Angel Healing ...the extras!
Thursday, 6 November 2008
William Bloom on Barack Obama's victory
Dear Friends

Barack Obama's victory today has moved me and I feel tears of joy and suffering.

Walking the dogs first thing this morning and then sitting in meditation, it felt as if the whole planet had gone still, pausing and contemplating the meaning of this victory.

It is obviously meaningful that the most powerful nation on earth will now have a leader who is thoughtful, liberal and compassionate. His ethnic background is symbolic of a new inclusion of all peoples. This is a substantial and passionate shift.

Eleven years ago I also felt a wave of deep emotion when Tony Blair became Prime Minister. Finally Mrs Thatcher's culture could be put behind us and we would return to a more fair and relaxed society. Whilst I watched the great celebrations of that victory night in 1997 I felt twinges of remorse and envy. My godfather was a Member of Parliament and, had I chosen, I too could have made a political career. A few days later, I said to my mother that I wished I had been at the party. 'Don't be stupid, dear,' she replied. 'They're just politicians. Wait and see.'

Of course, she was correct. They were just politicians. Some things changed for the better. Others didn't.

Politicians and statesmen do not stand separate from their communities. They emerge from them and their power comes from how deeply they are linked to the spirit of the times. Just as Tony Blair came into power riding a wave of public sentiment that wanted a new style of leadership, so too does Barack Obama.

But now come the realities of government. As the former Governor of New York, Mario Cuomo, said: "Politicians campaign in poetry, but have to govern in prose."

Another way of looking at this is that campaigning happens in the world of ideas, which now have to incarnate in real life. As anyone who has ever led a project will know, there is a huge difference between the idea and its materialisation. It is rarely simple. The largest ship in the world is the oil tanker, Jahre Viking, which is 1,503 feet long and 226 feet wide. This is approximately five times the length of a football pitch. When the ship's captain orders the ship to turn around in stormy waters, the manoeuvre is difficult and takes time.

Barack Obama not only arrives in troubled times, he is also subject to profound historical influences. Nelson Mandela's liberation was also a time of passionate celebration and signalled great changes. As did the fall of the Berlin Wall. But, as time passes, the deeper dynamics of world history and the collective karma of humanity are played out. The original victory and its celebration begin to stand alone, isolated from the realities that both preceded and followed it, the injustices and dangers of real life.

And there are real dangers. No matter how much we aspire to a world of peace, the collective psyche of humanity still holds deep wells of cruelty and blind power. Abusive behaviour requires clear boundaries and on the world stage stability and peace are, sadly and realistically, only possible through balances of power. Of course, we pray and campaign for a different global culture, but sooner or later Barack Obama will be challenged by a foreign threat — and he will have no choice but to act. We shall again see the karmic struggle of our species' development.

So I celebrate and am deeply touched by his victory. But I know too that he is subject to the forces of history. As he begins to mediate and resolve the various conflicts of the United States, he will need the prayerful support of all of us, especially when his shine wears off. People forget how John Major and Tony Blair slowly achieved peace in Northern Ireland. How long will relationships with the Arab nations take to come back into harmony?

This mindful and philosophical awareness of political realities encourages us to be grounded in our appraisal and support of Barack Obama. Our spirituality — and the essence of spirituality is faith in the wonder and benevolent energy of existence — guides us to be deeply optimistic.

We need to celebrate today. And then maintain, patiently and persistently, a daily practice of strong support for humane values. Pray for grace and for miracles. Hold Barack and his ideals in the Light.

All my love.


Posted by angel-healing at 8:44 AM GMT
Monday, 27 October 2008
BRISTOL GREEN STORE - needs producers!







Needs Local Producers!


The Bristol Green Store stocks PRACTICAL items made by local people!


If you fit this category please send us info about you and your products-




We OPEN THIS SATURDAY and would love to have a fully stocked shop- so contact us ASAP!






