Angel Healing ...the extras!
Thursday, 12 August 2010
Star of 13 Planetary Energy
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Positive News!!

2010 is offering us the perfect opportunity to balance our connection to Planetary Energy, and as the months go by many of us are noticing the effects of pressure building on the choices we make...

One of the things that I have noticed when talking with others is that lately many of us seem to share a pathological busyness. I choose the word pathological deliberately here, because to me it really does feel like a form of sickness. There is so much I want to do and also so much I have to do, that I end up rushing around from one task to another. Where is the space for me in this mad rush, I wonder? I seem to get caught in a reactive mode with no time or space to find any perspective. And without this space it is hard to make the choices I need to make.

I know I can’t do everything; no one can! How can I decide what to do and what to stop doing? If I let the urgent tasks, or the tasks that I feel I have to do, decide how I spend my time, then I am not consciously choosing my direction. But equally, I have responsibilities and commitments to meet, like everyone else. I know it is important to get some work done in this area, prioritising according to what I want to manifest, making active choices about the direction of my life, before Gamma arrives with all its wonderful stormy energy and really stirs things up!

So if you identify with any of this: if you are noticing increased or out-of-control busyness taking over, if your diary is filled well in advance with no down time for relaxing, reflecting, or responding to opportunities the Universe sends your way, then please join me over the next few months as I work to find more balance in this area. I will make some suggestions for activities, but it would be fantastic if some of you could share your ideas and experiences too, so we can help and support each other.

To start with I want to suggest a visualisation and connection to Planetary Energy. If you have been working with the Star of 13 you will know that Planetary Energy is the energy of manifestation, and we often connect with it to manifest our dreams in this physical reality. When used this way it can be quite heavy, leaving you feeling sleepy. However Planetary also has a function of release, leaving us feeling lighter and refreshed, and this is where we will start our work.

Make yourself comfortable, lie or sit down and begin to centre yourself in your body, connecting to every area of it using any relaxation technique you enjoy. When you are relaxed begin to visualise a cross with arms of equal length, like a plus sign (+). Imagine this cross beginning to turn anti-clockwise. It turns quite slowly so that you can always see the separate arms of the cross, and as it turns it begins to release energy from the centre out through the arms of the cross, spinning off into the Universe. Imagine that you are releasing busyness, releasing activities that don’t serve your higher purpose... You don’t have to specify what that is, or what activities you are releasing – just feel yourself getting lighter and lighter as you release all you don’t need or want in your life.  Continue releasing any stress in your life, releasing anything that weighs you down, allowing Planetary Energy to move... Do this for as long as is comfortable. At this point you are not trying to make a rational list of things you want to continue doing or not, you are just trying to move the energy and get a little room in your life. If you notice you are releasing specific activities, you can make a mental note of that and come back to it later and think about it. But for now, simply do this exercise several times a week for a few weeks to create some space and lightness around you. Together we are letting go of some of the busyness and clutter so we can start to create space for choices!

(If you would like a CD with music and a guided meditation to help you connect to Planetary Energy, you can order one on-line by following this link:

Posted by angel-healing at 6:29 PM BST
Monday, 19 July 2010
inspirational Article

I define responsibility (response-ability) as the ability to choose how we respond to stimulation coming in through our sensory systems at any moment in time. Although there are certain limbic system (emotional) programs that can be triggered automatically, it takes less than 90 seconds for one of these programs to be triggered, surge through our body, and then be completely flushed out of our blood stream. My anger response, for example, is a programmed response that can be set of automatically. Once triggered, the chemical released by my brain surges though my body and I have a physiological experience. Within 90 seconds from the initial trigger, the chemical component of my anger has completely dissipated from my blood and my automatic response is over. If, however, I remain angry after those 90 seconds have passed, then it is because I have chosen to let that circuit to continue to run. Moment by moment, I make the choice to either hook into my neurocircuitry or move back into the present moment, allowing that reaction to melt away as a fleeting physiology.

The really exiting news about acknowledging my right and left characters is that I always have an alternative way of looking at any situation – is my glass half full or half empty? If you approach me with anger and frustration, then I make the choice to either reflect your anger and engage in argument (left brain), or be empathic and approach you with a compassionate heart (right brain). What most of us don’t realize is that we are unconsciously making choices about how we respond all the time. It is so easy to get caught up in the wiring of our pre-programmed reactivity (limbic system) that we live our lives cruising along on automatic pilot. I have learned that the more attention my higher cortical cells pay to what’s going on inside my limbic system, the more say I have about what I am thinking and feeling. By paying attention to the choices my automatic circuitry is making, I own my power and make more choice consciously. In the long run, I take responsibility for what I attract into my life.

