Angel Healing ...the extras!
Friday, 20 February 2009
Yes, They Could. So They Did.
Op-Ed Columnist, NEW YORK Times
Yes, They Could. So They Did.

Published: February 14, 2009
New Delhi

So I am attending the Energy and Resources Institute climate conference in New Delhi, and during the afternoon session two young American women — along with one of their mothers — proposition me.

"Hey, Mr. Friedman," they say, "would you like to take a little spin around New Delhi in our car?"

Oh, I say, I've heard that line before. Ah, they say, but you haven't seen this car before. It's a plug-in electric car that is also powered by rooftop solar panels — and the two young women, recent Yale grads, had just driven it all over India in a "climate caravan" to highlight the solutions to global warming being developed by Indian companies, communities, campuses and innovators, as well as to inspire others to take action.

They ask me if I want to drive, but I have visions of being stopped by the cops and ending up in a New Delhi jail. Not to worry, they tell me. Indian cops have been stopping them all across India. First, they ask to see driver's licenses, then they inquire about how the green car's solar roof manages to provide 10 percent of its mileage — and then they try to buy the car.

We head off down Panchsheel Marg, one of New Delhi's main streets. The ladies want to show me something. The U.S. Embassy and the Chinese Embassy are both located on Panchsheel, directly across from each other. They asked me to check out the rooftops of each embassy. What do I notice? Let's see ... The U.S. Embassy's roof is loaded with antennae and listening gear. The Chinese Embassy's roof is loaded with ... new Chinese-made solar hot-water heaters.

You couldn't make this up.

But trying to do something about it was just one of many reasons my hosts, Caroline Howe, 23, a mechanical engineer on leave from the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, and Alexis Ringwald, a Fulbright scholar in India and now a solar entrepreneur, joined with Kartikeya Singh, who was starting the Indian Youth Climate Network, or IYCN, to connect young climate leaders in India, a country coming under increasing global pressure to manage its carbon footprint.

"India is full of climate innovators, so spread out across this huge country that many people don't get to see that these solutions are working right now," said Howe. "We wanted to find a way to bring people together around existing solutions to inspire more action and more innovation. There's no time left to just talk about the problem."

Howe and Ringwald thought the best way to do that might be a climate solutions road tour, using modified electric cars from India's Reva Electric Car Company, whose C.E.O. Ringwald knew. They persuaded him to donate three of his cars and to retrofit them with longer-life batteries that could travel 90 miles on a single six-hour charge — and to lay on a solar roof that would extend them farther.

Between Jan. 1 and Feb. 5, they drove the cars on a 2,100-mile trip from Chennai to New Delhi, stopping in 15 cities and dozens of villages, training Indian students to start their own climate action programs and filming 20 videos of India's top home-grown energy innovations. They also brought along a solar-powered band, plus a luggage truck that ran on plant oil extracted from jatropha and pongamia, plants locally grown on wasteland. A Bollywood dance group joined at different stops and a Czech who learned about their trip on YouTube hopped on with his truck that ran on vegetable-oil waste.

Deepa Gupta, 21, a co-founder of IYCN, told The Hindustan Times that the trip opened her eyes to just how many indigenous energy solutions were budding in India — "like organic farming in Andhra Pradesh, or using neem and garlic as pesticides, or the kind of recycling in slums, such as Dharavi. We saw things already in place, like the Gadhia solar plant in Valsad, Gujarat, where steam is used for cooking and you can feed almost 50,000 people in one go." (See: www.indiaclimatesol

At Rajpipla, in Gujarat, when they stopped at a local prince's palace to recharge their cars, they discovered that his business was cultivating worms and selling them as eco-friendly alternatives to chemical fertilizers.

I met Howe and Ringwald after a tiring day, but I have to admit that as soon as they started telling me their story it really made me smile. After a year of watching adults engage in devastating recklessness in the financial markets and depressing fecklessness in the global climate talks, it's refreshing to know that the world keeps minting idealistic young people who are not waiting for governments to act, but are starting their own projects and driving innovation.

"Why did this tour happen?" asked Ringwald. "Why this mad, insane plan to travel across India in a caravan of solar electric cars and jatropha trucks with solar music, art, dance and a potent message for climate solutions? Well ... the world needs crazy ideas to change things, because the conventional way of thinking is not working anymore."

Posted by angel-healing at 8:44 AM GMT
Thursday, 19 February 2009
God's Love for You
God's Love for You
My love for you is always changing, because you are always changing, and I love you just the way you are. For Me to love you just the way you are, My idea of what is "lovable" must change as your idea of Who You Are changes.

