Angel Healing ...the extras!
Tuesday, 3 July 2007
Your Point of Choice
Mood:  bright
Topic: Musings
Your Point of Choice

To awaken, to step into 'All That You Are', is to become conscious of your point of choice. It is from your point of choice, your free will, that you create your reality. It is that which expresses your being. When you are unconscious of it then along with your heart's desires is your fear, your societal conditioning, shame, and guilt - everything that you contain. This is how we create both what we love and what we fear. This is how we create a reality that is a perfect mirror of our beingness.

When you become aware of where you are choosing from, you open the possibility of being a conscious creator. Through releasing fear, duty, shame, obligation, rules, guilt, ingrained patterns, and limiting beliefs you create purely from your heart. You can create your own personal Heaven on Earth. This is the journey of your life, and it is one of the most exciting journey's that can be undertaken in All That Is.

Most people are wanting to create abundance in their lives. Abundance is the ability to act with freedom - the ability to follow your heart without either internal or external hindrance. The focus for most, quite understandably, is however on the desire to create financial wealth in your life. Money is indeed a form of freedom here on planet Earth., though do not doubt that if you are not free in your beingness then money can become a cage just like any other addiction. But if you are looking to also be open and free in your beingness then let us share with you our greatest 'tip' for bringing financial abundance into your life.

Over the next month, indeed over the rest of your incarnate life, become aware of where you are choosing from. Many of you have already become much clearer at this and you no longer choose from societal expectations, family pressures, or fear. Many of you have come to choose more and more from your heart and so your personal realities are beginning to blossom. There is however one common way in which people at this time are tripping themselves up.

You say I wish to be free. You say I am deserving of the love and joy in my heart being reflected in my external reality. You say that you are ready to be free from the limitations of lack. You say that you are ready for the wealth of love in your heart to be reflected as financial wealth. You picture yourselves as successful and imagine the joys and freedom of financial wealth. The pictures you paint are wondrous and we encourage them. Know however that money is not the answer. The moment you know this truly in your heart you will come to have more money than you know what to do with. But how do you do this...?

It is simple. Stop choosing from the desire for money. Choose from your excitement, your passion - the true and clear desire of your spirit, your soul, the God that you are. The trip-up that people make is they think 'I will be happy when I have money so I will choose options that I know will bring me money, even if that involves doing something you don't really want to do. You say that the ends justify the means. You say, I don't really want to do this work but I do want the money that it will bring me. This is to say that you won't enjoy the journey but you will enjoy the destination. Now listen ...

Anything that you do that you do not want to do, no matter how much money it may lead you to, will never lead you to joy - never. It is not possible. To let this idea in is to let go of a type of financial mentality that for many is ingrained and this will be a journey in itself to come to the awareness of when you are choosing from 'joy' and when you are choosing from the supposed 'future joy' that you believe you will experience from money you will receive by doing something that in your heart you do not really want to do.

One tool you can use here is to imagine what you would be doing in your life if you had an overflowing bank account. See what you are doing in your life that you would stop if you won the lottery. Now, to be clear, we are not recommending you all walk out of your jobs tomorrow, though that would not be the end of the world. This is a journey that will take time, and as you bring this awareness into your life and you start to choose from joy instead of money, then you will attract to you opportunities that will allow you to leave your job painlessly. This does not need to be difficult. Come to live what we have spoken of here. Allow time, and you can walk effortlessly into the Infinite Freedom that you are.

We are conscious creation and we welcome you further into the energy that you are.


Copyright 2007 Story Waters

Posted by angel-healing at 10:15 AM BST

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