Nowadays, I spend a lot of time thinking about thinking just because I find my brain so fascinating. As Socrates said, ‘The unexamined life is not worth living.’ There has been nothing more empowering than the realization that I don’t have to think thoughts that bring me realization that I don’t have to think thoughts that bring me pain as long as I am aware that I am choosing to engage in that emotional circuitry. At the same time, it is freeing to know that I have the conscious power to stop thinking those thoughts when I am satiated. It is liberating to know that I have the ability to choose a peaceful and loving mind (my right mind), whatever my physical or mental circumstances, by deciding to step to the right and bring my thoughts back to the present moment.

More often than not, I choose to observe my environment though the nonjudgmental eyes of my right mind, allowing me to retain my inner joy and remain detached from emotionally charged circuitry. I alone decide if something will have a positive or negative influence on my psyche. Recently, I was driving down the road singing at the top of my lungs with my favourite Ginger Curry CD, ‘I got JOOOOOOY in my heart!’ To my chagrin, I was pulled over for speeding (apparently there was way too much enthusiasm going on behind the wheel!). Since receiving that ticket, I have had to make the decision at least 100 times to not feel down about it. This little voice of negativity kept trying to raise its ugly head and bum me out. It wanted to mull the drama over and over again in my mind, from every angle, but regardless of my contemplation, the situation would have the same outcome. Frankly, I find this sort of mental obsessing by my left hemisphere story-teller to be a waste of time and emotionally draining. Thanks to my stroke, I have learned that I can own my power and stop thinking about events that have occurred in the past by consciously realigning myself with the present.

With that said, however, there are some occasions when I will choose to step into the world as a single, solid, ego centre separate from you. Sometimes it is just pure satisfaction for me to bump my left hemisphere stuff and attitudes up against your left hemisphere stuff and attitudes in argument or passionate debate. More often than not, I don’t like how aggression feels inside my body so I shy away from hostile confrontation and choose compassion.
For me, it’s really easy to be kind to others when I remember that none of us came into this world with a manual about how to get it right. We are ultimately a product of our biology and our environment. Consequently, I choose to be compassionate with others when I consider how much painful emotional baggage we are biologically programmed to carry around. I recognize that mistakes will be made, but this does not mean that I need to either victimize myself or take your actions and mistakes personally. Your stuff is your stuff, and my stuff is my stuff. Feeling deep inner peace and sharing kindness is always a choice for either of us. Forgiving others and forgiving myself is always a choice. Seeing this moment as a perfect moment is always a choice.

This article was written by Dr Jill Bolte Taylor,

Posted by angel-healing at 9:00 AM BST
Sunday, 27 June 2010
What Is Love?
Mood:  bright
Topic: Musings
What Is Love?
It is that which is without condition, without limitation, and without need.

Because it is without condition, it requires nothing in order to be expressed. It asks nothing in return. It withdraws nothing in retaliation.

Because it is without limitation, it places no limitation on another. It knows no ending, but goes on forever. It experiences no boundary or barrier.

Friendship With God
Neale Donald Walsch
Page 156

Posted by angel-healing at 11:59 AM BST
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Message from Lakota medicine man on oil spill and what we can do
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Musings
Message from Lakota medicine man on oil spill and what we can do

Although the head of BP says the oil leak is "small" - a well known Lakota medicine man 'Chief Arvol Looking Horse' says otherwise and what WE CAN DO:

"A Great Urgency... To All World Religious and Spiritual Leaders.

My Relatives,

Time has come to speak to the hearts of our Nations and their Leaders. I ask you this from the bottom of my heart, to come together from the Spirit of your Nations in prayer.

We, from the heart of Turtle Island, have a great message for the World; we are guided to speak from all the White Animals showing their sacred color, which have been signs for us to pray for the sacred life of all things.

As I am sending this message to you, many Animal Nations are being threatened, those that swim, those that crawl, those that fly, and the plant Nations, eventually all will be affect from the oil disaster in the Gulf.

The dangers we are faced with at this time are not of spirit. The
catastrophe that has happened with the oil spill which looks like the bleeding of Grandmother Earth, is made by human mistakes, mistakes that we cannot afford to continue to make.

