Angel Healing ...the extras!
Thursday, 23 April 2009
30 days to a greener you!

Earth Day reminds us all of the little things we can do to help save our perilous planet. Now more than ever, many of us are making a conscious effort to incorporate earth-friendly practices into our everyday lives.  This Earth Day, April 22, Intent will run a month-long series, 30 Days to a Greener You.  Gauge your eco-savvy-ness with quizzes; weigh in on polls (do you know what ‘vampire energy’ is?); listen to interviews with green experts; and learn to how to compost and how to make organic beauty products and earthy-friendly household cleaning products.

Rex Weyler, original director of Greenpeace and contributor to 30 Days to a Greener You encourages us to adopt “personal and social strategizes to ‘relocalize’ society.” We don’t need government mandates, tax incentives or super-heroes to make a difference, but rather “ordinary heroes and common decency.”

During these next 30 days, Intent will be speaking to the ordinary hero in all of us. You’ll learn how to make changes – from the small to the significant – to lead a greener life. You’ll minimize your carbon footprint by making easy modifications to your exercise and beauty regimes, your parenting and pet-owning styles, your grocery list and your dinner menus.

You'll find that investing in the planet means investing in you -- in your health, relationships, finances and creativity! 

Here’s what the series will cover: 

Part 1: Introduction to Living Green 

Part 2: Green Approaches to Food

Part 3: Green Approaches to Self Care

Part 4: Green Relationships & Personal Life

Part 5: Green Travel, Home & Work




Posted by angel-healing at 8:56 AM BST
Thursday, 16 April 2009

There is an idea that I love. It suggests that people emerge out of planet Earth in the same way that leaves emerge from trees.

I like to view the great spiritual teachers in this way. They were not transported in from some other star system or dimension, but also emerged from Earth. Christ and Buddha, Mary and Kuan Yin, emerged as examples of humanity's fulfilled potential for compassion and consciousness.

One of the most common and recurring religious themes is that humanity will be saved and brought to its next stage of evolution through the appearance of a yet another great prophet or world teacher. In Christianity, Christ will come again. In Buddhism, the Maitreya Buddha will incarnate. In Judaism, the Messiah. In Islam, the Imam Mahdi. And across the new age movement, there are all kinds of prophesies about new gurus, avatars and interventions.

I am open to all these ideas — I always welcome help! — but to be honest I am also suspicious of them. These prophecies suggest that humanity is dependent on outside intervention and that we cannot make it by ourselves. Maybe so, but I have another experience. I know the world is full of selfishness and suffering, but over and over again I see people growing and transforming. Especially in crises and challenges I see people developing. I therefore have faith in our species to achieve spiritual maturity and fulfilment based in our own efforts.

So I prefer another idea and prophesy, which is that humanity as a whole is the new saviour and that collectively we are the new Messiah. Or to put it in another language, the Christ consciousness, the Buddha consciousness, the Gaia consciousness, will not be manifest through just one single person, but will manifest through many of us. It will be a group event.


This collective event is sometimes described with words like 'higher vibrations' and 'ascension'.  It is also sometimes described as an event that will be restricted to a small elite and that the rest of humanity will perish. I remember once hearing a spiritual teacher suggest, drawing on the symbolism of the New Testament, that we should all welcome a nuclear third world war because it would result in 144,000 special irradiated people who would pioneer a new humanity on a new earth in a new dimension. Scary.

But that is only one example of the many melodramatic prophesies about humanity's future. As my readers will know, I am happy to contradict any prophesies which suggest some kind of global disaster. I may be wrong, but I am suspicious of any kind of spirituality that is communicated with threats. More than that, the history of religion is very sobering. It shows that decade-by-decade, almost year-by-year, there has always been some group warning that the end of the world is nigh. "The end is nigh! Prepare to meet thy doom!" This has been the source of many wonderful cartoons.


There is another way of understanding a collective change in humanity, which many other teachers, such as Alice Bailey and the Orbs, describe. Some of you may be familiar with the classic meditation exercise called the Master in the Heart. In some spiritual schools, this is the very first technique that is taught. In it we slowly and calmly build up a picture and sense of a perfect being.  We then place and develop this being in our hearts, allowing it to radiate to influence us and the world around us.

