![](https://ly.lygo.net/af/d/blog/yogaf/yogaf.jpg) |
Friday, 20 July 2007
experiments with DNA
Topic: Positive News!!
This article is a bit technical but I`m sure you will get the message! There are incredible things happening all around us of which we are often quite unaware and I think it is very useful to have some investigations brought to our notice. The conclusions arrived at in the experiments described below will be recognised as similar to those that some of us have read in the works of Masaru Emoto and his experiments with water and have been recorded in his many fascinating books with wonderrful photographic evidence on the subject. What we do with our thoughts really can make a difference! "The Feel of The Field"
Electric DNA and Our Living Universe
Experiment #1 by Dr. Vladimir Poponin
A container was emptied of air, so the only thing left was electromagnetic field. Poponin measured the energy distribution inside the container and found it was completely random. Then some DNA was placed inside the container and the field distribution was remeasured. This time the energy was organized in an ORDERED way aligned with the DNA. In other words the 'physical' DNA is connected to the 'non-physical' energy field.
After that, the DNA was removed from the container, and the order was measured again. The field REMAINED ORDERED, with the arrangement created by the DNA. Experiment #2 by the US Military
Leukocytes (white blood cells) were collected for DNA from donors and placed into chambers so they could measure electrical changes. In this experiment, the donor was placed in one room and subjected video clips, which generated different emotions in the donor. The DNA was in a different room in the same building. Both the donor and the subject's DNA were monitored. As the donor exhibited emotional peaks or valleys (measured by electrical responses), the DNA exhibited the IDENTICAL RESPONSES.
The military wanted to see how far away they could separate the donor from his DNA and still get this effect. They stopped testing after they separated the DNA and the donor by 50 miles and STILL had the SAME result. The DNA and the donor had the same identical responses.
It means that life everywhere communicates through the electromagnetic cosmic field.
Experiment #3 by the Institute of Heart Math
Some human placental DNA (the most pristine form of DNA) was placed in a container from which they could measure changes. Twenty-eight vials of DNA were given (one each) to 28 trained researchers. Each researcher had been trained how to generate and FEEL feelings, and they each had strong emotions.
What was discovered was that the DNA CHANGED ITS SHAPE with the feelings of the researchers:
A. When the researchers FELT gratitude, love and appreciation, the DNA responded by RELAXING and the strands unwound. The DNA became longer.
B. When the researchers FELT anger, fear, frustration, or stress, the DNA responded by TIGHTENING UP. It became shorter and SWITCHED OFF many of our DNA codes.
The shut down of the DNA codes was reversed and the codes were switched back on again when feelings of love, joy, gratitude and appreciation were felt by the researchers.
Individuals trained in deep love were able to change the shape of their DNA. This recognizes energy or field as the connector of all creation, a TIGHTLY WOVEN WEB that connects all seeming materiality. We're able to participate in the web of creation through our VIBRATION.
THIS is how we can create our reality - by choosing it with our feelings.
Get yourself into feelings of joy, love, peace, healing, patience, respect, appreciation, wonder and gratitude -- and focus on bringing that to our whole re-connecting world!
