Saturday, 8 March 2008
Your Daily Affirmations
Your Daily Affirmations for the second week of March, 2008 Saturday, March 8, 2008 Today I choose to live my life from inspired action. I turn within and release anything that may be holding me back. I move through the changes of my life easily and graciously as I allow Spirit to guide my way. Sunday, March 9, 2008 Today I pay attention to the world around me and the intuition within me. I invite the wisdom and vision of Spirit to rise up within me now. I am awake and aware, and I act on my inspiration. Monday, March 10, 2008 Today I let the greatness of God radiate outward into the world. I speak my word of power for all good to manifest as I recognize this greatness in everyone I meet. Tuesday, Mach 11, 2008 Today I take time for quiet reflection and I awaken to all that is alive and prospering in my life. I take action on the possibilities which are revealed to me and I am alive with Spirit. Wednesday, March 12, 2008 Today I take action to release myself from self-limiting ideas. I trust Spirit within me for all the creative ideas, refreshing energy and renewed vitality I need to transform my life. Thursday, March 13, 2008 Today I am open to greater and deeper relationships. I am a magnet for the good of God. Friday, March 14, 2008 Today I let my thoughts go beyond my perceived limitations into the playground of my imagination. I take action in new ways.
Posted by angel-healing
at 6:04 PM GMT
Friday, 7 March 2008
Congratulations to Rachael on her award!
Topic: Positive News!!
Posted by angel-healing
at 6:05 PM GMT
Updated: Sunday, 16 March 2008 11:06 AM BST
Wednesday, 5 March 2008
What Is Your Soul?
What Is Your Soul? | | Your soul is the individuation of the Divine Spirit, which is All There Is. The soul is the universal life energy, focused and localized and vibrating at a particular frequency in one specific time and space. Energy vibrating in such a highly specific way is a Singular Outflow of Universal Life. You may abbreviate that in English as S.O.U.L.
The soul uses the rest of Itself — that is, it draws upon the Energy of Universal Life, of which it is a part — as one of three tools with which to fashion a particular experience. The Energy of Universal Life is sometimes called the spirit. The other tools are the body and the mind. |
Your soul is who you are. Your body and your mind are what you use to experience who you are in the Realm of the Relative.
The home of your soul is in the Realm of the Absolute, where Divine Spirit dwells. Your soul is now living in the Realm of the Relative, and is on a journey home. When it returns home, it joins once again with the Rest of Itself. That is, it reunites with Divine Spirit, fusing with It to become One Spirit once again. This fusing into One is called, in some Eastern mystical traditions, samadhi. It can be achieved even when the soul is in the Realm of the Relative, with a body and a mind, although the experience is generally very brief. The soul can also leave the body and the mind in order to refresh and reenergize. This is done during the period that you call sleep. Finally, the soul can fuse with its Universal Energy, becoming One with Divine Spirit, for very long, extended periods. This is what occurs at the moment that you call death.
Of course, there is no such thing as death. Death is simply the name you have given to the experience of your soul transmuting the energy of your body and your mind as it reunites with the All In All. |
| This, the soul does as part of an endless cycle. Then, having reexperienced the bliss of samadhi and the ultimate Knowing of Oneness, the soul emerges once more from the All, controlling and regulating its vibration and transmuting its energy at a localized point on what you would refer to as the Space-Time Continuum.