Conversations With God, Book 3
Neale Donald Walsch
Page 346

Posted by angel-healing at 8:13 AM GMT
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
You Are the Light of the World
You Are the Light of the World
You are the light of the world,
but you do not know it
because you have not looked deeply enough into your own heart.

Take a moment to look.
Take a moment to find the light
that dances in the dark night within.
See those deep colors
penetrating the black clouds,
the hands of light reaching to the horizon.

Until you see the light in yourself
you cannot bring it to the world.

Weekly Wisdom Message
Paul Ferrini

Posted by angel-healing at 8:14 AM GMT
Saturday, 14 February 2009
Receiving Another's Love
Mood:  amorous
Topic: Musings
Receiving Another's Love
You can only receive another's love in the way that you give them yours. They can love you their way as long as they want. You can only receive it your way.

Friendship With God
Neale Donald Walsch

Posted by angel-healing at 4:59 PM GMT
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
project peace on earth
I choose peace and to always come from a place of love, harmony, forgiveness, and peace in my thoughts and deeds.
In this moment I am at peace with myself.
I am at peace with my husband.
I am at peace with my family.
I am at peace with my friends and neighbors.
I am at peace with those who no longer choose to be my friends.
I am at peace with past relationships and with those who have passed on.
I am at peace with those who are not at peace with themselves and others.
I am at peace with those who have never experienced peace.
I am at peace and I choose peace in my life.

Despite the chaos and negativity that surrounds me, I choose to hold thoughts of love, forgiveness and peace. "Peace begins with me" and radiates out to the world. In meditation and prayer, I will focus on peace and send healing energy out to the world.

For as long as I can remember, every campaign involving disease, drugs, alcohol, terrorism, and yes, even sports has been couched in the metaphors of war.

I want to participate in changing the way we speak so that positive results will manifest. I've experienced too often in my life that "what you resist, persists", that war only begets more war, that peace is more than a's a state of beingness. I want to facilitate others in finding their own inner peace and to learn to radiate healing energy throughout our pain ridden planet.

Let there be peace on earth.
Om shanti,

Posted by angel-healing at 12:19 PM GMT
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Your Moment of Awakening

Your Moment of Awakening

Your moment of awakening can come to you at any time, and through any person. Therefore honor all times and all people, for the moment of your deliverance may be at hand. It will be your deliverance from The Illusion, the moment when you can be with it, but not within it.

There will be more than one such moment in your life. Indeed, your life is created to bring you just such moments.

These are your Moments of Grace, when clarity and wisdom, love and understanding, guidance and insight are brought to you, and through you.

These Moments of Grace change your life forever, and often, the lives of others as well.
Communion With God
Neale Donald Walsch
Pages 199-200

Posted by angel-healing at 12:18 PM GMT
Updated: Wednesday, 11 February 2009 12:19 PM GMT
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Valentines workshops....

St Valentine’s Day








The Southville Centre is hosting a St Valentine’s Day celebration

9.30am – 3.00pm Saturday the 14th of February.




Come and wander around our St Valentine’s art exhibition with pieces submitted by local artists and residents.  Try some delicious homemade cakes and savouries or buy some to take home for a special tea. Buy or even customise your own Valentines gift for a loved one or yourself! Hand tie your own bouquet of flowers, decorate a beautiful mirror, ice your own homemade biscuits, or buy that special person  a Reiki session.


A fun, informal, free event open to all.


For more information ring

The Southville Centre on 0117 9231039.

Posted by angel-healing at 11:32 AM GMT
Updated: Wednesday, 4 February 2009 11:41 AM GMT
Monday, 2 February 2009
blog recommendations:

Claire at is a fan of my products!

as is Rae


have a peek :)

Posted by angel-healing at 9:48 AM GMT
Thursday, 29 January 2009
Need Is Nonexistent
Need Is Nonexistent
Need is non-existent in the Universe. One needs something only if one requires a particular result. The Universe does not require a particular result. The Universe is the result.

Communion With God
Neale Donald Walsch
Page 27

Posted by angel-healing at 9:37 AM GMT
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
On this day of your life, dear friend,

On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know...

....that the goodness in your life does not come to you

from someone else. When you see this, you will be free.


There is no reason and no need to "play up" to another,

or to try to remain in their good graces. Remain in your

own, by not betraying yourself. Simply speak your truth,

with gentleness and love.


And have courage, for what you seek is not outside of

you. It is not a gift from another person. It is yours -- to

give, not to acquire. Let no one, therefore, hold you

hostage. Not your partner, not your boss, not your

family...and certainly not your God.


You know right now exactly why you received this

message today.



Love, Your Friend....Neale Donald Walsch

Posted by angel-healing at 11:14 AM GMT

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