Posted by angel-healing
at 7:28 AM BST
Tuesday, 10 July 2007
July Newsletter
Topic: archive newsletters
July 2007 Free e-newsletter From Rachael Hertogs Hey there, so what’s going on with this weather? I hope it improves for Ashton Court Festival (I’ll be running a stall in the Enchanted Garden with my fellow Community Clinic therapists). I’ve had 2 wet camping weekends since I last wrote and I’m getting a bit fed up of drying wet tents!! But my garden is blooming, nasturtiums spreading everywhere…my sweet peas smell glorious and salads are ready to eat every day. It’s amazing! So what’s happening this month? Have you heard about the Bristol Beach? There is going to be a beach on the harbour side- near the Severn Shed…Your Community Clinic therapists will be there every Sunday giving treatments, but there will also be loads to do for kids and adults...all activities will be in the Evening post and on GWR so keep an eye out- I hear there will even be daily yoga sessions! Of course Ashton Court has had a few problems getting its licence- but they did it and this year will be different- new part of the estate and some new areas- the Enchanted Garden sounds great, massive tipi’s acoustic music, a healing area- do check it out. This month I begin teaching Reiki at ARA (addiction recovery agency) and I’m teaching a Reiki III course at the lovely Matara Centre (see www.matara.co.uk- do visit their grounds…well worth a look!) next moth is Unicorn Camp http://www.unicorncamps.com/ and Riven Stone http://www.seventhwavemusic.co.uk/rivenstone2007.html – I’m working at both, and then ending the summer at a small camp on our land in Dorset. Anyway…on with the newsletter… Seven Ways to Cope With Burnout If you reach a point where you feel you can't take it anymore, you've arrived-at a point of overwhelm that pop psychology refers to as "burnout." It is a point of emotional exhaustion, mental confusion, and even physical fatigue. The word itself originated from a description of a busted light bulb. However, while you can't do anything about a light bulb that won't work anymore, there is plenty that you can do with psychological overwhelm. You might even say that unlike a light bulb, a human being is a self-renewing system. Here are seven simple remedies to renew your mind, body, and soul. 1. Step out into nature. Go to the mountains, the forest, or the ocean. …even a park will do!! I'm not sure how this works, but when you spend a sufficient amount of time in nature, you feel rejuvenated and your mind comes up with fresh ideas on how to cope with your pressing situation. your income. 2. Energize. Go to a health-food store and get an energy supplement. Vitamins, minerals, and herbs can help your metabolism recuperate from the stress. Most health-food stores have someone to assist you, as well as reference books and videos on what to take for your particular condition. 3. Introspect. In a notebook, write down everything that bothers you until you can come up with a way that you can change the situation. Start with a question. "What can I do about...?" Then keep writing until you come up with an answer. I once did this for two hours and came up with a new model on how I could radically improve every aspect of my life. 4. Try music. Listen to beautiful, serene, uplifting music. Don't do anything else as you listen to the music-or you'll simply find a way to tune it out. Listen to every note, every word sung, and every interval of silence in the music. It's amazing how this will transform you. Music has been said to tame a wild beast. It will do the same for the wild beast of your major upset. 5. Relax deeply. Massages, hot baths, and stretching exercises can all be used to unknot your muscles. It's impossible to be unhappy when your body is completely relaxed. The rise of stress hormones in your body, create a fight-or-flight response in your nervous system. Systematic physical relaxation reverses this condition. 6. Reframe. If you feel stressed because you are doing a task that you dislike, use your imagination to make it more enjoyable. For example, if you're raking leaves, and you just hate gardening, then imagine that you're raking in money, and that each leaf represents a fifty pound note! This will actually spark creative ideas in your mind on how you can improve 7. Talk to an expert. Visit someone who can help you or read a book or hear an audio program by a stress reduction expert. As you open your mind to new information, you shift your stuck thinking and find new ways of dealing with the troubling situation. Using any of these simple remedies or a combination for burnout will help you get your perspective back. Oh, one more tip…. Healthy housework Would you believe it: housework is good for you! It’s thought that a daily session of vigorous housework may be almost as beneficial as a session in the gym. What’s more, a study, partly funded by Cancer Research UK, found that women who did regular housework had a significantly lower risk of developing breast cancer. I'll finish with an affirmation- much love and many blessings Rachael xxx *New products!* Inspirational PostcardsPacks of 5, with envelopes, 1 of each design, £1.50 or 5 packs for £7. - To Awaken
- Children Learn
- Children
- Keep your self in the Light
- Ripples
