Angel Healing ...the extras!
Tuesday, 4 December 2007
Reiki Share Dates for 2008
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Schedule- shares etc

Rachael’s Reiki Shares 2008

Evening Shares at Akousis, Fairlawn Rd, Montpelier


Jan 18th , March 21st , May 16th , July 18th  , Sept 26th , Nov 14th




Day time shares at The Lam Rim Centre, Victoria Place, Southville


Feb 20th, April 30th, June 4th, Oct 15th, Dec 17th.



There is a sliding scale charge cover room hire- £5 - £10.

Pay what you feel is right.


A Reiki Share is a space for reiki students, practitioners and those with a genuine interest in

learning Reiki to come together, meditate and receive a  treatment, but also for

peer support and discussion. The Reiki Share is a great opportunity for

the beginner or advanced Reiki practitioner to learn from and share with other Reiki Practitioners.

The energy of the Reiki Share is very special. People have all kinds of experiences that

 help them connect more fully with their spiritual side.



Facilitated by Rachael Hertogs- Reiki Master/Teacher

For further information contact 

Rachael on 9537765  email

Posted by angel-healing at 8:28 AM GMT
Updated: Sunday, 6 April 2008 10:47 AM BST
Monday, 3 December 2007
Abundance Angel Poem
Mood:  special
Topic: Musings

Abundance Angel

Abundance Angel brings to me

Wealth, joy, love that I can see;

My feelings tingle as I perceive

Abundance I can hardly believe

Abundance of Wealth flows into me

Flooding my life with prosperity;

My abundance awakens my memory

Of the love I hold for all I see

Abundance of Joy makes my heart sing

As I thank you for the wealth you bring;

I chant with grace and harmony

As I live my life abundantly

Abundance of Love, you are real

As I open my heart to the warmth I feel;

Draw us together to hug and share,

And show one another that we care

Abundance Angel, I sing your praise

As you shower your gifts down in new ways;

We merge as one; we expand and grow

Swimming together in life's flow

By HYPERLINK "http://www.healerge"George E. Lockett

Posted by angel-healing at 6:05 PM GMT
Saturday, 24 November 2007
The Light of God
The Light of God
The light of God surrounds me;

The love of God enfolds me;

The power of God protects me;

The presence of God watches over me.

Wherever I am, God is . . .

And all is well!

Prayer of Protection (1941)
James Dillet Freeman (1912-2003)
Poet Laureate of Unity

Posted by angel-healing at 8:23 AM GMT
Friday, 23 November 2007
Spirituality vs Psychism

Spirituality vs Psychism
A message from William Bloom

he difference between spirituality and… what shall we call it? Psychism, psychic phenomena, metaphysics, the occult, mediumship and so on.

I want people to understand the difference in order to save them the kind of confusion I experienced and which took me almost fifteen years to clear up. As a teenager and in my early twenties, I came across many people with interesting powers. They could move objects with their thought energy. They could clairvoyantly see things. They could talk with angels and spirits. They could make things happen. And I was ready to give them respect and to sit at their feet and learn.

Unfortunately most of t
hem were not very nice and not very wise. I can still vividly remember one man, sitting in a sofa, who looked at me with a glance that said ‘watch this’. He then directed his energy so that someone walking through the doorway suddenly fell backwards as if pushed by an invisible force. The man then glanced back at me with mischievous eyes, inviting me to become his student. I did not.

But I was perplexed. How was it that this prankster had these powers? I assumed that these kinds of powers went hand in hand with spiritual development.

Visualisation and image work
I was also confused by t
he whole business of visualization and imagery, which was presented as such an important part of spiritual development. I was not very good at image work. I could not imagine vivid colours or detailed images. Other people seemed to do it easily and I assumed they were more spiritual than me. My confusion increased when these people talked about their visions in a boastful way and did little interpretation of what the visions actually meant. These people were also usually closed to exploring different interpretations of their imagery. The simple question ‘how do you know this isn’t just your imagination?’ was not welcomed. But it is such a crucial question.

As I progressed, I began to realize that t
he ability to manipulate energy or work with imagery did not mean that I or someone else was spiritual. I began to understand that clairvoyance, psychism and energy manipulation were skills and tools like plumbing, embroidery, mechanics or banking. Being expert at them or having a natural talent for them was meaningless when related to spirituality. Spirituality, for me and I dare say for most people, is about a deepening connection with the wonder and spirit of life; is about wisdom, compassion and expanding consciousness; is about harmoniously serving the

Clever Trevor, t
he name we gave to the man who was so expert at moving energy and invisibly shoving people around, was not interested in spirituality.

