Angel Healing ...the extras!
Tuesday, 10 July 2007
July Newsletter
Mood:  bright
Topic: archive newsletters

July 2007

Free e-newsletter

From Rachael Hertogs

Hey there, so what’s going on with this weather? I hope it improves for Ashton Court Festival (I’ll be running a stall in the Enchanted Garden with my fellow Community Clinic therapists). I’ve had 2 wet camping weekends since I last wrote and I’m getting a bit fed up of drying wet tents!! But my garden is blooming, nasturtiums spreading everywhere…my sweet peas smell glorious and salads are ready to eat every day. It’s amazing! So what’s happening this month? Have you heard about the Bristol Beach? There is going to be a beach on the harbour side- near the Severn Shed…Your Community Clinic therapists will be there every Sunday giving treatments, but there will also be loads to do for kids and adults...all activities will be in the Evening post and on GWR so keep an eye out- I hear there will even be daily yoga sessions! Of course Ashton Court has had a few problems getting its licence- but they did it and this year will be different- new part of the estate and some new areas- the Enchanted Garden sounds great, massive tipi’s acoustic music, a healing area- do check it out.

This month I begin teaching Reiki at ARA (addiction recovery agency) and I’m teaching a Reiki III course at the lovely Matara Centre (see do visit their grounds…well worth a look!) next moth is Unicorn Camp and Riven Stone  – I’m working at both, and then ending the summer at a small camp on our land in Dorset.

Anyway…on with the newsletter…

Seven Ways to Cope With Burnout


If you reach a point where you feel you can't take it anymore, you've arrived-at a point of overwhelm that pop psychology refers to as "burnout." It is a point of emotional exhaustion, mental confusion, and even physical fatigue. The word itself originated from a description of a busted light bulb. However, while you can't do anything about a light bulb that won't work anymore, there is plenty that you can do with psychological overwhelm. You might even say that unlike a light bulb, a human being is a self-renewing system.

Here are seven simple remedies to renew your mind, body, and soul.


1. Step out into nature. Go to the mountains, the forest, or the ocean. …even a park will do!! I'm not sure how this works, but when you spend a sufficient amount of time in nature, you feel rejuvenated and your mind comes up with fresh ideas on how to cope with your pressing situation.

your income.

2. Energize. Go to a health-food store and get an energy supplement. Vitamins, minerals, and herbs can help your metabolism recuperate from the stress. Most health-food stores have someone to assist you, as well as reference books and videos on what to take for your particular condition.

3. Introspect. In a notebook, write down everything that bothers you until you can come up with a way that you can change the situation. Start with a question. "What can I do about...?" Then keep writing until you come up with an answer. I once did this for two hours and came up with a new model on how I could radically improve every aspect of my life.

4. Try music. Listen to beautiful, serene, uplifting music. Don't do anything else as you listen to the music-or you'll simply find a way to tune it out. Listen to every note, every word sung, and every interval of silence in the music. It's amazing how this will transform you. Music has been said to tame a wild beast. It will do the same for the wild beast of your major upset.

5. Relax deeply. Massages, hot baths, and stretching exercises can all be used to unknot your muscles. It's impossible to be unhappy when your body is completely relaxed. The rise of stress hormones in your body, create a fight-or-flight response in your nervous system. Systematic physical relaxation reverses this condition.

6. Reframe. If you feel stressed because you are doing a task that you dislike, use your imagination to make it more enjoyable. For example, if you're raking leaves, and you just hate gardening, then imagine that you're raking in money, and that each leaf represents a fifty pound note! This will actually spark creative ideas in your mind on how you can improve

7. Talk to an expert. Visit someone who can help you or read a book or hear an audio program by a stress reduction expert. As you open your mind to new information, you shift your stuck thinking and find new ways of dealing with the troubling situation.

Using any of these simple remedies or a combination for burnout will help you get your perspective back.

Oh, one more tip…. Healthy housework

Would you believe it: housework is good for you! It’s thought that a daily session of vigorous housework may be almost as beneficial as a session in the gym. What’s more, a study, partly funded by Cancer Research UK, found that women who did regular housework had a significantly lower risk of developing breast cancer.

I'll finish with an affirmation-

I am free from any thought of limitation. I live in an abundant universe and I am made from love

much love and many blessings

Rachael xxx

*New products!*

Inspirational Postcards

Packs of 5, with envelopes, 1 of each design, £1.50 or 5 packs for £7.

  • To Awaken
  • Children Learn
  •  Children
  • Keep your self in the Light
  • Ripples



*Events and Networking*

Rachael’s Reiki Shares July and Aug 07

Akousis, Fairlawn Rd, Montpelier

Friday July 13th 7-9pm


The Lam Rim Centre, Victoria Place, Southville

Tuesdays 17th July and 21st Aug  1-2.30


there is a sliding scale charge cover room hire- £5 - £10.

A Reiki Share is a space for reiki students, practitioners and those with a genuine interest in learning Reiki to come together,

Meditate and receive a treatment, but also for peer support and discussion. The Reiki Share is a great opportunity for

The beginner or advanced Reiki practitioner to learn from and share with other Reiki Practitioners.

The energy of the Reiki Share is very special. People have all kinds of experiences that

Help them connect more fully with their spiritual side.

Facilitated by Rachael Hertogs- Reiki Master/Teacher

For further information or to confirm attendance contact

Rachael on 9537765  email

For future dates and lots of other reiki information- see


Your Community Clinic- come and see us at Ashton Court Festival! in the Enchanted Garden

 And of course we are still at Scrapstore every other Saturday (next date 21st July) We hope to see you very soon, remember to pre-book to guarantee a treatment 0117 9537765 ~although you're welcome to drop by and see if we can fit you in!

Your Community Clinic- offers a gateway to complementary therapies for a minimum donation of £10 for 30 mins- although 1 hour sessions can be booked.

Therapies: Aromatherapy, Back, Shoulder & Head Massage, Cranial Sacral Therapy*, Crystal Healing, Ear Acupuncture, Facial Massages, Indian Head Massage, Reflexology, Reiki & Shiatsu, Thai Massage* (* only on Saturdays)

Find us every other Saturday at Bristol Children’s Scrapstore and every 2nd Wednesday at Broadmead Baptist Church, plus ongoing sessions at the Better Food Co Café - Mondays and Thursdays 3-7pm

Pre-book to guarantee a treatment 0117 9537765 ~although you're welcome to drop by and see if we can fit you in!

 FFI contact Rachael on 0117 9537765 or email- Call or text 07876643683/ 07855107772 on day. Clinic dates, promotions etc on


Websites don't have to be expensive. They can cost as little as £50 to set up a simple one and are a great way to let people know about you and what you do. You can use them to promote your business or to share family photos with friends overseas.  Contact Lisa Cole -  for more details.


Moon Times Organic Handmade Washable Sanitary Towels

The soft comfortable alternative to disposables!

Not a step back in time-but a positive step forwards towards our planet’s well being!

As featured in Organic Life Magazine

Available in patterned, plain or natural dyed organic cotton.

And to finish-

I Have Seen All Sects


I have seen all sects and all paths. I do not care for them anymore. People belonging to these sects quarrel so much!

After trying all religions, I have realized that God is t
he Whole and I AM His part; that He is the Lord and I AM his servant; again I realize, He is I; I AM He. . .

Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa (1836-1886)
Indian Hindu religious leader

Posted by angel-healing at 10:58 AM BST
Updated: Tuesday, 10 July 2007 11:07 AM BST

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