See http://www.rachaelhertogs.co.uk/gifts.shtml *Events and Networking* Rachael’s Reiki Shares July and Aug 07Akousis, Fairlawn Rd, Montpelier Friday July 13th 7-9pm The Lam Rim Centre, Victoria Place, Southville Tuesdays 17th July and 21st Aug 1-2.30 there is a sliding scale charge cover room hire- £5 - £10. A Reiki Share is a space for reiki students, practitioners and those with a genuine interest in learning Reiki to come together, Meditate and receive a treatment, but also for peer support and discussion. The Reiki Share is a great opportunity for The beginner or advanced Reiki practitioner to learn from and share with other Reiki Practitioners. The energy of the Reiki Share is very special. People have all kinds of experiences that Help them connect more fully with their spiritual side. Facilitated by Rachael Hertogs- Reiki Master/Teacher For further information or to confirm attendance contact Rachael on 9537765 email info@rachaelhertogs.co.uk www.rachaelhertogs.co.uk For future dates and lots of other reiki information- see http://reikishare.proboards38.com
Your Community Clinic- come and see us at Ashton Court Festival! http://www.ashtoncourtfestival.com/ in the Enchanted Garden And of course we are still at Scrapstore every other Saturday (next date 21st July) We hope to see you very soon, remember to pre-book to guarantee a treatment 0117 9537765 ~although you're welcome to drop by and see if we can fit you in! Your Community Clinic- offers a gateway to complementary therapies for a minimum donation of £10 for 30 mins- although 1 hour sessions can be booked. Therapies: Aromatherapy, Back, Shoulder & Head Massage, Cranial Sacral Therapy*, Crystal Healing, Ear Acupuncture, Facial Massages, Indian Head Massage, Reflexology, Reiki & Shiatsu, Thai Massage* (* only on Saturdays) Find us every other Saturday at Bristol Children’s Scrapstore and every 2nd Wednesday at Broadmead Baptist Church, plus ongoing sessions at the Better Food Co Café - Mondays and Thursdays 3-7pm Pre-book to guarantee a treatment 0117 9537765 ~although you're welcome to drop by and see if we can fit you in! FFI contact Rachael on 0117 9537765 or email- info@rachaelhertogs.co.uk Call or text 07876643683/ 07855107772 on day. Clinic dates, promotions etc on www.yourcommunityclinic.com Websites don't have to be expensive. They can cost as little as £50 to set up a simple one and are a great way to let people know about you and what you do. You can use them to promote your business or to share family photos with friends overseas. Contact Lisa Cole - moomum@lactivist.co.uk for more details. Moon Times Organic Handmade Washable Sanitary Towels www.rachaelhertogs.co.uk And to finish- I Have Seen All Sects I have seen all sects and all paths. I do not care for them anymore. People belonging to these sects quarrel so much!
After trying all religions, I have realized that God is the Whole and I AM His part; that He is the Lord and I AM his servant; again I realize, He is I; I AM He. . . Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa (1836-1886) Indian Hindu religious leader
Posted by angel-healing
at 10:58 AM BST
Updated: Tuesday, 10 July 2007 11:07 AM BST
Sunday, 8 July 2007
Daily Affirmations
Sunday, July 8, 2007 Today I let myself see clearly. Where I felt confusion, I now feel peace. Monday, July 9, 2007 Today I choose the path of inner peace. I realize that I am in partnership with God and therefore take the high road. Tuesday, July 10, 2007 Today I remember that I am living in grace. I let go and let God, trusting that God is the infinite intelligence within me that knows what to do in each situation. Wednesday, July 11, 2007 Today I remember that the healing power of God is greater than any tragedy. Thursday, July 12, 2007 Today I bathe in the radiance of faith. I trust in God. I trust in life. Friday, July 13, 2007 Today I give thanks for the clarity of mind that comes from sitting in the stillness attuning to God. Sitting in the stillness I let peace filter through all of my concerns. Saturday, July 14, 2007 Today I weed out any fear, doubt and worry that prevents my dreams from coming to fruition. I do my part and let God do the rest
Posted by angel-healing
at 9:40 AM BST
Friday, 6 July 2007
Earth Healing Meditation
Topic: Positive News!!
those of you who read the "Sacred Hoop" will have seen it in the last issue - there is a huge Earth Healing meditation taking place on July 17 (for all information please see www.firethegrid.com ). I was i touched by the story behind it, and now I'm trying to inform as many people as possible about this special event which will take only 1 hour of your time for - hopefully - a result that can really change life for the better for all of us, our beloved ones, our four-legged family members, our land with its tame gardens and wild woodlands... Yes, the website has lots of text to read through, but it's worth it.
remember a world where the crash of ocean waves carries the voice of our Mother, the soft light of the moon is Her gift to us, and every living being is my relative. I remember a world in which the call of an owl, the flight of a heron and the sound of the wind through the trees have meanings too deep to tell. I remember a world where dreams run deep, life runs slow, and eternity unfurls itself on a spiral. I remember...