The Old Post Office, Chessel Street, Bedminster


· 0117 953 0828 · 07790 759748



OPENING Saturday 1st Nov


POP in and say Hi J

Posted by angel-healing at 6:27 PM BST
Updated: Monday, 27 October 2008 6:41 PM BST
Sunday, 26 October 2008
Bristol's new green & ethical website


Bristol's new green & ethical website




Please note: if this email is not displaying correctly, either activate "display images" or click here


I thought you might like to know about an exciting new website that has just been launched for the Bristol area., a new one-stop website for Bristol’s growing green and ethical scene, is taking a fresh approach to local environmentalism. Launched by researchers at the University of Bristol, it’s a place for you to discover local businesses and initiatives, search for ethical jobs, trade free stuff, and tune into local news, events and discussions. has four sections:

Sign up to’s e-newsletter and have all the latest news, discussions, events, jobs and free stuff delivered to your email inbox. is supported by the University of Bristol and Bristol City Council. It aims to bring together all the green and ethical people and organisations, and helps you find them.

Join today and get involved in your local green & ethical scene! 

Best wishes,

Matt Fortnam, Founder., Department of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, Wills Memorial Building, Queen’s Road, Bristol, BS8 1RJ. 


P.S. Please forward this message on to your friends and colleagues

Posted by angel-healing at 1:11 PM BST
Saturday, 25 October 2008
More from Friends of the Earth
Friends of the Earth
23 October 2008
Join now! Monthly climate campaign update 


Join the energy revolution

Join the energy revolution

Apologies to anyone who had problems with last month's newsletter. We had a technical glitch which meant some of you couldn't follow the links.

Thankfully it's not too late to help stop the Government trying to wriggle out of its renewable energy commitments.

Building a thriving renewable energy industry will give the UK a clean, green and secure energy supply. It could also generate billions of pounds and hundreds of thousands of jobs in the UK.

Ask your MP to join the energy revolution.

Best wishes
Climate Campaigner, Friends of the Earth

The Big Ask

Crunch time for climate change

We now know that the big crunch vote on the Climate Change Bill will be next week on Tuesday 28 October. The Bill still doesn't include emissions from international aviation and shipping. This is your best chance to ask your MP to strengthen it. Email your MP now.

Flag of Europe

Time to lead

European leaders are also deciding our response to climate change now. We want them to keep global warming below 2°C. Please take action and ask them if they are ready to lead.

Thought bubble

Did you know...

This year's National Climate March will be in London on December 6th. The biggest annual mobilisation on climate in the UK will be part of a Global Day of Action. Find out more.

Contact us Thank you for your support 

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Posted by angel-healing at 7:26 AM BST
Friday, 24 October 2008
Let There Be Such Oneness
Let There Be Such Oneness
Let there be such oneness between us that when one cries, the other tastes salt.


Posted by angel-healing at 9:48 AM BST
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
friends of the earth
Subject: Green the Energy Bill

Friends of the Earth

 20 Oct 2008

Join Friends of the Earth
You can request a text only version at
solar panels

Green the Energy Bill

We urgently need more green energy to combat climate change. The Energy Bill needs to include proper government backing for renewable projects like solar panels.
Tell your MP to back renewable energy and green the UK energy system

school children

Involved in teaching?

This year's Shout about educational pack for secondary schools is now ready for delivery. For more details and to sign up for a free copy of the pack,
visit our learning pages

the big ask

Crunch time for the Climate Change Bill

MPs are preparing to vote on amendments to improve the Climate Change Bill. This is your last chance to ask your MP to listen to the advice of the Committee on Climate Change and include emissions from aviation and shipping and cut all emissions by 80% by 2050.


Stop illegal logging

An estimated 20% of timber imports coming into the EU are from suspected illegal sources. Yesterday the EU launched much needed legislation to deal with it. Email your MEP to demand a strong law that will put an end to this environmentally destructive trade.


Inspired, ethical, gifts for Christmas

You can avoid the queues by buying all your ethical Christmas shopping online with the award winning Natural Collection. You'll also be raising money for Friends of the Earth with every purchase.