Done every day over a period of time, this is a powerful exercise. Gradually the practitioner absorbs the vibration of the exercise and integrates its influence. It becomes increasingly real. The individual indeed develops an open and radiating heart.

An open and radiating heart! Now that, for me, is a real change in vibration and in consciousness. Watch anyone, including you, opening their heart. The atmosphere immediately becomes more caring and compassionate. Our consciousness expands and there is instinctive generosity.
Opening our hearts is perhaps the single most important thing that any of us can do.

It is not noisy behaviour. It does not glitter and it does not seek attention. The 'higher' vibrations of the heart are not, in my opinion, intense or electric. They are softer, deeper, more considerate and caring. And powerful.


I began this piece by saying that I liked the idea that the Earth births us in the same way that a tree births leaves.  To follow this metaphor, when a heart opens it is like a bud opening on a tree. In fact, esoteric anatomy describes the heart chakra as being like a flower with several petals that open and then begin to spin, radiating heart energy. Each petal of the heart chakra represents a different aspect of love: compassion, care, attention to detail, service, self-sacrifice, courage and so on.
When all the petals in our heart chakra are spinning, when our hearts are fully open, then we are not only channels for compassion and love, we ourselves are actually generators of compassion, power stations of goodwill.

This is like a tree blossoming in Spring. One new leaf, one new bud, is a miracle of nature. But it is the destiny, the essential nature of the tree, to be full with blossom, a whole canopy of tiny flowers creating a single image of beauty. Deep roots, a powerful trunk and a celebration of radiance.

This too is surely the destiny for the whole of humanity. Not just the occasional visiting messiah. Not just the occasional emergence of a saviour — but the collective opening of our hearts. Like a tree in full Spring blossom.

Have a wonderful Spring.

All my love to you and yours.


Posted by angel-healing at 7:53 AM BST
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
THE PROOF Available Today!
THE PROOF Available Today!

Today is the day. THE PROOF has finally arrived, James Twyman's latest film offered free online. Is it possible that a simple experiment can prove that we really are ONE? After months of waiting, now you can find out. Simply Click Here and enjoy this gift.

THE PROOF Internet Course

After you watch the 20 minute film you'll be able to register for first two lessons of the new course as our gift to you. That's right -- FREE! The course is offered through Hay House and will give you your chance to experience The Proof in your own life. Watch the film, then receive your free lessons today.

Posted by angel-healing at 7:54 AM BST
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
Two Days for The Proof Movie Release

Two Days for The Proof Movie Release

On April 15th James Twyman will release his free film, The Proof, for a worldwide audience. This is the first time a film in this genre is being released in this manner, being made available to millions of people at no cost. Why?

"I want people to see what's possible," he said. "There's so much uncertainty in the world right now, which is the perfect time for us to realize that we really are One, not just the isolated beings we've been told we are. This movie may not be a scientific study, but hopefully it will inspire people. My intention was to do something that no one has done before, and to show what each one of us is capable of if we really believe."

James' new book, The Kabbalah Code, was hidden in an undisclosed place somewhere in the US by a volunteer, and he risks $50,000 on being able to find it without any verbal confirmation or help. No one has ever attempted this before, and the results will astound you.

Pass the word -- April 15th go to to see this film for yourself.

Posted by angel-healing at 7:59 AM BST
Sunday, 12 April 2009
You Came Into This Life
You Came Into This Life
You came into this life with nothing to learn -- you have only to demonstrate what you already know. In the demonstration of it will you function it out, and create yourself anew, through your experience. Thus do you justify life, and give it purpose. Thus do you render it holy.

Conversations With God, Book 1
Neale Donald Walsch
Pages 34-35

Posted by angel-healing at 8:08 AM BST
Thursday, 9 April 2009
Why Eggs Aren't Just for Eating

Why Eggs Aren't Just for Eating

The egg is a symbol of Easter, and of rebirth, as well as one of our most versatile foods. But it is so much more… 

The egg is one of the most versatile items used in cooking, but its list of uses does not really end within the borders of a frying pan.