I ask, as Spiritual Leaders, that we join together, united in prayer with the whole of our Global Communities. My concern is these serious issues will continue to worsen, as a domino effect that our Ancestors have warned us of in their Prophecies.

I know in my heart there are millions of people that feel our united prayers for the sake of our Grandmother Earth are long overdue. I believe we as Spiritual people must gather ourselves and focus our thoughts and prayers to allow the healing of the many wounds that have been inflicted on the Earth.

As we honor the Cycle of Life, let us call for Prayer circles globally to assist in healing Grandmother Earth (our Unc'I Maka).

We ask for prayers that the oil spill, this bleeding, will stop. That the winds stay calm to assist in the work. Pray for the people to be guided in repairing this mistake, and that we may also seek to live in harmony, as we make the choice to change the destructive path we are on.

As we pray, we will fully understand that we are all connected. And that what we create can have lasting effects on all life.

So let us unite spiritually, All Nations, All Faiths, One Prayer. Along
with this immediate effort, I also ask to please remember June 21st, World Peace and Prayer Day/Honoring Sacred Sites day. Whether it is a natural site, a temple, a church, a synagogue or just your own sacred space, let us make a prayer for all life, for good decision making by our Nations, for our children's future and well-being, and the generations to come.

Onipikte (that we shall live)"

Chief Arvol Looking Horse
19th generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe

Posted by angel-healing at 7:36 AM BST
Updated: Wednesday, 26 May 2010 7:37 AM BST
Monday, 17 May 2010
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Musings
We, the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers
Ask you to join us:

MAY 18, 2010

Along with many peoples all around the globe, and many water prayers this spring, we are calling for a

Our main intention for this healing is to return the waters to their original pure crystalline blueprint, and to add to their abundance for the nourishment of ALL living things on the planet.

Pray in your local waterways, at the rivers or lakes or streams. Or pray with a bowl of water in the middle of the cities.

"We are Water Babies.
Do not to forget to say thank you every day for the water you drink,
the water you bathe in.
Without our Mother water we would not survive."
Grandmother Agnes Baker Pilgrim, Takelma Siletz, Oregon

The specific ceremonies being conducted on May 18, 2010:

Grandmothers will be holding Water Prayers in the following places:

African Rainforest, Gabon - Grandmother Bernadette Rebienot
Great Lakes, USA- Grandmother Rita Blumenstein
Mountains of Oaxaca, Huautla de Jimenez - Grandmother Julieta Casimiro
Desert of the American Southwest- Grandmother Mona Polacca
France - Grandmother Flordemayo
Black Hills of North America- Beatrice and Rita Long Visitor Holy Dance
Plains of North America, Montana-Grandmother Margaret Behan
Hood River, Oregon- Agnes Baker Pilgrim
Nepalese Himalayas- Aama Bombo
Brazilian Amazon-Grandmothers Maria Alice Freire and Clara Shinobu Iura
Tibetan Ceremonies in Canada- Tsering Dolma Gyaltong
Mahia, Aotearoa, New Zealand - Ambassador Pauline Tangiora

At the same time, people will be praying at
Nine specific bodies of water around the planet using crystalline energy

· Lake Tahoe, California
· Lake Titicaca, Peru
· Lake MacKay Australia
· Lake Chad, Africa
· Lake Bikkal, Russia
· Lake Kissyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan
· Lake Geneva, Switzerland
· Lake Superior, Minnesota
· Colorado River Complex
(Healing and Purification Ceremonies for this vital USA waterway)

"Water reflects the human soul. If you say, 'thank you' to water, it will be reflected in the form of beautiful crystals overflowing with gratitude in return." Masuru Emoto, The Secret Life of Water

For more information:

Posted by angel-healing at 10:53 AM BST
Updated: Monday, 17 May 2010 10:55 AM BST
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
On freedom
Mood:  bright
Topic: Musings

"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us."

-- Stephen Covey

"Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you."

-- Jean-Paul Sartre

"One cannot make a slave of a free person, for a free person is free even in a prison."

-- Plato

Posted by angel-healing at 4:25 PM BST
Friday, 16 April 2010
The Process of Life Itself
The Process of Life Itself
The Essence of Who You Are knows precisely and exactly when the Process of Life Itself calls for you to merge with the Oneness and to emerge from it, in order for you to Know the bliss of the Oneness through the Experience and the glory of its Individuation.