Higher and lower siddhis
Years later, reading some of t
he Hindu scriptures and in particular a wonderful, short scripture called The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, I finally came across clear teachings that described these metaphysical skills and abilities, and said explicitly that they had nothing to do with spiritual attainment. In the Hindu scriptures these occult skills are called siddhis. There are higher siddhis and lower siddhis. The lower ones are to do with clairvoyance, psychism and the manipulation of energy. The higher ones are to do with expansions of consciousness, discernment and the ability, for example, to blend with new dimensions.

There is also an explanation of why people have these lower siddhis. They are a test. The soul’s lesson is to dismantle the illusion that siddhis give status and use them purely for service.

My partner of 20 years, Sabrina, is also clear about this. She comes from an ancestry of healers and psychics, and is clairvoyant. She suggests that clairvoyance is sometimes for remedial students. Getting the visual perception may be exciting or entertaining, but you then have to interpret it. The higher siddhi, she suggests, is direct knowing.

Here is a simple example. Psychically, Adolph Hitler could appear in your meditation disguised as a beautiful child. The entrancing image is, in fact, a trap. So you have to sense through the image to its vibration. You cannot assess the essence of something from its form and appearance. Direct knowing is quicker and more accurate. As ‘God’ says at the very beginning of Conversations with God, spiritual communications happen through feelings. Go into a forest or beautiful place of worship and be still. You will feel beautiful things. You feel it; you know it. For most people, in my opinion, it is a distraction to want the lower siddhi of having visions. I would far rather feel and know directly.

Breathing fire
Returning home from holiday once, t
here was a message on my answering machine from a scientist friend saying, ‘William, Sabrina, you might want to come over. We have a Ceylonese miracle man staying with us who can breathe light and fire.’

We did not even unpack, but zipped over to witness this man who could make light and fire manifest in his breath. More than that, if
he breathed it into your forehead or chest, it felt warm and energising. I was mightily impressed and began to put some time into promoting him. I then discovered that he was unable to keep his hands off women, had an uncontrollable gambling habit and the
emotions of a five year old. I disengaged.

he phenomenon of the fire in his breath was useful. It opened people up to the possibility of othe
r realms and dimensions. But his spiritual development did not match his miracle-making.

Of course I am still intrigued by and enjoy psychic powers and p
henomena. I really like them. But I don’t confuse the
m with spiritual development. In next month’s column I’ll start discussing how psychic abilities can be truly used for compassionate growth and service.


Posted by angel-healing at 4:05 PM GMT
Thursday, 22 November 2007

Thursday, November 22, 2007
Today I lift my heart in gratitude and allow the love I am to express freely. I am a giver and receiver of God’s bounty!

Friday, November 23, 2007
I imagine my life in God. I create from the infinite possibility that is me!

Saturday, November 24, 2007
I need not fear anything, for I am unconditional love expressing everywhere!

Sunday, November 25, 2007
I am tuned in to God’s divine direction. I live life from the inside out!

Monday, November 26, 2007
I rest in the vastness of God’s love. I accept myself fully as the love that I am!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
I open my heart and express all the love that I am.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
I release all limited thinking. I dive deep into the silence of my own soul. I let go and allow myself to love and be loved.

Thursday, November 29, 2007
I forgive and forget, knowing that it is the way to love.

Friday, November 30, 2007
I willingly receive the blessings of the universe, and I joyfully dance the dance of the Divine!

Posted by angel-healing at 3:57 PM GMT
Friday, 16 November 2007
couple of quotes
Mood:  not sure
Topic: Musings
It's a Bit Embarrassing
Dr. Huxley, perhaps more than anyone else alive, you have studied the great spiritual and religious traditions of the world. What have you learned?

Aldous Huxley: It's a bit embarrassing to have been concerned with the human problem all one's life and find at the end that one has no more to offer [by way of advice] than, Try to be a little kinder.

Aldous Huxley (1894-1963)
British Writer, Social Critic, Spiritual Scholar
Quote is from an interview cited in "Spiritual Fitness," by Tom Owen-Towle, p. 343

When a person doesn't have gratitude, something is missing in his or her humanity. A person can almost be defined by his or her attitude toward gratitude.