It can be used in many other activities including arts and crafts, skin care, creation of musical instruments and even gardening. If you have plenty of spare eggs at home, you can try out the some of these cool egg-based items.

Make your life “eggciting” by enjoying the many uses of eggs.

Text reprinted with permission from Life Hack. Copyright 2008. All rights reserved.


Yolk-Based Facial Cleanser

Egg yolks are rich in Vitamin A, that moisturizes skin and keeps it healthy. Mix a couple of yolks together and add a little water. You’ll get a facial cleanser that helps delay some of the signs of aging.

White-Based Facial Cleanser

The egg white cleanser is a good supplementary material for its yolk-based counterpart. If the yolk facial cleanser prevents skin aging, the egg white cleanser smoothens the skin. It removes the puffiness beneath the eyelids, blurs the pores and makes the skin tighter. You can alternate both facial cleansers nightly for maximum results.



The egg is a natural moisturizer, making it a good ingredient for shampoos. To create egg shampoo, crack an egg and mix the yolk with olive oil and water. You can start using the solution once it lathers. Apply the egg shampoo on damp hair for a few minutes before rinsing. The egg’s fat and nutritional contents will add shine and bounce to your hair. This shampoo is perfect for hair damaged by pollution, chlorine and excessive sunshine.

Food Paint

If you want to add color and style to your pastries, just decorate them with egg yolk-based paint. Prepare the paint by mixing the egg yolk with 2 ml of water. Place the mixture in different containers then add food coloring to each. Now, you can paint cool patterns on your cookies right before baking them. The paint not only adds design, but it also gives your pastries a richer flavor.

Pots for Small Plants

In terms of getting nutrition, small plants often get bullied by weeds and larger plants. To ensure their survival, you can plant them in soil that is half-filled with egg shells . The calcium from the shell will promote the young plant’s growth and keep it healthy. When the plant reaches the height of three inches, you can transfer it to your garden. As for the eggshell, you can use it as a pot for another plant or use it as compost material.


Compost Material

Eggs, being nutritious food products, can provide soil with enough nutrients to make your garden plants healthy. When making compost, simply mix crushed eggshells with the green component. The calcium content of your compost will greatly increase, making the soil richer. Your plants, in turn, will be more robust.


Leather Cleaner

Egg white can be used to clean and restore leather. Its thick and sticky base easily removes dirt from a leather surface, upon scrubbing. The base also forms a protective covering on the leather, that gives the surface luster and some protection from temperature changes. To prepare the cleaning solution, crack two eggs and separate the whites. Place the whites in a bowl and you can start cleaning your leather items.




Egg white is naturally sticky. If you touch it, it will cause your fingers to stick the moment it dries. Try using the egg’s sticky base when mending light items like paper and cardboard. You will notice that it works just like all-purpose glue, with the nearly the same amount of holding power. You can even use egg white to create paper mache paste, if you mix it with flour, water, sugar and alum.



Pest Repellant

Scattering crushed eggshells on the leaves of plants can keep soft-bodied pests away from your plants. Snails and slugs, known as notorious leaf eaters, will hurt their bellies if they run over the jagged corners of crushed eggshells. Once they get hurt, they will move away from your garden as soon as possible.


Musical Instruments

With the current popularity of the acoustic setup, many live acts use egg shakers as percussion instruments during their gigs. You can create an egg shaker by removing the egg’s contents while maintaining its shell intact. Put two teaspoons of uncooked rice or mung beans inside the shell, then cover its opening with tape and superglue. When your egg shaker is ready, you can practice using it with the acoustic guitar. You’ll be amazed at how a small simple-sounding instrument can blend well with the guitar’s music.


Candle Mold

Are you amazed with an egg’s perfect oval shape? Why not make candles using the eggshell as a candle mold. Pour molten candle wax inside an eggshell, then add the wick and a little perfume. When the wax dries, crack the eggshell open. You will find a nice egg-shaped candle to stylize your home or illuminate your room during power outages.


Posted by angel-healing at 7:49 AM BST
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
Woolworths comeback!
Hello, calling!

We are working our socks off to bring Woolies back as quickly as possible and are currently building an amazing online store, full of great products for you and your family.