90% of our income comes from individual supporters like you, which helps us fund campaigns like these - Thank you. (if you're not already a supporter you can join us)

Posted by angel-healing at 3:08 PM BST
Moon Times Newsletter

Subject: News from Moon Times; new shop, gift sets, new stock and events

Please forward this newsletter to any friends, family or colleagues who may be interested!





click the links to buy!

We are happy to make up gift sets from our stock- or choose from the ones below. (usual P&P costs apply)

State if you would like a set with a jute shopping bag, jute hand bag, jute drawstring bag, a basket or a box! 

Hi there,

I've got some exciting news...a few of us 'green minded businesses' in Bristol have got together and we are opening a shop!! The Bristol Green Store will launch on Nov 1st- So if you're around drop in and say hi! see



Patterned pad

 Panty Liner

 Daughters in Flower set

bath bomb

In jute shopping or hand bag



31 Oct is wear it pink day

Buy PINK pads or panty liners and Moon Times will donate 25% of the price to the Breast Cancer Campaign!

(state PINK when ordering!)

we have a limited stock of pink animal print, butterflies, fairies and bunnies!

Our PINK ORGANIC pads are naturally dyed with beetroot :)






Moon cup (state size)

Panty liner

Moon tea


In jute hand bag/

drawstring bag/box




Earth Pathways Diary

Moon Calendar

Crystal chakra set

Bella Bees Soap

In jute shopping bag/hand bag




The DIVA moon cup

a slightly different design to the Moon Cup as it has a shorter stalk...and retail a bit cheaper at £16.99!

it has 2 sizes- do state which size when ordering

Model 1: for women who are under thirty (30) years old who have never had childbirth or caesarean section.

Model 2: for women who are thirty (30) years old and over and/or for all women who have had vaginal childbirth or caesarean section.

*Easy-to-use instructions enclosed

*Storage Bag and Diva Lapel Pin included! 

click the link to buy 



Moon Calendars £6 each

click the link to buy

or 2 for £10

click the link to buy

they make a great Xmas gift!



Earthy Pathways Diary

Crystal chakra set


In jute hand bag/

shopping bag





Soap nuts

Organic Pad

bath bomb

In jute hand bag/

drawstring bag/box




Soap nuts

Bella Bees Balm

bath bomb

 In jute hand bag/

drawstring bag/box

Moon Times Pads have been featured on the BIG GREEN
A dynamic new charity dedicated to showing people how sustainable living can be easy, healthy, inexpensive and fun. Read more about why we set up the BGI here

Our Big Green Bus is equipped with a solar-powered cinema and a space for talks and workshops. We also carry a huge range of energy-saving devices, natural skincare and cleaning products, recycled items, clothing made from sustainable crops, composting systems and much more besides. As well as showcasing greener alternatives to everyday items and demonstrating how they can help us to reduce our impact on the planet we will offer information about local environmental initiatives and support groups. Read more about our bus here

Do check the EVENTS section below- hope to see you at some of them...

 much love and blessings, Rachael

at Moon Times xxxx



LAUNCH 1st Nov


local products

body & hair care

home ware & gifts

laundry & cleaning

wool thermal insulation

full range of natural paints

solar pv & hot water systems

Buy truly inspiring, sustainable gifts this Christmas!

practical information on sustainability

& a select range of products from

ethical sources & local producers


The Old Post Office, Chessel Street, Bedminster

Holistic Insights Fair

if you are local to Bristol you may want to pop down to the Holistic Insights Fair at The Southville Centre, 1st & 2nd Nov- The Barefoot Doctor will be doing a talk...and I'll be selling my wares- so pop in and say hi! see

And another one to pencil in to your diaries....The Goddess Show: Bath Show Ground, 7th June 09! I'll be there with my Moon Lodge doing workshops and of course selling my products! do check their website:

It is not our intention to send out spam or unwanted mail, if you DO NOT wish to receive mailings in future, please reply to this e