The system works perfectly. The balance is precise. The design carries the elegance of a snowflake.

To the Oneness you return, and from the Oneness you emerge, over and over again, eternally and forever, and even forever more.

Home With God
Neale Donald Walsch

Posted by angel-healing at 12:01 AM BST
Friday, 19 March 2010
Bringing an End to Judgment
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Musings
Bringing an End to Judgment
When you bring an end to judgment, you bring an end to an entire way of living. This is no small thing. This is a life-changing shift in attitude and behavior. This is a miracle.

But how does one perform this miracle? That is the question to which everyone wants an answer. Please, then, pay very close attention to what I am going to tell you now: The way to move out of judgment is to move into gratitude.

Happier Than God
Neale Donald Walsch

Posted by angel-healing at 5:13 PM BST
Sunday, 14 February 2010
The Infinite Journey to Conscious Loving
Mood:  amorous
Topic: Musings

The Infinite Journey to Conscious Loving
by Gay Hendricks, Ph.D. & Kathlyn Hendricks, Ph.D.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make a heroic shift out of an old paradigm, the default programming that we’re born into Unconscious Loving to a new paradigm, Conscious Loving. Here’s a quick look at the old and the new paradigms, so you'll know what you're getting out of and getting into.


We repeat the same patterns and problems over and over, and we don’t identify ourselves as the source of those patterns and problems. We spend a lot of time ignoring or recycling the patterns, and expend considerable energy trying to prove somebody else is to blame.

We get defensive in situations where we could get enlightened. Somebody says, "Hey, you’ve got a drinking problem." We reply, "Says who?" They say, "Well, you drove into the driveway last night, ran over the kid’s bike, threw up in the flower bed and peed in your wife’s steam iron." We reply, "Nobody’s perfect, and you're a jerk for ruining my day with your negativity." (Defensive maneuvers: Getting sleepy, bored or tired; getting irritable, hostile or tense; getting fascinated by TV, food, liquor, tobacco, drugs; stonewalling, sulking, withdrawing.)

We have feelings we don't share, or are carrying secrets we haven’t told to the relevant person. (Distinction between secrets and privacy: Secrets are things you hide because you’re afraid of how others would react if they heard them. Privacy is when you keep something hidden because to share it would dilute its personal or sacred nature. Example: For Bill Clinton, Monica was a secret, and the relevant person to tell was Hillary. For Monica, the journal she kept would fit the privacy category.)

We think of ourselves as victims and go back and forth between thinking of others as perpetrators or fellow-victims. In conflicts, we argue from the Victim-Position, casting others as Perpetrators. To resolve arguments, we often join the others in being Fellow-Victims.


Us: You're ruining my life, you jerk.
Them: No way. You're ruining my life, you jerk.
(Repeat until somebody drops from exhaustion.)
Us: You know what? You and I are okay. It’s the world that’s ruining our lives.
Them: Yeah! Here, have a brewski.

We don’t express our full creativity, and have a variety of reasons, many of which are excellent, why we’re not doing so.


The new paradigm is built on the earlier foundation described in our earlier books such as CONSCIOUS LOVING. In that book, two principles occupied center stage: The Authenticity Principle and The Responsibility Principle. The Authenticity Principle holds that relationships only flourish when both people speak the microscopic truth. If any relationship problem recycles, look for the significant truth that has not yet been spoken. If the microscopic truth is not spoken (for example, "I didn’t have sex with that woman") a costly and tiresome melodrama usually occurs in the aftermath of the lie.

The Responsibility Principle holds that relationships only flourish when both people take 100% responsibility for any issue that arises. By contrast, most people try to apportion responsibility, which always leads to blame, conflict and power struggles. For example, a repetitive conflict about money only resolves when each person claims full responsibility by asking, "Even if it looks like my partner’s problem, in what ways am I contributing to the perpetuation of this problem?"


Now, two new principles take relationship transformation into a new dimension: The Commitment Principle and The Appreciation Principle. These principles hold powerful keys to an ongoing problem in human relationships: How to free individual creativity while simultaneously bringing both partners into greater harmony.

