What Is Your Soul? | | Your soul is the individuation of the Divine Spirit, which is All There Is. The soul is the universal life energy, focused and localized and vibrating at a particular frequency in one specific time and space. Energy vibrating in such a highly specific way is a Singular Outflow of Universal Life. You may abbreviate that in English as S.O.U.L.
The soul uses the rest of Itself — that is, it draws upon the Energy of Universal Life, of which it is a part — as one of three tools with which to fashion a particular experience. The Energy of Universal Life is sometimes called the spirit. The other tools are the body and the mind. |
Your soul is who you are. Your body and your mind are what you use to experience who you are in the Realm of the Relative.
The home of your soul is in the Realm of the Absolute, where Divine Spirit dwells. Your soul is now living in the Realm of the Relative, and is on a journey home. When it returns home, it joins once again with the Rest of Itself. That is, it reunites with Divine Spirit, fusing with It to become One Spirit once again. This fusing into One is called, in some Eastern mystical traditions, samadhi. It can be achieved even when the soul is in the Realm of the Relative, with a body and a mind, although the experience is generally very brief. The soul can also leave the body and the mind in order to refresh and reenergize. This is done during the period that you call sleep. Finally, the soul can fuse with its Universal Energy, becoming One with Divine Spirit, for very long, extended periods. This is what occurs at the moment that you call death.
Of course, there is no such thing as death. Death is simply the name you have given to the experience of your soul transmuting the energy of your body and your mind as it reunites with the All In All. |
| This, the soul does as part of an endless cycle. Then, having reexperienced the bliss of samadhi and the ultimate Knowing of Oneness, the soul emerges once more from the All, controlling and regulating its vibration and transmuting its energy at a localized point on what you would refer to as the Space-Time Continuum.
Its most recent journey through this never-ending cycle of Divinity Experiencing Itself produced the Being that you call "you." |