Before you go Christmas shopping, come & see what's on offer locally in the Bristol Green Store! Special items in from local producers especially for Christmas!
The Bristol Green Store has grown up out of my Moon Times businesses, and a need to provide access to my products beyond the webshop and fairs. I was also fed up with not being able to get practical green things, from cleaners to insulation, without a day trip away or spending a fortune on carriage from online stores.
So I teamed up with Emma Winfield (of Simply Natural Homes), an active member with me of Transition BS3, to launch Bristol's one-stop-green-store. We are located within The Ghost Office (the former Post Office in The Chessels in Ashton / Bedminster), and share the space with his traditional corner store.
We've got multiple ambitions for the store - in addition to providing sustainable goods and practical items to help us each lessen our impact, we want to build the Bristol-wide local economy. We are inviting every local producer of sustainable goods in and around Bristol to get involved, offering their items for sale through the store. We are also launching a services directory listing local tradespeople with experience of green trades & products. We will also be contributing towards keeping The Ghost Office open as a corner store, a vital local service for the elderly and less able in our area especially.
Please support us by coming in to the store, letting us know what else you'd like to see in there, bringing samples of your produce if you'd like to be part of the offering, printing off flyers & posters and displaying them in your window and around Bristol and so on.
Rachael Hertogs