The Commitment Principle: Every relationship problem is rooted in an overlooked commitment issue, and if this issue is addressed correctly it becomes a springboard to a profound breakthrough in closeness and individual creativity. The principle holds true even if the two people involved in the conflict have been in relationship for decades. It also applies to boardroom as well as bedroom relationships. By analyzing hundreds of conflicts, we discovered that the problem often began with a withheld commitment. In other words, someone (or sometimes all parties) did not fully commit. Once we made this discovery, we worked out a simple way to find where the commitment problem was located and a technique for moving through the impasse rapidly.

The Appreciation Principle holds that relationship problems begin in an "appreciation gap," a specific place where a break occurs in the ongoing flow of appreciation. In the absence of a felt-sense of appreciation ‹given and received, spoken and unspoken) a host of energy-draining problems ensue. After discovering this principle, we designed a simple set of appreciation activities, which anyone can do.

In Conscious Loving, we do things very differently than in the old paradigm:

If a pattern or problem repeats itself, we look for the source of the pattern in ourselves, even if another person looks like the main character in the drama. Example: Even if your partner is the one who’s come home drunk every night for the past sixteen years, the conscious person thinks, "Hmmm, how am I inviting this sort of behavior in my life?" and "Hmmm, who was it that didn’t kick him/her out fifteen years and 364 days ago?"

We commit ourselves to learning, instead of getting defensive, in every interaction. We get skilled at thanking people and the universe for giving us feedback, instead of punishing them. "Thanks for pointing out my drinking problem. From my actions (the bike, the flower bed and the steam iron), it appears I’m out of control."

We make conscious commitments, and hold ourselves scrupulously to those commitments. We commit to things that are within our control, such as telling the truth and taking responsibility, not to things that can't be controlled (promising to love the person always, promising we'll never do it again, etc.)

We tell the truth, and give enough detail so that the relevant other person fully understands. Bill: "Yes, indeed, I had sex with that woman. The first five times were fun and titillating, although I didn’t ejaculate, but the last two times were ho-hum even though I did. I feel guilty as hell and scared you won’t like me."

We take full responsibility for what happens in our lives, and seek out relationships with others who also take full responsibility. In a conscious relationship there are no power struggles because each person takes 100% responsibility.

We commit ourselves to full creative expression. If we're fully engaged in our own creativity, we don't have time to accuse others of oppressing it.

We speak appreciations frequently. Examples: I appreciate you for helping Kevin with his spelling last night, I appreciate the way you look today, I appreciate your sense of humor.


We’ve found that it’s possible to take a rapid ride to hitherto-unimaginable relationship heights by adopting one very radical concept and practicing one very simple technique.

The Concept

Stop focusing on problems, difficulties and issues for a period of time (a month is a good period of time to start with) and instead, focus only on expressing appreciations to your partner (or to anyone else you want to be close to, such as children or co-workers.) At the end of the period of time, you can always go back to focusing on problems if you want to. However, most people find that expressing appreciations clears up even long-standing, recurring problems that nothing else has budged.

The Technique

Step One
Choose a heartfelt commitment to making the expression of appreciation your top creative priority. In other words, choose to regard thinking up and delivering appreciations as your highest art form. A year or so ago, I (Gay Hendricks) chose appreciating Katie as my highest priority art form. Until then, I regarded my writing as my highest priority art form. I decided to put as much time and energy into noticing things I appreciate about her, thinking up ways to appreciate her and delivering appreciations to her as I did to my writing. To my delight, our relationship took a quantum jump (it was already great!) to absolutely transcendental. To my great surprise, my writing became even more fun and productive.

Step Two
For one month, put your focus on one major activity: Think up and deliver appreciations as often as you can, but at least ten to twenty times a day. Focus mainly on verbal appreciations, appreciation-by-touch and telepathic whole-body appreciations. Use material appreciations sparingly if at all.

At the end of the month, evaluate the level of positive energy that’s flowing between you.

© The Hendricks Institute.

Posted by angel-healing at 12:29 PM GMT
Saturday, 13 February 2010
Power Lounging

Power Lounging
by Gregg Levoy

Last year I saw a movie called City of Angels. In the opening scene a little girl dies in the emergency room of a hospital and the camera slowly pans away from this scene until we're looking down a long corridor in the hospital, with a light at the far end. The little girl is walking down the corridor, toward the light, holding hands with an angel played by Nicholas Cage.

Halfway down the hallway, the angel turns to her and asks, "So, what did you like best about it?" Meaning life. And the girl says "Pajamas!"