Posted by angel-healing at 7:26 AM BST
Updated: Saturday, 25 October 2008 7:46 AM BST
Sunday, 19 October 2008
New Bristol Green Store opening







local products

body & hair care

home ware & gifts

laundry & cleaning

wool thermal insulation

full range of natural paints

solar pv & hot water systems


Buy truly inspiring, sustainable gifts this Christmas!

practical information on sustainability

& a select range of products from

ethical sources & local producers


The Old Post Office, Chessel Street, Bedminster  · 0117 953 0828 · 07790 759748


* LAUNCH Saturday 1st Nov *

Posted by angel-healing at 8:44 AM BST
Updated: Sunday, 19 October 2008 11:31 AM BST
Friday, 17 October 2008
Now that mercury is running smoothly we can all relax!!!!!

Now that mercury is running smoothly we can all relax!!!!! 


The biggest Mercury retrograde for 2008 is finally over on October 15! And with the financial markets around the world in turmoil, what a time it's been. Mention of Mercury retrograde even entered the financial commentary on CNBC!

Mercury turned retrograde in Libra on September 24. Venus is the ruling planet for Libra and governs our attitudes towards finances and material possessions, and Libra rules over the Seventh House -- the House of Partnerships. Partnerships take many forms and include contracts, legalities, negotiations and agreements. This retrograde period touched upon and influenced all of the above.

Posted by angel-healing at 10:55 AM BST
Thursday, 16 October 2008
bristol event:
BAREFOOT DOCTOR comes to Bristol this November...

Holistic Insights - Love Life!
Saturday 1st & Sunday 2nd November 2008
The Southville Centre, Beauley Road, Southville, Bristol, BS3 1QG.
10am - 5pm Saturday :: 10am - 4pm Sunday :: Admission Free
View Flyer | Venue Website | Location Map
Psychic & Mediumship Readings, Astrology, Aura Photography, Holistic Therapies, Crystals, Books, Cards, Gifts and more! Free entry.

Holistic Insights - Love Me!
Sunday 2nd November 2008
The Southville Centre, Beauley Road, Southville, Bristol, BS3 1QG.
10am - 4pm :: Ticket Price Per Talk: £10
Flyer | Event Info | Venue Website | Location Map | Press Release

Leo Hawkins 10.15am - The Heart of Manifesting Abundance with Leo Hawkins
Buy Tickets Online | Speaker Biogs
What is it to live an abundant life? Is it really to have more toys than the boys and girls next door? The wonderful truth is our very own Beingness – our authentic essence - is already happy independently of the circumstances of our lives. So, if we choose it, our lives can become a living expression of this profound inner happiness.

Leo will show us how to manifest changes in our physical world from this endless Source that makes everything possible...

Deb Hawken and Nicky Marshall 12pm - The Psychic Experience with Deb Hawken and Nicky Marshall
Buy Tickets Online | Speaker Biogs
Deb and Nicky will be talking about Psychic Ability and Mediumship and answering any questions you may have. They will be dispelling a few myths and sharing their views on this Spirit World we live in. They will include a demonstration of Mediumship and invite everyone to take part in their informal discussions and test their psychic muscles!

Barefoot Doctor 2pm - Pure Love with Barefoot Doctor
Buy Tickets Online | Speaker Biogs | Barefoot Doctor Website
In this talk, Barefoot Doctor will explain the ancient Taoist method for activating the powerful force of love – it’s simple, it’s practical and it’s real – and will show you techniques so you can continue the process subsequently. You are more or less guaranteed to leave this event feeling ‘loved-up’ to the brim.

Activate the love in your heart – not in a namby pamby fanciful way but with the warrior’s precision – and you unleash the magic required to make your life work with supreme elegance.

Neil Fellowes 3.30pm - The Blueprint for Creating Success in Life with Neil Fellowes
Buy Tickets Online | Speaker Biogs
You're looking for a life that's easy and stress free and you enjoy feeling happy and fulfilled. Sometimes you get frustrated because you don't have the time, energy or money to do the things that make you feel your best and maybe - just maybe - you've experienced a few struggles in relationships in the past. Unlock strengths and abilities you never knew you had!

Posted by angel-healing at 9:11 AM BST

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