Its most recent journey through this never-ending cycle of Divinity Experiencing Itself produced the Being that you call "you." | The New Revelations Neale Donald Walsch Page 270 |
Posted by angel-healing
at 7:51 AM GMT
Saturday, 1 March 2008
Your Daily Affirmations
Your Daily Affirmations for the first week of March, 2008 Saturday, March 1, 2008 Today I put my attention on Spirit within me. I live to the highest and best of my ability to bring love and wisdom into my every interaction. I use my life for good purposes. Sunday, March 2, 2008 Today I live each moment in newness, releasing the past, embracing the future and being present here and now. Divine inspiration fills my mind with perfect ideas and true wisdom. Monday, March 3, 2008 Today I celebrate life and I choose to be healthy in mind and spirit knowing I am filled with radiant well-being. Tuesday, Mach 4, 2008 Today my thought is clear and strong as I act according to my inner guidance. My life unfolds with serenity and good will. As I move easily though all the roles I play today, my way is made clear before me. Wednesday, March 5, 2008 Today I know that I am a part of the good of God. In this oneness I find peace as I draw upon the greater wisdom, serenity and goodwill within me. Thursday, March 6, 2008 Today I practice seeing the good in my life. I am conscious of my choice to live in peace, joy and gratitude. I build my spiritual muscles in small ways in every moment. Friday, March 7, 2008 Today I go the extra mile in my relationships. I give generously into life and receive gratefully all that life gives to me. I know that I am always at choice.
Posted by angel-healing
at 7:49 AM GMT
Friday, 29 February 2008
couple of quotes
The heart, like the mind, has a memory. And in it are kept the most precious keepsakes.
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Everything Occurring in the Universe | | Everything occurring in the universe is occurring perfectly. God hasn't made a mistake in a very long time. | Conversations With God, Book 2 Neale Donald Walsch Page 42 |
Life is not about stumbling through your days hoping for a spot of good fortune here and there. Life is an opportunity for you to learn how to create abundance consistently in your life. It is fantastic when you learn how to create the odd miracle. Yet your Higher Self is calling you towards a reality you could call heaven on earth. This is a reality where you are stabilised in a constant vibration of abundance.
Posted by angel-healing
at 8:21 AM GMT
Updated: Friday, 29 February 2008 8:23 AM GMT
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
Moses, Jesus and You
| | | Moses, Jesus and You | | Who parted the Red Sea?
NDW: God.
Indeed, but who called upon God to do that?
NDW: Moses.
Exactly. And who called upon Me to heal the sick, and raise the dead?
NDW: Jesus.
Yes. Now, do you think that what Moses and Jesus did, you cannot do?
NDW: But they didn't do it! They asked You to! That's a different thing.
Okay. We'll go with your construction for now. And do you think that you cannot ask Me these same miraculous things?
NDW: I suppose I could.
And would I grant them?
NDW: I don't know.
That's the difference between you and Moses! That's what separates you from Jesus! | Conversations With God, Book 2 Neale Donald Walsch Page 20
your daily prosperity thought For centuries material wealth has been seen as incompatible with spiritual growth. For awhile perhaps this separation was necessary but now we have evolved to a point where we can drop such artificial constructs. You do not need to live in a monastery to live a spiritual life nor do you need to deny any material blessings. The good news is that you can both meditate and shop until you drop. Perhaps, if you are really enlightened, you will find you can do both at the same time! Blessings.your daily prosperity thought at www.prosperitythoughts |
Posted by angel-healing
at 8:11 AM GMT
Updated: Wednesday, 27 February 2008 8:13 AM GMT
Tuesday, 26 February 2008
Feb/March 08 Newsletter
Topic: archive newsletters
Feb March 08Free e-newsletter From Rachael HertogsArchive newsletters can be found at http://angel-healing.tripod.com Its been quite a while since I sent out a newsletter…my apologies! I wanted to email and mention International Women’s Day- its celebrated all over the world on the 8th March- I will be running a Reiki I class this weekend but it wont stop me from doing something to honour this day! I’ve attached a flyer for a local event happing at the Folk House in Bristol- and don’t forget there’s still time to enter any inspiring women friends in to the Women who make a Difference Award- see http://www.bristol.gov.uk/ccm/content/Community-Living/Equality-Diversity/women-who-make-a-difference-awards-2008.en;jsessionid=37D81DABAAD45BCB0E4E61C7DA224068 While you’re clicking the links…could you spare the time to vote for my Moon Times business in the Observer Ethical Business Awards- click here https://www.global-research.net/oea and go to page 9 - thanks! ABOUT INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY International Women's Day has been observed since in the early 1900's, a time of great expansion and turbulence in the industrialised world that saw booming population growth and the rise of radical ideologies. 