We will be launching in the summer but we couldn't let this be our first egg-less Easter in 100 years. So, instead of selling them, we'll be stashing them away in our magical Woolies Wonderland!

Hidden within this fun-packed fantasy world are five mystical eggs. Find all five and you could win an amazing family home entertainment system!

Click here to start
and don't forget to tell all your friends and family
that Woolworths is back online.

Happy Easter (Egg Hunting!)

Rabbit, Rainbow and Easter Eggs

Posted by angel-healing at 7:23 AM BST
Saturday, 28 March 2009




DO IT!!!Laughing

Posted by angel-healing at 9:10 PM BST
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
support this cause....
by signing this petition:

http://petitions. number10. Living/

'We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to create a new
class of land use for planning permission, a class of
sustainable low impact development land that allows individuals
and groups to live on land they own or lease in self build low
impact eco homes that are 'off grid', self sufficient for
water, energy and waste, with provision for growing their own
food and raising their own livestock, such as the eco villages
at Tinker's Bubble, King's Wood and the Lammas project,
legislating to ensure that planning permission is given to
those who seek to live a low impact and sustainable way of

Posted by angel-healing at 8:13 PM BST
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
e-newsletter From Rachael Hertogs
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: archive newsletters

March 09

Free e-newsletter From Rachael Hertogs

Archive newsletters can be found at


Hello! It has been a while again, and again I have lots of news!

I have new products on my website …with great books for women (ideal for mothers day gifts!) - Menopausal Years: The Wise Woman Way,  My Little Red Book, The Secret Pleasures of the Menopause and my compilation ‘not for profit’ book- Thirteen moons- Some of you have bought my Women’s Wisdom booklets over the years….well I have taken the ‘best bits’ of the booklets and created a 250+ page book called Thirteen Moons – it includes a Moon Journal for you to fill in and chart the connection between your cycle and the moon, as well as containing many articles by inspiring and amazing women, poems, art, stories and much more!

Also products such as women’s health kits, Bella Bees wonderful soothing balms, bamboo and hemp nappies, eco cleaning products, Green Bike oil etc! check it out



I also just wanted to highlight to those of you in Bristol….The Bristol Women’s Show, Ashton Gate, Bristol 29th March  

£5 entry with loads of freebies, workshops, advice, fashions shows, goody bags hope to see you there!


Have a happy mothers day and enjoy the sunshine J

blessings, Rachael xxx

Courses and Reiki Shares:


Reiki II Practitioners Class


Reiki II class starts April 14th  

-Tuesday Evenings 

and runs over 6 weeks in Montpelier 


Reiki II is about building on Level I, this level increases the flow of reiki energy and includes a further attunement. Reiki symbols are also given to help with more specific areas of healing and to allow distant treatments. There are a number of requirements and case studies to fulfill before receiving your practitioners certificate.

For further information, please contact

Rachael on 9537765



Reiki Share Dates for 2009- all Shares will be at Akousis 

(Fairlawn Rd, Montpelier) Friday Evenings

April 24th, June 19th, Aug 7th, Oct 2nd and Dec 4th contact me to confirm attendance.


Menstrual Health Workshop- at The Goddess Show: Bath Show Ground, 7th June

I'll be there with my Moon Lodge doing workshops and selling my products! do check their website:


The Bristol Green Store EXPANDS….

We now have a stall in the Exchange Hall, St Nicks Market, Corn St, Bristol


We’ll have our usual range of green & practical products from cleaning products such as Soap Nuts, vinegar, organic soap flakes to cloth nappies and wraps (new and 2nd hand), ‘personal care’ items; toothpaste, organic cotton wool, Mooncups….  locally made items such as Bella Bees Balms, Moons Times organic pads & panty liners, Simply Natural Homes natural cleaners, wooden hand crafted items etc

We accept Real Nappy Campaign Vouchers and offer Bio D washing up liquid refils!

Green Earth Paints, Thermafleece and more still available at our Chessel St Shop Bedminster.



Products on offer at St Nicks- natural cleaning products, Lactivist baby t-shirts, cloth nappies, breast pads, Bella Bees wonderful balms, Moon Times eco sanitary wear, natracare pads, organic cotton wool (throw away and washable!),  wooden goods, recycled china necklaces, green bike oil, and so much more!!



