Angel Healing ...the extras!
Wednesday, 14 November 2007
do you practise?
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Musings

Do you practise?  A message from William Bloom

Autumn is here, sometimes bringing with it a tendency to turn grumpy. The cooler weather and the longer nights. Those of you who know me will not be surprised at the targets of my occasional but usually well meaning grumpiness – people who spout about spirituality but do not actually do it.

My first taste of this was at school w
here the head teacher and his wife preached a gospel of kindness but behaved like bullies. You probably all have your own stories.

Snake Oil Salesmen
For forty years now I have been involved in t
he new spirituality that is emerging in our culture. I love it. We can call it new age, or holistic, or contemporary. Like all spiritualities, it has its beauty and it has its shadow sides. One of its shadows – and not a new one – is the promise of a quick fix. John Diamond, the journalist who died of cancer, once likened new age teachers to snake oil salesmen.

her problem is the way in which people get fascinated by the promises, the glamours, the reassurances and the entertainment. And then don’t do the actual spiritual work. If you think I’m too opinionated, remember that I have tasted more spiritual paths than some people have had hot breakfasts. (Is that a boast or a confession? Should you pity or envy me?) For ten years I co-directed the Alternatives Programme at St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, and experienced the cream of the world’s spiritual teache
rs. I have personally put on 600 or so lectures plus several conferences.

You name it. I have
heard it. There were many inspiring jewels and also some weird ones. I especially remember a Feng Shui teacher who advised audience members to put small pieces of aluminum foil on their shoulders to bring them power and success. My favourite bizarre folk were the Course in Miracles teachers from the southern states of the USA who threatened us with hell if we did not surrender to God’s all embracing forgiveness. That was an interesting mixed message.

Three Crucial Questions
One of t
he beauties of contemporary spirituality is its diversity. We are the first generation ever that is able to look at all the world’s spiritual traditions. This gives us a unique opportunity to see the core practices that they share. Despite all their differences – for example, from meditation to ecstatic dance – there are great similarities. It is like sport. No matter which particular sport you practice – golf, swimming, tennis – you still need to practice certain core skills such as fitness, muscle tone and stamina. Spirituality also has its core skills. Let me ask you three simple questions that illustrate this. The answers to these questions will show whether you have the basis of Spiritual Practice.

(But why, you may ask, would you want to do spiritual practice? Because, like piano or yoga or football, you want to get better at it! To become more awake and conscious. To be more connected. To soak in t
beauty and wonder.)

Anyway have a look at t
hese three questions and answer Yes or No:

Spiritual Connection: Do you connect with the pure wonder of existence?

Reflection: Do you reflect on your development and consciousness – and seek to guide them?

Service: Do you try to live a life is of benefit to others?

If you answer ‘Yes’ to those three questions then, according to most traditions, you already understand and observe the three core skills of Spiritual Practice. Do them regularly and with consciousness and you actually have an ongoing and grounded rhythm.

So t
he next important question to ask yourself is this: At least once a day, do you do them? Do you connect with the wonder of life and soak in spirit? Do you pause and reflect? Do you benefit othe

You can do all this in whatever way works best for you. T
here are so many different strategies and styles – contemplative, shamanic, traditional, dance, chant, landscape, healing, psychological and so on. All you need is to take responsibility for yourself and guide yourself into a rhythm of daily practice, so that ultimately it all becomes one ongoing flow of awareness and experience. This requires a great mix of spiritual maturity and continual innocence at the newness of each moment.

The Reward
hether you develop your Spiritual Practice in one of my courses or elsewhere, let me share with you what I believe a consistent practice will give you. If you regularly soak in your experience of spirit, and consistently guide the growth of your consciousness and of your usefulness, then you will receive what most people really want:

- A sense of personal integrity, not dependent on material success or the opinion of others
- Inner strength
- Love and compassion
- Deepening connection with t
pure wonder of existence
- Long-term vision
- A stable foundation for personal and career development
- A clear sense of morality and ethics
- Improved
- Friends and family will enjoy your company more
- Quiet leadership qualities
- Character improvement
- T
he necessary foundation for exploring energy work, the
inner worlds and altered states of consciousness
- Keeps you alert and intelligent
- A sense of being in t
driving seat of your life
- Genuine enjoyment of life whilst being solidly present to t
challenges and suffering
- Consistent spiritual growth

Although it can be challenging to maintain a daily practice, look at those benefits! They are the best. Nothing else compares.


Posted by angel-healing at 11:25 AM GMT

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