1908 Great unrest and critical debate was occurring amongst women. Women's oppression and inequality was spurring women to become more vocal and active in campaigning for change. Then in 1908, 15,000 women marched through New York City demanding shorter hours, better pay and voting rights. 1909 In accordance with a declaration by the Socialist Party of America, the first National Woman's Day (NWD) was observed across the United States on 28 February. Women continued to celebrate NWD on the last Sunday of February until 1913. 1918 - 1999 Since its birth in the socialist movement, International Women's Day has grown to become a global day of recognition and celebration across developed and developing countries alike. For decades, IWD has grown from strength to strength annually. For many years the United Nations has held an annual IWD conference to coordinate international efforts for women's rights and participation in social, political and economic processes. 1975 was designated as 'International Women’s Year' by the United Nations. Women's organisations and governments around the world have also observed IWD annually on 8 March by holding large-scale events that honour women's advancement and while diligently reminding of the continued vigilance and action required to ensure that women's equality is gained and maintained in all aspects of life.
I’ll leave you with this picture that was emailed to me! Enjoy xxx | | Reiki Classes Reiki I Class 8th and 9th March This level allows you to channel Reiki and thus treat yourself and others. The class consists of an attunement and all the required information & practical exercises to allow you to understand and use Reiki. Reiki I classes are run as weekend class as well as a 6 week class, or a one to one session. Cost:. £150 further info or to book 9537765 email info@rachaelhertogs.co.uk
Reiki I - One to One Sessions to learn Reiki I can be arranged - please contact me for more information on this.
Reiki Shares- an opportunity to experience Reiki with other practitioners- for dates etc see http://reikishare.proboards38.com/
Feedback from my Reiki Classes has been "Reiki is an amazing life skill and I'm excited of how my life will develop" 'Rachael is enthusiastic, calm and down to earth in her style- which makes Reiki more accessible" "it was great to have the space to share our experiences and developments- rather like a healing group!" " "Reiki has helped me to manage my emotions, accept myself and my limitations and has given me a more positive outlook on life". FFI contact Rachael 9537765 or email info@rachaelhertogs.co.uk www.rachaelhertogs.co.uk | | | | A book review-Urgent Message From the Mother by Jean Bolen "Gather the women," says Jungian analyst Bolen, is "an urgent message from Mother to her Daughters," a call for the women's movement (after the suffragists and the movement of the 1960s and 70s Bolen calls this third movement "the women's peace movement") to end conflict and violence in the world. Drawing on the archetypal gender differences she elaborated on in Goddesses in Everywoman and Gods in Everyman, Bolen believes women have the nurturing and caring gifts that the world needs right now. But Bolen, who is a clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of California Medical Center, draws on scientific research showing that women's brains make them better able to be "whole people," able to develop both their intellectual and emotional sides, and thus better able to respond to the needs of children and the suffering world as a whole. Bolen's history of the relationship between patriarchy, authoritarianism and violence focuses only on the three monotheistic religions, overlooking the history of warfare in Asia; and she is not fully correct in saying that Judaism, Christianity and Islam have banished the Sacred Feminine; the Jewish conception of God does incorporate a feminine side (the Shekhinah), and the Virgin Mary is certainly a sacred maternal presence in Christianity. Nevertheless, women attracted to Bolen's Jungian and spiritual approach will find inspiration and sustenance here. Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. | Tips: Ginger Compress |
| Easy, effective, inexpensive, pain-relieving, and anti-inflammatory Ginger compresses are successfully used by many healers and women to reduce and eliminate breast lumps. Women who've dealt with many kinds of breast lumps tell me That ginger compresses reduced benign masses quickly But sometimes irritated cancerous ones. (It doesn't mean you have cancer if your skin gets irritated).