-Elie Wiesel

Posted by angel-healing at 10:50 AM GMT
Wednesday, 14 November 2007
do you practise?
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Musings

Do you practise?  A message from William Bloom

Autumn is here, sometimes bringing with it a tendency to turn grumpy. The cooler weather and the longer nights. Those of you who know me will not be surprised at the targets of my occasional but usually well meaning grumpiness – people who spout about spirituality but do not actually do it.

My first taste of this was at school w
here the head teacher and his wife preached a gospel of kindness but behaved like bullies. You probably all have your own stories.

Snake Oil Salesmen
For forty years now I have been involved in t
he new spirituality that is emerging in our culture. I love it. We can call it new age, or holistic, or contemporary. Like all spiritualities, it has its beauty and it has its shadow sides. One of its shadows – and not a new one – is the promise of a quick fix. John Diamond, the journalist who died of cancer, once likened new age teachers to snake oil salesmen.

her problem is the way in which people get fascinated by the promises, the glamours, the reassurances and the entertainment. And then don’t do the actual spiritual work. If you think I’m too opinionated, remember that I have tasted more spiritual paths than some people have had hot breakfasts. (Is that a boast or a confession? Should you pity or envy me?) For ten years I co-directed the Alternatives Programme at St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, and experienced the cream of the world’s spiritual teache
rs. I have personally put on 600 or so lectures plus several conferences.

You name it. I have
heard it. There were many inspiring jewels and also some weird ones. I especially remember a Feng Shui teacher who advised audience members to put small pieces of aluminum foil on their shoulders to bring them power and success. My favourite bizarre folk were the Course in Miracles teachers from the southern states of the USA who threatened us with hell if we did not surrender to God’s all embracing forgiveness. That was an interesting mixed message.

Three Crucial Questions
One of t
he beauties of contemporary spirituality is its diversity. We are the first generation ever that is able to look at all the world’s spiritual traditions. This gives us a unique opportunity to see the core practices that they share. Despite all their differences – for example, from meditation to ecstatic dance – there are great similarities. It is like sport. No matter which particular sport you practice – golf, swimming, tennis – you still need to practice certain core skills such as fitness, muscle tone and stamina. Spirituality also has its core skills. Let me ask you three simple questions that illustrate this. The answers to these questions will show whether you have the basis of Spiritual Practice.

(But why, you may ask, would you want to do spiritual practice? Because, like piano or yoga or football, you want to get better at it! To become more awake and conscious. To be more connected. To soak in t
beauty and wonder.)

Anyway have a look at t
hese three questions and answer Yes or No:

Spiritual Connection: Do you connect with the pure wonder of existence?

Reflection: Do you reflect on your development and consciousness – and seek to guide them?

Service: Do you try to live a life is of benefit to others?

If you answer ‘Yes’ to those three questions then, according to most traditions, you already understand and observe the three core skills of Spiritual Practice. Do them regularly and with consciousness and you actually have an ongoing and grounded rhythm.

So t
he next important question to ask yourself is this: At least once a day, do you do them? Do you connect with the wonder of life and soak in spirit? Do you pause and reflect? Do you benefit othe

You can do all this in whatever way works best for you. T
here are so many different strategies and styles – contemplative, shamanic, traditional, dance, chant, landscape, healing, psychological and so on. All you need is to take responsibility for yourself and guide yourself into a rhythm of daily practice, so that ultimately it all becomes one ongoing flow of awareness and experience. This requires a great mix of spiritual maturity and continual innocence at the newness of each moment.

The Reward
hether you develop your Spiritual Practice in one of my courses or elsewhere, let me share with you what I believe a consistent practice will give you. If you regularly soak in your experience of spirit, and consistently guide the growth of your consciousness and of your usefulness, then you will receive what most people really want:

- A sense of personal integrity, not dependent on material success or the opinion of others
- Inner strength
- Love and compassion
- Deepening connection with t
pure wonder of existence
- Long-term vision
- A stable foundation for personal and career development
- A clear sense of morality and ethics
- Improved
- Friends and family will enjoy your company more
- Quiet leadership qualities
- Character improvement
- T
he necessary foundation for exploring energy work, the
inner worlds and altered states of consciousness
- Keeps you alert and intelligent
- A sense of being in t
driving seat of your life
- Genuine enjoyment of life whilst being solidly present to t
challenges and suffering
- Consistent spiritual growth

Although it can be challenging to maintain a daily practice, look at those benefits! They are the best. Nothing else compares.