Posted by angel-healing
at 12:27 PM BST
Tuesday, 3 July 2007
Your Point of Choice
Topic: Musings
Your Point of Choice To awaken, to step into ' All That You Are', is to become conscious of your point of choice. It is from your point of choice, your free will, that you create your reality. It is that which expresses your being. When you are unconscious of it then along with your heart's desires is your fear, your societal conditioning, shame, and guilt - everything that you contain. This is how we create both what we love and what we fear. This is how we create a reality that is a perfect mirror of our beingness. When you become aware of where you are choosing from, you open the possibility of being a conscious creator. Through releasing fear, duty, shame, obligation, rules, guilt, ingrained patterns, and limiting beliefs you create purely from your heart. You can create your own personal Heaven on Earth. This is the journey of your life, and it is one of the most exciting journey's that can be undertaken in All That Is. Most people are wanting to create abundance in their lives. Abundance is the ability to act with freedom - the ability to follow your heart without either internal or external hindrance. The focus for most, quite understandably, is however on the desire to create financial wealth in your life. Money is indeed a form of freedom here on planet Earth., though do not doubt that if you are not free in your beingness then money can become a cage just like any other addiction. But if you are looking to also be open and free in your beingness then let us share with you our greatest 'tip' for bringing financial abundance into your life. Over the next month, indeed over the rest of your incarnate life, become aware of where you are choosing from. Many of you have already become much clearer at this and you no longer choose from societal expectations, family pressures, or fear. Many of you have come to choose more and more from your heart and so your personal realities are beginning to blossom. There is however one common way in which people at this time are tripping themselves up. You say I wish to be free. You say I am deserving of the love and joy in my heart being reflected in my external reality. You say that you are ready to be free from the limitations of lack. You say that you are ready for the wealth of love in your heart to be reflected as financial wealth. You picture yourselves as successful and imagine the joys and freedom of financial wealth. The pictures you paint are wondrous and we encourage them. Know however that money is not the answer. The moment you know this truly in your heart you will come to have more money than you know what to do with. But how do you do this...? It is simple. Stop choosing from the desire for money. Choose from your excitement, your passion - the true and clear desire of your spirit, your soul, the God that you are. The trip-up that people make is they think 'I will be happy when I have money so I will choose options that I know will bring me money, even if that involves doing something you don't really want to do. You say that the ends justify the means. You say, I don't really want to do this work but I do want the money that it will bring me. This is to say that you won't enjoy the journey but you will enjoy the destination. Now listen ... Anything that you do that you do not want to do, no matter how much money it may lead you to, will never lead you to joy - never. It is not possible. To let this idea in is to let go of a type of financial mentality that for many is ingrained and this will be a journey in itself to come to the awareness of when you are choosing from 'joy' and when you are choosing from the supposed 'future joy' that you believe you will experience from money you will receive by doing something that in your heart you do not really want to do. One tool you can use here is to imagine what you would be doing in your life if you had an overflowing bank account. See what you are doing in your life that you would stop if you won the lottery. Now, to be clear, we are not recommending you all walk out of your jobs tomorrow, though that would not be the end of the world. This is a journey that will take time, and as you bring this awareness into your life and you start to choose from joy instead of money, then you will attract to you opportunities that will allow you to leave your job painlessly. This does not need to be difficult. Come to live what we have spoken of here. Allow time, and you can walk effortlessly into the Infinite Freedom that you are. We are conscious creation and we welcome you further into the energy that you are. --- Copyright 2007 Story Waters
Posted by angel-healing
at 10:15 AM BST
Monday, 2 July 2007
Some insights from NDW
Topic: Musings
Following is the third installment of an extended series of commentaries. Over the next three weeks Neale Donald Walsch offers deep insight on the nature of life and the reason it is the way it is. This week Neale’s topic is: Embarking on the Journey - Keeping body and soul together
I said in this space last week that I would next discuss the reason for our temporary and selective amnesia during our life on Earth; the reason that we have to forget who we are in order to remember and experience who we are. I said that, but today I am going to move in a different direction and get to that piece next week, because I find myself today wishing to express more clearly something I said here in my last entry, so that confusion might be avoided.
Last week I made the following statement:
"If you believe that life has anything to do -- anything at all -- with the needs or goals or accomplishments of your body, then you haven't understood anything at all about the purpose of your existence, about the reason you, a spiritual being, chose to travel through time and space with your body and dwell in the realm of physicality."
I did not mean to infer or imply that we should spend no time whatsoever pursuing pleasure's of the body or the joys of fully experiencing physicality. Indeed, I would like to say to you now, very clearly, that just the opposite is true. We have brought ourselves here from the Realm of the Spiritual to the Realm of the Physical for the specific purpose of experiencing with joy ALL the wonders and the beauty and the treasures that can only be found in physical life.
