Angel Healing ...the extras!
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Ten Reminders for the Advanced Soul
There Are Only Two Ways
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.

Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Ten Reminders for the Advanced Soul

Richard Bach                                

1. Remember that this world is not reality. It’s a playground of appearances on which you practise overcoming seems-to-be with your knowing of what is.

2. A lifetime is your chance to express t
he IS in the
most adventurous creative way you can imagine.

3. T
he IS is Life, Love, the Magnificent IT at the centre of your being. The IS does not recognize the limitations of spacetime, nor does it recognize your sorrows, fears, or beliefs. It does not see you as an upright biped on the surface of a third planet from a little sun at the edge of a small galaxy of an insignificant universe sandwiched for a moment between multiple trillions of other universes. It sees you reflecting Itself, and allows you the
absolute freedom to do anything you wish, except to die.

4. Who you are is someone who asked to be dropped off on earth so you could do something remarkable, something that matters to you, which you could not do anyw
here, anywhe
n else.

5. You are free to create and honour whatever past you choose, to
al and transform your present.

6. You do not create your own reality. You create your own appearances. Big difference!

7. If one inspired innocent loving soaring dreamer believes in a universe of joy and light and perfect being, and if s
he’s wrong and dies, it’s not the dreamer who’s been foolish, but the

8. If God looked directly into your eyes and said, ‘I command that you be happy in t
world as long as you live,’ what would you do?

9. You’ve all learned something that someone somew
here needs to remember. How will you let the
m know?

10. Your oneness in love is reality, and mirages cannot change reality. Don’t forget. No matter what seems to be.

Messiah’s Handbook © 2004 by Richard Bach

Posted by angel-healing at 11:23 AM GMT

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