Posted by angel-healing at 11:25 AM GMT
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Ten Reminders for the Advanced Soul
There Are Only Two Ways
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.

Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Ten Reminders for the Advanced Soul

Richard Bach                                

1. Remember that this world is not reality. It’s a playground of appearances on which you practise overcoming seems-to-be with your knowing of what is.

2. A lifetime is your chance to express t
he IS in the
most adventurous creative way you can imagine.

3. T
he IS is Life, Love, the Magnificent IT at the centre of your being. The IS does not recognize the limitations of spacetime, nor does it recognize your sorrows, fears, or beliefs. It does not see you as an upright biped on the surface of a third planet from a little sun at the edge of a small galaxy of an insignificant universe sandwiched for a moment between multiple trillions of other universes. It sees you reflecting Itself, and allows you the
absolute freedom to do anything you wish, except to die.

4. Who you are is someone who asked to be dropped off on earth so you could do something remarkable, something that matters to you, which you could not do anyw
here, anywhe
n else.

5. You are free to create and honour whatever past you choose, to
al and transform your present.

6. You do not create your own reality. You create your own appearances. Big difference!

7. If one inspired innocent loving soaring dreamer believes in a universe of joy and light and perfect being, and if s
he’s wrong and dies, it’s not the dreamer who’s been foolish, but the

8. If God looked directly into your eyes and said, ‘I command that you be happy in t
world as long as you live,’ what would you do?

9. You’ve all learned something that someone somew
here needs to remember. How will you let the
m know?

10. Your oneness in love is reality, and mirages cannot change reality. Don’t forget. No matter what seems to be.

Messiah’s Handbook © 2004 by Richard Bach

Posted by angel-healing at 11:23 AM GMT
Friday, 9 November 2007
On Death, from The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran
Mood:  hug me
Topic: Musings

I shall be reading this today at my fathers funeral.

Rachael xxx

The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran

an excerpt from chapter 27

You would know the secret of death.

But how shall you find it unless you seek it in the heart of life?

The owl whose night-bound eyes are blind unto the day cannot unveil the mystery of light.

If you would indeed behold the spirit of death, open your heart wide unto the body of life.

For life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one.

In the depth of your hopes and desires lies your silent knowledge of the beyond;

And like seeds dreaming beneath the snow your heart dreams of spring.

Trust the dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity.

For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun?

And what is to cease breathing, but to free the breath from its restless tides, that it may rise and expand and seek God unencumbered?

Only when you drink form the river of silence shall you indeed sing.

And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb.

And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance.


Posted by angel-healing at 10:37 AM GMT
Friday, 2 November 2007
Peace and Hope
Mood:  hug me
Topic: Positive News!!

"Hope is the dream of a soul awake." ~ proverb

Dear Peace-makers and Friends,

Today we invite you to pause for a moment and reflect on the Power of Hope.

Hope is one of the 12 Noble Powers(R) all human beings possess. Hope is a fundamental virtue found in every world religion, alongside love and faith. It is the seed of possibility that stokes our imaginations and sustains our visions for Peace.

What is this force called Hope, and what is it for?

Essentially, Hope is a way of navigating the future, a means for transcending the darkness and limitation of the present day. Hope is not born for that which is easy or certain. It knows there are challenges and a price to pay. Hope is tough and audacious and often unreasonable. Hope dares to believe despite what it sees.

Hope for the future is a life force in itself. Physicians and caregivers affirm that hope can make the difference between who recovers and who doesn't, who lives and who dies.

Whether you are dealing with a serious illness, facing a financial challenge or living in conditions that make life difficult to bear, hope can be the difference between surviving and thriving or succumbing to fear and pain. You may feel exhausted, overwhelmed, and nearly ready to give up. Yet, with hope and even a small chance for improvement, you can summons the strength to rise up and carry on.

As we enter this season of Peace and Thanks-Giving, may you nurture this capacity for hope within yourself:

  • Visualize your desired outcomes;
  • Read stories of triumph and courage;
  • Spend time with resilient people;
  • Take one action to improve your life TODAY.

You can also be a source of hope for others by reaching out in your community and by choosing gifts that make a difference for it's creator as well as it's receiver. These exchanges of hope represent a world of opportunity and dignity to women and families in need. It is one of the simplest and nicest ways we have found to make Peace the way we live, and a reason we give.

Wishing you Peace, Hope and Love everyday,

Kimberly King & Brent Bisson
And The Peace Company Team

Posted by angel-healing at 12:21 PM BST

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