I've posed this exact same question to several thousand people in the last few years in my "Callings" workshops. I've asked them to imagine that they're walking down The Corridor toward the proverbial light, holding hands with an angel-----or with Nicholas Cage if they prefer-----and the angel asks them what them liked best about it. And not one person has ever said work.

They say good food, they say walking along the ocean, they say love in all its manifestations. They say laughing out loud, music, gardens, skiing down a mountainside, the thrill of creativity, the sheer physical beauty of the Earth, and someone usually says chocolate. But no-one has ever said work. And I have to assume that in a roomful of 100 or 200 people some of them do love their work. But no-one ever says work.

And yet, most of us----myself included-----spend the vast majority of our days on Earth working. If you live to be 90 years old, you'll spend 30 of those years sleeping, and of the remaining 60 years, you'll spend 30-40 of them working-----and a lot more if you define working broadly to include all our doing and achieving and pushing and juggling and busyness and trying to make those confounded ends finally meet and running from one intensity to another and another and going at warp speed most the time.

We refer to our work as our occupation, but we forget the double-entendre of that word occupation: it also means to be taken over, as in an occupied country. But we like being occupied, even as we complain about it. When we say, "I am so busy!" there's just a whiff of self-congratulation in there, a bit of quiet admiration for ourselves, even if we're keeping ourselves so busy that we're in danger of flaming out.

But even Sisyphus was granted a rest once in awhile. Sisyphus----whom I consider the patron saint of workaholics----is the guy who was condemned by the gods to push a huge boulder up a mountain, but just as he reached the summit, it would roll all the way back to the bottom, and he had to start all over again----the archetype of endless and futile effort.

The true instruction of Sisyphus' life, though, in my opinion, is that every time his grindstone rolls to the bottom of the mountain, he is granted a rest while he walks back down to get it. According to the myth he has to work for all time, but he doesn't work all the time.


Part of what we're up against in letting go of the grindstone is exemplified by something Tom Peters wrote in his book In Search of Excellence. He said that excellence is a high-cost item and you must give up things to achieve it. And what he said you had to be willing to give up for career and material excellence is "family vacations, Little League games, birthday dinners, weekends, lunch hours, gardening, reading, movies, and most other pasttimes." In other words, many of the activities that make life enjoyable, keep you out of divorce court and away from the doctor, and lend life some modicum of balance and grace. A lot of the activities that you're going to be telling the angels about when they ask.

What Peters calls excellence, though, is just another word for workaholism----which, broadly speaking, is simply the compulsion toward busyness. A job, in other words, is definitely not the sole focus of workaholism. You can work yourself silly----and sick----at just about anything: caretaking, ministering, housework, socializing, retirement, vacations, spirituality, saving the world, childraising, and increasingly just being a child. And then we wonder why our obituaries look like nothing more than posthumous resumes.


I was travelling in Mexico some years ago, and one afternoon I watched an eagle dive-bomb into the water of a bay in the Sea of Cortez and thrash around violently on the surface. He'd rise a little and then get yanked back down, almost underwater sometimes, by some unseen force. This went on for nearly a minute. Finally, he rose up with a huge effort, clapped his wings loudly on the surface, and lifted a fish out of the water that was almost as big as himself.

I know for a fact, though, that the outcome of these contests isn't always predictable. Sometimes the fish dives and takes the eagle with it. I recently read the story of a fisherman who caught a halibut that had two eagle claws embedded in its back, the rest of the bird having long since rotted away.

We, too, can sometimes be tenacious to the point of self-destruction, can sometimes take on too much and be pulled under by it. In a short story by Leo Tolstoy called "How much land does a man need?" a man is given the opportunity to own as much land as he can run around in a day. So the man runs and runs and runs and at the end of the day, having run himself to a complete frenzy, he collapses and dies of exhaustion, proving that all the land this man needed was about six feet by three feet.

The amount of land there is to run around, the amount of work there is to do in life, is inexhaustible. We, however, are not. And it's imperative to know when to stop, how much is enough, how much is too much, and when to say "Enough is enough!"

The Japanese have a word for what Tolstoy's character experienced: "karoshi." It means "death by overwork"----and you don't get a word like that in your language unless there are a few statistics to back it up. And whether you love your work or not, workaholism has all the earmarks of an addiction----trying to control life, anaesthetizing yourself. The experts just call it a process addiction instead of a substance addiction.

But even if all your works are good works, even if all your busyness is in the service of worthy and noble causes, when the means to those ends is an addictive process, the end result is a loss of soul and a depletion of spirit. In other words, you can violate your own true nature as readily by overworking as you can by refusing a calling altogether.