Grate 5 ounces/140 grams of fresh ginger root onto a clean piece of cloth. (I use an old cloth napkin, a handkerchief, a kitchen towel, or a clean diaper.) Gather the ends of the cloth together and secure them with a piece of string or a rubber band. Put the bundle into a pan with 2 quarts/2 litres water and heat to 158F/70C. Boiling will destroy much of the value of the ginger, So if you don't have a thermometer, heat only until you see bubbles forming on the bottom of the pan. Keep a low flame under the pot until the water turns a pale yellow, 5-15 minutes. Pull the bundle out of the water, and squeeze or press It to extract all its liquid. (Add to pan.)
Soak a small towel in the hot ginger liquid. Wring It out. (This is hard to do; your hands will get red and hot.) When you apply the hot wet towel, the breast skin will redden and there will be an intense sensation of heat, But you shouldn't be in pain. Cover the compress with layers of towels to retain the heat. When It cools, remove It, soak It again in the hot ginger water, and reapply. Continue until the skin gets very red and warm. Repeat morning and night. If there is no active infection, the towel and ginger water can be used over and over again. If fresh ginger is not available, dried ginger may be used, But It will not be as effective. Fresh turmeric may be substituted for fresh ginger, But It stains everything.
| Events and Networking | International Women’s Day-8th March- see attached flyer | Your Community Clinic offers a gateway to complementary therapies for £10 for 30 mins. treatments are 30 minutes- although 1 hour sessions can be booked. www.yourcommunityclinic.com Therapies: Aromatherapy, Back, Shoulder & Head Massage, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Thai Massage, Crystal Healing, Ear Acupuncture, Facial Massages, Indian Head Massage, Reflexology, Reiki & Shiatsu
please call to pre-book a treatment - we also have gift vouchers available! ffi and bookings contact Rachael on 0117 9537765 email- info@rachaelhertogs.co.uk see web site for venues and dates www.yourcommunityclinic.com Provide yourself with an opportunity for rest and enhance self esteem, feel more peaceful, content, positive and better able to cope with day to day stresses!
Sacred Arts Camp 23 -31 May Nr Reading The world's biggest gathering of our peace dance family.This camp is for all the family.There is dancing to live music, with harmony singing, yoga and other spiritual practices, clay work, painting, woodcraft, parachute games, waterplay, nightly story time, women's circles & men's groups, the experience of cooperative living in a beautiful secluded field. Camp life - camp fires, hot showers, sweat lodges, café, sacred foot ball, & pancakes, open hearted people from many countries, lots of spirit - no alcohol.
Enquiries - Gitta 01202825450 e-mail: mail@sacred-arts-camp.org.uk Details & updates on www.sacred-arts-camp.org.uk |
Websites don't have to be expensive. They can cost as little as £50 to set up a simple one and are a great way to let people know about you and what you do. You can use them to promote your business or to share family photos with friends overseas. Contact Lisa Cole - moomum@lactivist.co.uk for more details. | New kind of Breast Cancer - Please forward to all of the women in your lives...Mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, friends, etc.
In November, a rare kind of breast cancer was found. A lady developed a rash on her breast, similar to that of young mothers who are nursing.
Because her mammogram had been clear, the doctor treated her with antibiotics for infections. After 2 rounds, it continued to get worse, so her doctor sent her for another mammogram. This time it showed a mass.
A biopsy found a fast growing malignancy. Chemo was started in order to shrink the growth; then a mastectomy was performed; then a full round of Chemo; then radiation. After about 9 months of intense treatment, she was given a clean bill of health.
She had one year of living each day to its fullest. Then the cancer returned to the liver area. She took 4 treatments and decided that she wanted quality of life, not the after effects of Chemo. She had 5 great months and she planned each detail of the final days. After a few days of needing morphine, she died. She left this message to be delivered to women everywhere:
Women, PLEASE be alert to anything that is not normal, and be persistent in getting help as soon as possible.