Events and Networking

EVENTS pencil in to your diaries....

The Bristol Women’s Show, Ashton Gate, Bristol 29th March  

£5 entry with loads of freebies, workshops, advice, fashions shows, goody bags


The Goddess Show: Bath Show Ground, 7th June

 I'll be there with my Moon Lodge doing workshops and of course selling my products! do check their website:


The Garden Festival, Hellens Manor, Herefordshire 13 & 14 June 

A wonderful festival celebrating all that’s green: from plants, to hand carved wooden objects, woven baskets, clothes, brick a brac and much more…well worth a visit!


Quest Natural Health Show, Newton Abbott Race Course, 2-5 July

A wonderful weekend of workshops and stalls and music

Moon Times will be there with a stall and Moon Lodge and Joanna who created the Daughters In Flower Cards will be offering readings! 




International Dance and Voice Camp

22nd MAY to 30th MAY 09

Held in Chiltern Hills in Oxfordshire, England


Sacred Arts Camp - be part of a delightful international community that honours the spiritual richness of the world. Building Community in rhythm with earth and sky, celebrating life through dance, voice and creative play.


Sacred Arts Camp is an alcohol, drugs and dog free camp!


The Dances of Universal Peace are the main focus of the Camp. These simple, heart-opening dances are based on sacred phrases from the world's spiritual traditions. Sing your heart out; experience the joy of singing together, explore your voice, discover harmony and learn beautiful songs from many traditions.

Sharing groups offer opportunities to explore current themes, skills sharing, men’s and women’s groups and celebrating our young adults. For adults & children of all ages, camp is a wonderful place for creativity, play and making new friends. Teenagers form a vibrant community within the camp, creating music, sharing and forming long lasting friendships.




Phone: Diane +44-(0) 1297 33700


Your Community Clinic- see website for dates and venues! Provide yourself with an opportunity for rest and enhance self esteem, feel more peaceful, content, positive and better able to cope with day to day stresses!£10 for 30 mins. Treatments are 30 minutes- although 1 hour sessions can be booked. see web site for therapies, venues and dates 

Peace Dances in Bristol With Tansen - an international teacher and mentor for thedances of universal peace .

"The Dances of Universal Peace change lives. And the world changes life by life. All over the earth people long for an alternative to the numbing effects of consumerism, to the fear of diversity that drives humanity apart. They long for an actual experience of reverence for the earth and life in all its forms. The dances show how." Neil Douglas-Klotz.

 Dances of Universal Peace offer a way to touch the spiritual essence of ourselves and of others through sacred chant and movement. Saturday 21st March 

doors open, drinks available from 10am Horfield Quaker Meeting House 300 Gloucester Rd, Bristol BS7 8PDTickets on the door £25 (£20 concessions)All welcome – no previous experience or pre-booking needed. Please bring veggie lunch to share. Ffi tel Celia 0117 924 1023 




Flower Eco Tips


 When choosing flowers forMother's day and gifts, consider where  your flowers have come from, what  conditions they might have been grown  in, and how far they've had to travel to get to you!

Many cut flowers have a sizable carbon footprint because they are grown abroad and shipped thousands of miles to the U.K. Pesticides may also have been used to grow them which can be harmful to both workers and the environment.


Don't despair though there are plenty of greener options available....

1. Smell the Seasons. Bulb flowers like Daffodils, tulips and hyacinths are not far away...we all associate sunflowers with summer - even winter has its share of beautiful, seasonal flowers.

2. Fair Trade flowers - consider the impact on the people in the country they were grown in. Were they grown in heat controlled greenhouses with pesticides and other chemicals?

3. Local or Organic - Use a florist who is knowledgable about selecting sustainable flowers - either grown locally or from an organic farm. Why not ask for biodegradable ribbons and accessories too?


An affirmation for you -

Be Open to Healing

I am open to my healing angels.
I am healthy, whole, and complete.
I allow my Inner Light to shine bright.



And to finish:


The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost.

-G.K. Chesterton 

Posted by angel-healing at 6:36 PM BST
Updated: Wednesday, 18 March 2009 6:38 PM BST

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