A few years ago, I decided to take a sabbatical. Or perhaps it was decided for me. I had just finished my first book, after 15 months of 12-hour days, and reached a point of burnout, which is usually what it takes to get me off the hamster-wheel. Some kind of meltdown, some experience of being drop-kicked into consciousness. And having reached that point, I took the spirit of Sabbath and extended it to outlandish proportions by taking four months off, living off savings, and for a relatively brief period there in the middle of my work-life seeing what it would feel like to simply not work! To make time for the kind of creative idleness that an acquaintance of mine calls "power lounging."

What it felt like was a head-on collision----the car stopped but the passenger didn't----because a lifetime of working sets up a tremendous momentum that doesn't end just because the work ends. And this is what set the tone for the first half of my sabbatical: an absolutely maddening restlessness that routinely propelled me back into my office----despite my policy statements to the contrary----in a kind of trance state. And this is precisely what we're dealing with here: a trance of monumental proportions. And if trying to reprioritize your life feels like you're pushing a boulder up a mountain, it's because the workaholic trance is not just a personal trance, but a cultural trance, and increasingly a worldwide trance.

The whole Protestant Work Ethic, in fact, is a kind of trance----the idea that hard work and material success will earn you the key to the cosmic washroom, or secure you a place in heaven, among God's elect-----which is absolute horse-puckey. Spirit can certainly come through one's work, but you don't work your way to heaven. Heaven is not Studio 54, with God standing on a platform outside the club picking only the successful and the cute and the rich people to get in.

The fact is, there is a juggernaut of a machine in the boiler room of this culture that pumps out a very powerful and insistent message: "Work!" Value adheres to what you produce and you are what you do, and if you're not doing something then you're not of value. So we're constantly doing something.

And when you're busy doing you don't have to be busy feeling; feeling that maybe you're burned out, or you need a change, or your heart isn't in the work anymore, or that work itself, which normally gives you a sense of control over your life, has instead made your life feel like a parody of being in control, like you're frantically trying to shovel coal into a furnace that 's burning it up faster and faster. Working in that condition is like bitten by a rattlesnake: you panic and run and work harder and harder and it only causes the poison to travel faster through your system.


I've learned in my own work-life that motion is not necessarily progress or productivity, any more than noise is necessarily music. People use the term "vegging out" to describe not doing anything, just hanging out, taking it easy. But I learned something important a few years ago about the absurdity of equating vegging-out with inactivity, if not uselessness:

Off the coast of French Guiana, on the Atlantic side of South America, is a place called Devil's Island, which used to be the world's most notorious penal colony, a place where the French sent men they wanted to disappear. Ten years ago I visited that island, about 40 years after the prison was closed down and abandoned, and in that time the jungle had almost completely reclaimed it, torn the buildings limb from limb with its vines and roots, and rotted the iron bars clean through with its humidity. In barely 40 years it reduced that prison to rubble.

When I think of the term "vegging out" or "vegetative state," this is clearly not a description of not being productive. A vegetative state is a very productive state, the vegetable section of the supermarket is called "produce," and "vegging out"----doing nothing----can also be a very productive state, especially if we're talking about work addicts, or anyone trading off health for productivity. For them, not-working is definitely progress, because when you're standing on the edge of a cliff, progress can be defined as taking one step backward!


The brute fact is that taking this step backward is much easier said than done. But I don't think it's more work that's going to help us feel secure enough to do it; reaching some ideal state of security and achievement. It's a little more faith, a little more trust.

This may simply be trust in your own ability to survive and adapt to working less, or it may be the kind of trust that Albert Einstein was referring to when someone once asked him, "Of all the questions you've posed about the mysteries of the universe, which question do you think is the most important?" And Einstein responded, "Is the universe a friendly place or not?"

How you personally answer that question may determine your willingness to trust in life enough to occasionally unharness yourself from the plow and let yourself just wander in the pasture and graze. And the act of stepping away from the plow is an act of trust, a way of communicating to your own soul that you have faith in its intimacy with the creative force of life.

It's also a way of acknowledging that half of success is simply noticing it! Stopping long enough to notice it, to partake of it, to understand and act on the knowledge that life is meant to be savored and not just worked at.

© Copyright Gregg Levoy.  All Rights Reserved

Posted by angel-healing at 12:28 PM GMT

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