Angel Healing ...the extras!
Thursday, 8 May 2008
May Newsletter
Mood:  bright
Topic: archive newsletters

May 08

Free e-newsletter

Hi ,

What lovely weather we’re having! Its been perfect for working in our community garden- you may have seen the photos on my blog-

The Red Tent day was lovely on Sunday- we did have some drizzle but not enough to stop women and their daughters coming along and enjoying a herb walk, sharing food around a fire and discussing ‘women’s topics’ like menopause, contraception, fertility etc…it was a beautiful experience- photos will be on my blog soon!

If you were there and enjoyed the day I’m putting on a Summer Solstice Celebration at the same venue- see below!

I’ve been in The Evening Post a few times this month as my business is up for the ‘Sustainable Business Award’ - winners will be announced on the 15th so fingers crossed for me J

Some people reading this may not have seen my on line meditations- they are on you tube as well as my website- see


And as usual there’s some events listed, networking section, an affirmation and inspirational quote- enjoy!

Much love and many blessings,

Rachael xxx  


Women’s Summer Solstice Celebration!

Join me and a group of women in celebrating the summer solstice with a day of touching nature, creativity, singing, movement, visualisation, stories and honouring one another.

  Saturday June 21st   (book before May 31st)

St Werburghs

£50 per woman

payment covers hire of a beautiful space – in nature, workshop materials, refreshments and chocolate! 

Call Rachael to book 9537765

Summer Solstice Celebration - embracing the creative energy of the sun.  We will use song, visualisation and art to connect within. There will be glitter and sparkle, laughter and chocolate! We will explore where we are and where we want to be on our journey of life, what is holding us back, and how can we break though and transform them. We will rewrite our futures and honour ourselves as women!

Contact Rachael for further info or to book


At Wise Women’s Workshops we offer unique healing spaces for women

The sessions will be facilitated by me, Rachael Hertogs-I have worked with many inspiring wonderful women in my life. I am a mother of teens, an artist, Reiki Teacher and workshop facilitator. I have been on a path of transformation since my late teens, practicing meditation, yoga and reiki. I am dedicated to my own journey of self growth and to supporting women on theirs. I use writing, art, chanting, movement, silence, visualisation and ceremony to help heal and transform. I endeavour to create safe, warm and inspiring spaces for people to celebrate themselves and each other.

Rachael and Moon Times will be at various festivals and events this summer- so if you are near by come and say hello!

May 31st/1 June- I'll be at the Bristol Vegan Fair where I’ll be joined by some therapist friends who will be offering Indian Head Massage and reflexology! Joanna Crowson who interpreted the 'Daughters in Flower' oracle (on my products page) will be popping along to offer card don’t miss out!

June 14th and 15th is the Hereford Garden Festival

I'll be selling my Moon Times products with my friend Claire from Bella Bees (

June 28th Green Parenting Show- Dulwich I’ll be there with Claire and her Bella Bees products!

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret

 Every good thought, every good word, every good emotion, and every act of kindness, is lifting the vibration of your being to new heights.  And as you begin to raise your vibration, a new life and a new world will reveal itself to you. 

There is no limit to how high you can increase your vibration, because there is no limit to the good thoughts you can think, or the good words you can speak, or the acts of kindness that you can do.  Other than transforming your own life through lifting your vibration, you lift others' lives too. The positive vibration of your energy emanates out like a stone thrown into water, touching our planet and every living thing on it.  As you rise higher, you take the world with you.

The Secret Team has created a gift for you.  This clip features our beautiful Planet Earth.  As you experience this clip you will emit positive forces of energy across Planet Earth that will reach every single living thing on it.  You will lift yourself, and as you lift yourself, you lift the entire world. 

The magnificent music was composed and graciously gifted for this clip by composer Jo Blankenburg.

From The Secret to you, here is Planet Earth - our home

 May the joy be with you, Rhonda Byrne
The Secret... bringing joy to billions


Events and Networking

Your Community Clinic- Now with late nights til 8pm- see website for dates and venues!

Provide yourself with an opportunity for rest and enhance self esteem, feel more peaceful, content, positive and better able to cope with day to day stresses!

£10 for 30 mins.treatments are 30 minutes- although 1 hour sessions can be booked.

see web site for therapies,venues and dates

Sacred Arts Camp 23 -31 May Nr Reading

The world's biggest gathering of our peace dance family. This camp is for all the family. There is dancing to live music, with harmony singing, yoga and other spiritual practices, clay work, painting, woodcraft,  parachute games, waterplay, nightly story time, women's circles & men's groups,  the experience of cooperative living in a beautiful secluded field.

Camp life - camp fires, hot showers, sweat lodges, café, sacred foot ball,  & pancakes, open hearted people from many countries, lots of spirit - no alcohol.

Enquiries -  Gitta 01202825450
e-mail: Details & updates on


Websites don't have to be expensive. They can cost as little as £50 to set up a simple one and are a great way to let people know about you and what you do. You can use them to promote your business or to share family photos with friends overseas.  Contact Lisa Cole  for more details.

Tips: for Allergies

Ten Steps to Reducing Your Allergies from Kami McBride

1) Stay hydrated

Drinking enough water is a foundational aspect of any allergy elimination program. It is

important to drink ½ your weight in water. If you weigh 120 pounds, drink 60 oz water.

To make sure you drink enough water, measure it out first thing in the morning. Be

familiar with how many ounces your water container holds and set aside your day’s

worth of water before your day begins. If you don’t drink enough water then the body

creates more mucus to counteract the dryness. Getting enough water is the first step

upon which you can build other changes to reduce your allergic symptoms and


2) Eliminate poor quality fats from your diet

The fat that you eat helps make up every cell wall in your body. Eating poor quality fat

compromises the integrity of the structure of your cells and they become more

susceptible to inflammation and damage. Inflamed cells are more reactive and can

increase allergy symptoms. Read all of your food labels and watch out for Trans Fats.