Yes, only. Certain treasures can only be found in physical life. If these experiences could be had in the Realm of the Spiritual, we would have no reason to come into physical form. It must be understood that we are moving from the Spiritual Realm to the Physical Realm for a reason. We are coming here to life on the earth in order that we might gain a "world of experience." And what it is that we wish to experience is all that we have come to know about ourselves in the Realm of the Spiritual. And so we see that the journey of evolution is a matter of "keeping body and soul together." Even in the Spiritual Realm we have a "body." It is simply a different kind of body than that which we carry around with is in our time of physicality. It is our ethereal body, but it is our body nonetheless.
The biggest misunderstanding of so many religions is the idea that "heaven" exists on the "other side," and that this is what constitutes the so-called "spiritual world." In fact, in Ultimate Reality there are two realms.
These are not, as is commonly thought, the realms of Heaven and Hell. Rather, these are the Realm of the Spiritual and the Realm of the Physical. And the Realm of the Physical is not analogous to "hell." It is not another way of referring to Hades. In fact, there is no such place as Hades. Hell does not exist. The Realm of the Spiritual and the Realm of the Physical are two distinct realms within the Kingdom of Heaven.
That's right! Earth is part of Heaven!
We do not come here to this planet as a "test." We do not come here to be tested. Nor do we enter into physicality in order that we might "learn" something. We enter into physicality in order that we might experience who and what we know ourselves to be. Physicality and the Realm of the Relative are tools created by Divine Intelligence allowing us to create an experience of Who We Really Are, which experience is not available to us in this delicious form in the Realm of the Absolute.
Our time here is not meant to be a time of travail, but a time of bliss. The Contextual Field that we have created as a means of experiencing the bliss can be embraced as a gift and a blessing. It is merely a matter of how we look at things. It is simply a choice regarding the perspective that we take.
So while we are here on earth we are not required to wear a hair shirt and walk around with a begging bowl. We are not required to deny ourselves any of the pleasures of physicality as a means of proving ourselves worthy of God's love, or of elevating ourselves to a level of "higher consciousness," or of expanding our awareness. The word "enlightenment" does not equate with the word "miserable." Nor does "detachment" mean the same thing as "denial."
The truly enlightened being is a person who is not so deeply attached to physical forms and experiences that the absence of them causes a loss of happiness. Life urges us to enjoy physical experiences of many types, but not to require them.
It is through the enjoyment of the many aspects of physicality that we bring ourselves a rich experience and a powerful internal awareness of our true nature and our true identity.
This series of commentaries opened with a deep look at how time flies, how quickly our lives pass before us. This is good news, not bad. We were given this news as a comfort when we left Home. You see, we did not really want to leave. At some level, though we knew it was all part of the process and the cycle of life, we did not want to go. But no sooner did we enter our physical form than the angels began to minister to us, whispering: "Be of good cheer! You'll be Home in no time!"
They were, of course, being quite literal. But they also meant that in relative terms. They were conveying to us that our "time" here would pass very quickly. It would be like the blink of an eye.
As I said, we understood at the soul level that the journey to physicality was part of the endless cycle of Life Itself, and that the Realm of the Physical was created for us as the place where we could Experience what we had come to Know about who we really are. But leaving Home is never easy. Not when Home is as wonderful as ours is.
And the angels not only gave us comfort, but a great clue. They said, "If you want to really move through your next physical life quickly, if you want to really make 'time fly,' here is a secret formula: have fun. Make a joyful noise! You will find that your physical life will be over before you know it!"
What a great piece of information! What a marvelous secret! What a terrific insight! Humanity has taken this insight and reduced it to seven words: Time flies when you are having fun. Fun and joy are the jet fuel in the engine of life! We can have the experience of moving through our physical life quickly, and being Home again very fast, by just having fun!
In the Comments Section of the CwG Messenger’s Forum (see: www.nealedonaldwalsch.com/messengercircle) there was this exchange recently...
FROM KAREN...Apparently Einstein said something like if we feel the day to be going quickly we are moving through time fast, similarly if the day seems to be dragging we are moving through time more slowly. I wonder what we do or fail to do to create one or the other experience? Interest or lack thereof in what we are doing I suspect?