Paget's Disease: This is a rare form of breast cancer, and is on the outside of the breast, on the nipple and aureole. It appeared as a rash, which later became a lesion with a crusty outer edge. I would not have ever suspected it to be breast cancer but it was. My nipple never seemed any different to me, but the rash bothered me, so I went to the doctor for that. Sometimes, it itched and was sore, but other than that it didn't bother me. It was just ugly and a nuisance, and could not be cleared up with all the creams prescribed by my doctor and dermatologist for the dermatitis on my eyelids just prior to this outbreak. They seemed a little concerned but did not warn me it could be cancerous.
Now, I suspect not many women out there know a lesion or rash on the nipple or aureole can be breast cancer. (Mine started out as a single red pimple on the aureole. One of the biggest problems with Paget's disease of the nipple is that the symptoms appear to be harmless. It is frequently thought to be a skin inflammation or infection, leading to unfortunate delays in detection and care.)
What are the symptoms?
1. A persistent redness, oozing, and crusting of your nipple causing it to itch and burn (As I stated, mine did not itch or burn much, and had no oozing I was aware of, but it did have a crust along the outer edge on one side.)
2. A sore on your nipple that will not heal. (Mine was on the aureole area with a whitish thick looking area in center of nipple).
3. Usually only one nipple is effected. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do a physical exam and should suggest having a mammogram of both breasts, done immediately. Ev en though the redness, oozing and crusting closely resemble dermatitis (inflammation of the skin), your doctor should suspect cancer if the sore is only on one breast. Your doctor should order a biopsy of your sore to confirm what is going on.
This message should be taken seriously and passed on to as many of your relatives and friends as possible; it could save someone's life.
My breast cancer has spread and metastasized to my bones after receiving mega doses of chemotherapy, 28 treatments of radiation and taking Tamaxofin. If this had been diagnosed as breast cancer in the beginning, perhaps it would not have spread...
This is sad as women are not aware of Paget's disease. If, by passing this around on the e-mail, we can make others aware of it and its potential danger, we are helping women everywhere.
Please, if you can, take a moment to forward this message to as many people as possible, especially to your family and friends. It only takes a moment, yet the results could save a life | An affirmation for you - Today I enjoy and savor the journey. I pay attention to my life’s process of unfolding. I embrace my own unique process and release my concerns about results. This moment is enough for me. | And to finish: All That We Are |
| All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make our world. | Buddha
lease forward this newsletter to anyone you think would enjoy it or benefit. It is not my intention to send out spam or unwanted mail, if you DO NOT wish to receive mailings in future - please reply to this e-mail and type REMOVE in the subject line. Your address will be removed from the list immediately ALL outgoing e-mail is virus checked Blessings www.rachaelhertogs.co.uk |
Posted by angel-healing
at 4:45 PM GMT
Updated: Tuesday, 26 February 2008 4:47 PM GMT
Sunday, 24 February 2008
Your Daily Affirmations for the week
Your Daily Affirmations for the last eight days of February, 2008 Friday, February 22, 2008 Today I center in Spirit, the presence within me. I rejoice in knowing that harmony, wholeness and perfection are the eternal truth of my life. Saturday, February 23, 2008 Today I trust my inner wisdom. I consciously commune with Spirit, knowing It is the source of my wisdom. I make powerful and freeing choices, confident that divine wisdom ever guides me. Sunday, February 24, 2008 Today I find humor in something I experience or think. My life is spacious and there is plenty of room for laughter and joy. Monday, February 25, 2008 Today I choose to accept responsibility for every area of my life. How I feel and think about my life are up to me. I am free from past limiting beliefs about myself and about the world. Tuesday, February 26, 2008 Today I enjoy and savor the journey. I pay attention to my life’s process of unfolding. I embrace my own unique process and release my concerns about results. This moment is enough for me. Wednesday, February 27, 2008 Today I take dominion over my health. I recognize the sacredness of my body as the temple of the living God. While making peace with the temporary nature of this body, I accept it as a tremendous vehicle for my spiritual transformation. Thursday, February 28, 2008 Today I recognize my body as my vehicle of experience on this physical plane. I give thanks for this amazingly intricate vehicle and for all that it enables me to experience. I stand as the eternal spiritual being that I am in full appreciation of my body. Friday, February 29, 2008 Today I accept the perfection of all of my experiences. I know that I bring my unique essence of individuality to each experience. I embrace my uniqueness. I boldly express who I am. I realize I am the only “me” there is, so I give the world the gift of my authentic expression.