Don’t eat hydrogenated oils, partially hydrogenated oils, margarine, shortening, deep

fried food, fast food and cotton seed oil

3) Eat high quality fats

Good fats include olive oil, avocados, coconut oil, ghee and palm oil. Take an Essential

Fatty Acid supplement that is high in Omega 3 oils.

 High quality fats build healthy cells that aren’t as susceptible to becoming


4) Eliminate inflammatory promoting foods

Again read your labels and let go of any foods that have ingredients that increase

inflammation in the body. Eliminate nitrates, sulfites, MSG, dies, corn syrup, high

fructose corn syrup, genetically engineered foods, preservatives and pesticides. All of

these substances can increase your susceptibility to being more inflamed and allergic.

Take a look at all the foods in your pantry and just throw the things away that have

these ingredients.

5) Take medicinal mushrooms

Build your immune system and reduce inflammation by taking a regular dose of

medicinal mushrooms. Reishi is one of the best mushrooms that can be taken in capsule or

tincture form long term to reduce systemic inflammation and allergic reactions.

6) Nourish your beneficial bacteria

The beneficial bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract play an important role in your

inflammatory response. You can reduce the severity of allergic reactions by increasing

the integrity of your gastrointestinal tract. Take a high quality probiotic (probiotic is the

general name for a beneficial bacteria supplement) especially if you have a lifestyle that

compromises your beneficial bacteria. Beneficial bacteria are destroyed by anti-biotics,

medications, stress, birth control pills, chlorine and excess coffee and sugar


Another way to nourish the beneficial bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract is to eat

fermented foods such as raw sauerkraut, kim chee, whey, whole plain kefir and whole

plain yogurt. Don’t be fooled by the high sugar yogurts-healthy

yogurt is plain and has a little bit of a sour taste.

These foods contain the beneficial bacteria that feed your gut. Half of the immune cells

in your body are found in the digestive tract. Keeping your immune system strong and

your allergic reactions to a minimum require a strong digestive system full of healthy

beneficial bacteria.

7) Love your liver

Your liver helps to mediate the inflammatory response to whatever you are allergic to.

The liver has more than 600 different jobs; including figuring out what to do with any

chemicals and pesticides you put in your body. If the liver is backed up and bogged

down with daily toxic exposures, it is less able to help you with your allergic reactions.

Don’t underestimate the negative effects of accumulated exposure to daily chemicals in

your household. Everything adds up and gives the liver extra work to do. Read the

labels on all of your body care products, you will be shocked at how many chemicals

you are putting on your body. Make a commitment to using all natural body care items. I

am talking about detergents, the soap you wash with in the shower, your shampoo,

shaving cream, lotions; make up, hair care products, etc. The personal care industry is

unregulated and many of products contain known cancer causing ingredients. If you

have allergies, don’t stress out the liver by using body care products with chemicals.

8) Drink nettles

A couple of months before your allergies usually begin, start drinking nettles infusions.

Nettles Infusion

1 quart room temperature water

4 tablespoons dried nettles

Let the nettles and water sit over night in a quart glass mason jar. In the morning strain

the herb out and drink the quart of nettles infusion over the next two days. Especially in

warm weather the infusion can go bad so it is important to keep it refrigerated. When

you are ready to drink it take it out of the fridge and warm it up. Normally a nettles

infusion is good for two days if not left out in the heat.

You can drink 1 to 3 cups of nettles infusion a day for several months. Over the years I

have watched many of my clients eliminate their spring allergies following the above

protocols along with drinking nettles for about two months prior to allergy season and

then continuing to drink it throughout the time they would normally have allergies.

9) Use herbal remedies

Two of my favourite herbal remedies for allergies are:

Turmeric honey

In a clean glass jar put 6 tablespoons uncooked honey and 6 tablespoons powdered

turmeric. Stir until the turmeric is well mixed into the honey. When you feel your allergy

symptoms coming on, you can eat one teaspoon of this honey 4 or 5 times a day. It will

help to reduce your inflammatory reaction.

Elderflower tea

3 cups water

3 tablespoons dried elder flowers

Let steep for two hours. Strain out the flowers, re-heat and drink 3 cups a day.

Drink this throughout allergy season and it will help to reduce your symptoms

10) Use saline nasal rinse

If you already have allergy symptoms do saline nasal rinses to tighten and tone your

mucus membrane and help to reduce the inflammation

Saline nasal rinse

1 cup warm water

¼ teaspoon salt

Mix the salt and warm water together and then put it into a Neti pot or nasal rinse plastic

container that you can purchase at any drug store. Let the warm water go all the way

back into one side of your nose through your nostril and let it drain out of the other side.

Do this on both sides. If you have never done this or cannot visualize what I am talking

about, read the directions on the box and ask around to see if you know someone that

can show you how to do it. This simple technique is a life saver if you have acute allergy

symptoms; you can do this one to three times a day. I often put 30 drops of golden seal

tincture in the warm water and salt mixture to help get rid of acute allergy symptoms



An affirmation for you -

Today I manage my needs and wants, all the details of my life, according to the larger vision I have created for myself.


And to finish:

If there is any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow human being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again.

William Penn


Please forward this newsletter to anyone you think would enjoy it or benefit.




Posted by angel-healing at 8:00 AM BST
Updated: Thursday, 8 May 2008 11:03 AM BST

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