My response: What we are doing to create one or the other experience is having fun. If we are having fun, time moves quickly. If we are not, time moves slowly. A happy person packs more into a day than a sad person ever will. The question is: How does a person become happy? The answer: Happiness is not something we obtain from any moment, it is something we bring to it. Happiness is not a reaction, it is a creation. A Master is not one is who is happy because something happens. A Master is one who is happy and then something happens.
And the marvelous thing about "being happy" is that it requires nothing. Nothing but a decision. Remember that always. It is an amazing piece of wisdom. Nothing is required to be happy but a decision. It is a simple choice to notice that everything is perfect just the way it is. As my son is fond of saying, "It's all good."
So I want to make it clear here that Enlightenment is not about self-deprivation, it’s about just the opposite. It's about celebration. You are invited by life to celebrate yourself and to enjoy all the pleasures of life. And you are invited to notice that part of the process of your evolution is to look to see what you call "pleasure." For it is by what we call pleasure that we can measure the degree to which we humans have evolved. Our Pleasure is Our Measure.
So when I said that your life has nothing to do with your body, I did not mean that you are supposed to ignore your body, or step aside from its pleasures. Yet you may wish to redefine them. Does it bring you pleasure, for instance, to fill the lungs in your body with cell-killing smoke? Then do so
Does it bring you pleasure to watch other people hurt each other in what you call "sport"? Then do so. Do you want to know how highly evolved you have become? Simply look to what you call "pleasure." Humanity as a whole can do the same thing. What do we call "sport"? What do we call "pleasure"? What do we call "enjoyable"?
I also meant to convey in my comments the other day that your body is not the beginning and the end of your experience here upon the earth. Bodily pleasures are outcomes, not goals. They are part of the process of life, not the process itself. Indeed, it is when we focus primarily on the goal of meeting our bodily needs and desires that we rarely do. And even in the few moments when we do, it is never enough. Because the more the body gets, the more the body wants.
Yet when we come to the understanding that what we are here for is the evolution of the human soul, we suddenly change our focus -- and the irony is that with this shift, all the peace, all the joy, all the happiness, all the bliss for which our body was yearning can be experienced Right Here, Right Now. All the safety, all the security, all the opportunity to express and experience the simple joys, are ours. That for which we have been struggling comes to us without effort.
This is the wonder and the glory of the spiritual journey. Yet it can only be encountered and experienced by those who have embarked on the journey itself.
Posted by angel-healing
at 4:09 PM BST
Thursday, 28 June 2007
Being Totally Accepting
Topic: Musings
If you are not totally accepting, you will resist owning what you have created, and what you resist persists. Therefore rejoice, and be glad, and should the present circumstance or condition be one which you now choose to change, simply choose to experience it in another way. The outward appearance, the outward manifestation, may not be altered at all, but your inner experience of it can and will be changed forever, simply out of your decision about it. Remember, this is what you are after. You are not concerned with outer appearances, only with your inner experience. Let the outer world be what it is. Create your inner world as you would have it be. This is what is meant by being in your world, but not of it. This is mastery in living. | Friendship With God Neale Donald Walsch Page 321 |
Posted by angel-healing
at 8:18 AM BST
Friday, 15 June 2007
Life Flows and Expands As We Realize Our Dreams
Topic: Musings
Life Flows and Expands As We Realize Our Dreams We live in an ever-expanding universe and the universe expands from the unmanifest silence of Spirit or light outwards into more and more concrete expressions of our dreams, which we create in our spiritual blueprint of reality. We have all heard about The Secret and Quantum Physics - a field of pure unmanifest energy which underlies all creation. This field contains all expressions of manifest life in virtual form. It is just waiting for human consciousness to breathe self-awareness into the field and start the creation process through our dreams, visualization, and positive affirmations. Human consciousness is becoming refined and we are waking up to our creative nature. We realize that we can create our reality by make-believe in the first instance. As the universe expands our dreams and aspirations start to take form and draw to them all the physical matter and energy needed to start to manifest. As we look around us in any city, we see the buildings that started their existence in the dreams of the architects, who drew up the plans and drew in all the resources to create the very diverse collections of buildings that form our cities. This process takes place in nearly every endeavour human consciousness undertakes, be it as simple as cooking our next meal. Human consciousness flows from an unmanifest level and draws in all the resources needed to create