead of having to digest foods that take a lot of energy. Soups are easily digested and are the perfect winter food. Just load your soups up with LOTS of herbs 

How to Make Delicious Medicinal Soup


2) Drink herbal tea on a regular basis


  3) Keep your lymph moving

We often move less in the winter so it is important to find ways to keep your lymph moving and clearing out stagnation. Your lymph system helps to carry your immune cells, so healthy lymph movement means a healthier immune system.

 One simple thing you can do is to incorporate more massage into your life.  Massage is a great winter remedy. Working with a massage therapist is always nice, but you can also bring massage into your home on a regular basis.

 Get a few nice massage oils and do ten minute massage exchanges in the evening with the people you live with. It is amazing how much you can accomplish in ten minutes several times a week. 


Kami McBride has taught herbal medicine since 1988. Through her classes andpersonal wellness consultations she helps people understand how whole foodsand herbal medicine are an important aspect of everyone’s preventive healthcare plan. Kami has helped thousands of people learn to use herbs in their dailylives in ways that are healthy, safe and fun and she teaches classes in herbalmedicine and women’s health at her school and herb gardens in Vacaville,California.  


An affirmation for you -

The light of God surrounds me;

The love of God enfolds me;

The power of God protects me;

The presence of God watches over me.

Wherever I am, God is . . .

And all is well!

Prayer of Protection (1941)
James Dillet Freeman (1912-2003)
Poet Laureate of Unity



And to finish: On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know...

...that every increased possession loads us with a new



John Ruskin said that, and he was right. Life is not about our physical or material possessions, it is about the agenda of our soul. When material possessions serve that agenda, they can be wonderful and are to be celebrated. But if they come between us and the soul, then we may very well be delayed on our holy


Our journey is the path back to peace, to harmony, to deep inner joy, to love, and to God





Posted by angel-healing at 10:12 AM GMT

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