Angel Healing ...the extras!
Monday, 19 May 2008
prosperity thought...
this week I feel it would benefit you to chat about keeping you at a high vibration. It's not that you are feeling especially low, its just you need a little reminder to stay high.

Having a high vibration means you are more attractive to your higher good. Certain physical activities are good for raising your vibration. Stuff like Yoga or walking in nature may do it for you. Reading a great book or listening to uplifting music will usually do the trick also. Certain conversations will keep you feeling high. Laughter is an amazing way to keep your vibe high.

OK, want some homework? Well if you can manage to smile several times a day for no real reason then you are likely to be heading in the right direction.

Sign up for your daily prosperity thought at

Posted by angel-healing at 8:45 AM BST

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