in physical form, the reality we see around us. Therefore, do not complain about what you see around you outside. Go within your heart; see your dreams, passion and desire blending through visualization, and flowing outwards through your five senses and your physical limbs to start shaping the reality around you. Through synchronicity, we draw to us all the materials we require to bring our dreams into reality, just like the colourless sap in a plant moves through the plant and creates the stem, leaves, and flowers. Human consciousness is like this colourless sap: it is the energy field which creates the matrix for energy to take form and manifest following its spiritual blueprint. All you need is a little understanding of the process and you can change what is around you. See the flow of life flowing through you, from your spiritual essence outwards, forming your physical existence and expanding its influence into the environment. By relaxing our physical body and merging our awareness into these more subtle levels of being, we merge our consciousness with Creator. We tap into the quantum field and allow it to flow through us to take form in the manifest world around us. Each of us is an aspect of Creator creating, if we are relaxed and allow our awareness to settle and merge with the silence within, and the subtle energy to charge our bodies. We become charismatic creators in tune with the Universal Life Force and create in harmony and peace what we need for ourselves and those around us in a loving, creative way. By George E. Lockett HealerGeorge www.healergeorge. com
Posted by angel-healing
at 4:58 PM BST
Tuesday, 12 June 2007
The Gentle Art of Blessing
not sure
Topic: Positive News!!
this has been going around for a while...but it is lovely... The Gentle Art of Blessing Pierre Pradervand
On awakening, bless this day, for it is already full of unseen good which your blessings will call forth; for to bless is to acknowledge the unlimited good that is embedded in the very texture of the universe and awaiting each and all.
On passing people in the street, on the bus, in places of work and play, bless them. The peace of your blessing will accompany them on their way and the aura of its gentle fragrance will be a light to their path.
On meeting and talking to people, bless them in their health, their work, their joy, their relationships to God, themselves, and others. Bless them in their abundance, their finances...bless them in every conceivable way, for such blessings not only sow seeds of healing but one day will spring forth as flowers of joy in the waste places of your own life.
As you walk, bless the city in which you live, its government and teachers, its nurses and street sweepers, its children and bankers, its priests and prostitutes. The minute anyone expresses the least aggression or unkindness to you, respond with a blessing: bless them totally, sincerely, joyfully, for such blessings are a shield which protects them from the ignorance of their misdeed, and deflects the arrow that was aimed at you.
To bless means to wish, unconditionally, total, unrestricted good for others and events from the deepest wellspring in the innermost chamber of your heart: it means to hallow, to hold in reverence, to behold with utter awe that which is always a gift from the Creator. He who is hallowed by your blessing is set aside, consecrated, holy, whole. To bless is to invoke divine care upon, to think or speak gratefully for, to confer happiness upon - although we ourselves are never the bestower, but simply the joyful witnesses of Life's abundance.
To bless all without discrimination of any sort is the ultimate form of giving, because those you bless will never know from whence came the sudden ray of sun that burst through the clouds of their skies, and you will rarely be a witness to the sunlight in their lives.
When something goes completely askew in your day, some unexpected event knocks down your plans and you too also, burst into blessing: for life is teaching you a lesson, and the very event you believe to be unwanted, you yourself called forth, so as to learn the lesson you might balk against were you not to bless it. Trials are blessings in disguise, and hosts of angels follow in their path.
To bless is to acknowledge the omnipresent, universal beauty hidden to material eyes; it is to activate that law of attraction which, from the furthest reaches of the universe, will bring into your life exactly what you need to experience and enjoy.
When you pass a prison, mentally bless its inmates in their innocence and freedom, their gentleness, pure essence and unconditional forgiveness; for one can only be prisoner of one's self-image, and a free man can walk unshackled in the courtyard of a jail, just as citizens of countries where freedom reigns can be prisoners when fear lurks in their thoughts.
When you pass a hospital, bless its patients in their present wholeness, for even in their suffering, this wholeness awaits in them to be discovered. When your eyes behold a man in tears, or seemingly broken by life, bless him in his vitality and joy: for the material senses present but the inverted image of the ultimate splendor and perfection which only the inner eye beholds.
It is impossible to bless and to judge at the same time. So hold constantly as a deep, hallowed, intoned thought that desire to bless, for truly then shall you become a peacemaker, and one day you shall, everywhere, behold the very face of God.