Posted by angel-healing
at 6:24 PM GMT
Saturday, 23 February 2008
Please ACT...
Pleaase complain to the BBC about this issue by clicking here http://www.bbc.co.uk/cgi-perl/complaints/multistageform3.pl BBC Health Website Deletes Complementary Medicine
Last week the controllers of BBCHealth (www.bbc.co.uk/health <http://www.bbc.co.uk/health> ) , the health section on one of the most accessed websites in the world, decided to remove all coverage of complementary medicine!
They used to have substantial coverage with over 40 pages on this subject covering all the major therapies, their pros and cons, evidence for their effectiveness, how to find a qualified practitioner, etc.
However the site has in recent months been sent a deluge of letters and emails claiming that complementary therapies such as homeopathy and cranial osteopathy should be removed. As a result large chunks of this part of the site were simply removed overnight and now, following recent cutbacks, it was decided that, rather than update this part of the site, it should simply be removed altogether!
It may seem incredible that a public service site this prominent can deem complementary medicine so insignificant that it no longer warrants any coverage other than the odd news story. This is despite the fact that complementary medicine is used favourably by a significant proportion of the population (recent surveys have estimated that around 1 in 5 Britons use it at some point or other) and that increasing numbers of people are now seeking to train in these therapies.
However, as the 'quack busters' become more organised and active, evidence of the backlash against complementary medicine is appearing all over the place - such as the removal of PCT funding for homeopathy, the threatened closure of the homeopathic hospitals, many negative news stories in the press and so on. Rather than taking a reasoned view and considering the evidence from good research studies on complementary medicine some groups seem simply hell bent on trying to 'stamp out' complementary medicine in any way possible. The BBCi removal of complementary medicine coverage (which has been in place for almost 15 years!) is one example.
If you believe information pages on it should be returned to BBCi, please, please take just a minute to express your views using their online comment form at:
to make your view known. As a public service company they have to listen to your views so your email will make a difference. Apparently for all the many letters and emails that they received that were against complementary medicine they only received a handful in support. Therefore if you are in support please let them know so they may revise their thinking on this subject.
Please act as soon as possible and pass on these details to anyone else you know who may also be willing to write in support of complementary medicine.
Posted by angel-healing
at 8:42 AM GMT
Friday, 22 February 2008
Nothing Is Permanent
Nothing Is Permanent | | Nothing is permanent. All is changing. In every instant. In every moment.
Were anything permanent, it could not be. For even the very concept of permanence depends upon impermanence to have any meaning. Therefore, even permanence is impermanent. Look at this deeply. Contemplate this truth. Comprehend it, and you comprehend God. | Conversations With God, Book 3 Neale Donald Walsch Page 144 |
Love the moment, and the energy of that moment will spread beyond all boundaries.
-Corita Kent Today you will see a different world, one where you notice all the joy in the world. It does not matter if you have been miserable for years today you will see the light of joy breaking through all your best efforts to keep it out. In this regard 'all resistance is futile', for today you cannot shut out the joy that wants to reveal itself to you. Did you know that joy is a precursor to prosperity? This is because joy will lift your spirits and make you more available to opportunities and miracles. Now with this little secret of prosperity what can possibly stop you? May you live long and prosper. Sign up for your daily prosperity thought at www.prosperitythoughts.co.uk
Posted by angel-healing
at 10:55 AM GMT
Updated: Friday, 22 February 2008 10:58 AM GMT
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