Posted by angel-healing
at 4:32 PM BST
Sunday, 10 June 2007
June Newsletter
Topic: archive newsletters
June 2007 Free e-newsletter From Rachael Hertogs Hi there, what a month it's been!! I had a feature in Organic Life Magazine about my pads and i've been inundated with orders, and then there was wonderful Sacred Arts Camp- which took a lot of my energies. Living in a field for 10 days can make coming back to the hustle and bustle of the city hard to readjust to...but i'm getting there! Work wise things are busy, i'm not running any public classes over the summer...so watch this space for September dates. The HAPPINESS MANIFESTO Do these for two months and see the difference they make!
1. Get physical -Exercise for half an hour three times a week.
2. Count your blessings -At the end of each day, reflect on at least five things you're grateful for.
3. Talk time -Have an hour-long uninterrupted conversation with your partner or closest friend each week.
4. Plant something -Even if it's a window box or pot plant. Keep it alive!
5. Cut your TV viewing by half
6. Smile at and/or say hello to a stranger- At least once each day.
7. Phone a friend -Make contact with at least one friend or relation you have not been in contact for a while and arrange to meet up.
8. Have a good laugh at least once a day
9. Every day make sure you give yourself a treat -Take time to really enjoy this.
10. Daily kindness - Do an extra good turn for someone each day. Be a Bringer of the Light You and I are One -- both now and even forevermore.
Go now, and make of your life a statement of this truth.
Cause your days and nights to be reflections of the highest idea within you. Allow your moments of Now to be filled with the spectacular ecstasy of God made manifest through you. Do it through the expression of your Love, eternal and unconditional, for all those whose lives you touch. Be a light unto the darkness, and curse it not.
Be a bringer of the light.
You are that.
So be it. Conversations With God, Book 2
I'll finish with an affirmation-I am free from any thought of limitation. I live in an abundant universe and I am made from love. much love and many blessings Rachael xxx *Events and Networking* Your Community Clinic- Do drop in and see us this Wednesday (13th) at Broadmead Baptist Church, or at one of our ongoing sessions at the Better Food Co Café - Mondays and Thursdays 3-7pm (if quiet we may leave earlier than 7pm!) Its nearly Fathers Day- men can be difficult to buy gifts for- so why not treat your dad (or someone else's dad) to a voucher for a session at Your Community Clinic? Vouchers can be bought via cheque and posted direct to your loved one and they are valid for 3 months at any of our clinics. Of course we are still at Scrapstore every other Saturday (next date is 23rd June and then 7th July) We hope to see you very soon, remember to pre-book to guarantee a treatment 0117 9537765 ~although you're welcome to drop by and see if we can fit you in! For further information contact Rachael on 0117 9537765 or email- info@rachaelhertogs.co.uk Call or text 07876643683/ 07855107772 on day www.yourcommunityclinic.com do check it out for new clinic dates, promotions etc. Dances of Universal Peace Returning to SourceA day of Dances of Universal Peace with Amida Harvey Amida is a lively and popular international dance leader with an engaging and empowering style. As we approach the summer solstice he will take us on a journey towards inner stillness and true presence and will be sharing some of his newly created dances. Saturday June 16th 2007 at Horfield Quaker Meeting 300 Gloucester Rd, BristolBS7 8PD Programme runs from 10.30 to 4 pm Doors open & drinks available from 10am Please bring veggie food to share for lunch Cost for the Day £25 (£20 concessions) No previous experience necessary Ffi please contact John 01453 731424 john@jsrees.freeserve.co.uk or Lucy 01373 813591 Websites don't have to be expensive. They can cost as little as £50 to set up a simple one and are a great way to let people know about you and what you do. You can use them to promote your business or to share family photos with friends overseas. Contact Lisa Cole - moomum@lactivist.co.uk for more details. Angel Meditations- see Beliefnet.com http://www.beliefnet.com/story/212/story_21287_1.html and to finish- I Have Seen All Sects I have seen all sects and all paths. I do not care for them anymore. People belonging to these sects quarrel so much!
After trying all religions, I have realized that God is the Whole and I AM His part; that He is the Lord and I AM his servant; again I realize, He is I; I AM He. . . Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa (1836-1886) Indian Hindu religious leader
Posted by angel-healing
at 10:50 AM BST
Updated: Sunday, 10 June 2007 10:52 AM BST
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