Angel Healing ...the extras!
Friday, 15 February 2008
your daily prosperity thought

If money was completely unlimited in your reality, that is if today you were suddenly proclaimed a billionaire, what would be different in your life? If you have no idea then you have no attracting power for prosperity. Might as well stay as you are. Today how about getting a little more specific about how having more money would make a positive impact on your life and on your world.


Sign up for your daily prosperity thought at

Posted by angel-healing at 10:49 AM GMT
Wednesday, 13 February 2008
Heal Yourself With Sunlight
Mood:  a-ok
Heal Yourself With Sunlight
By Andreas Moritz
Author of Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation

The time when one's immediate natural impulse on the first sunny spring day
was to get outside and enjoy it is long gone.

Only the very courageous or "careless" who defy the grim warnings from
medical mandarins and cancer specialists, wholeheartedly endorsed by the
sunscreen industry, dare to venture forth into the "dangerous" sun.
Unless they are covered head to toe with sun protection factor (SPF) 60,
they gamble with their lives, or so they are made to believe, by those who
serve their own vested interests.
Fortunately, this view is beginning to crumble in the blatant absence of
scientific proof that sunlight causes disease. What is being discovered
instead is that lack of sun exposure is one of the greatest risk factors for


Very few people know that not getting enough sun kills 50,000 people from
cancer deaths every year in the US alone. As shown later, these are deaths
that are easily preventable through the Vitamin D produced by the body in
response to regular sun exposure.
Unfortunately, it is the ultraviolet portion of sunlight that is the most
easily eliminated by windows, houses, spectacles, sunglasses, sun lotions,
and clothing.

Before antibiotic drugs were discovered in the 1930s - penicillin having
been the first one - the healing power of sunlight was favored by the
medical community, at least in Europe.

Sunlight therapy, called heliotherapy, was indeed considered to be the most
successful treatment for infectious diseases from the late 19th to the
mid-20th century. Studies revealed that exposing patients to controlled
amounts of sunlight dramatically lowered elevated blood pressure (up to 40
mm Hg drop), decreased cholesterol in the bloodstream, lowered abnormally
high blood sugar in diabetics, and increased the number of white blood
cells, which people need to help resist disease. Patients suffering from
gout, rheumatoid arthritis, colitis, arteriosclerosis, anemia, cystitis,
eczema, acne, psoriasis, herpes, lupus, sciatica, kidney problems, asthma,
and even burns, have all received great benefits from the healing rays of
the sun.
The medical doctor and author, Dr. Auguste Rollier, was the most famous
heliotherapist of his day. At his peak, he operated 36 clinics with over
1,000 beds in Leysin, Switzerland. His clinics were situated 5,000 feet
above sea level, the high altitude allowing his patients to catch a lot more

UV light than was possible at the lower levels of the atmosphere. Dr.
Rollier used the UV rays of sunlight to treat diseases such as tuberculosis
(TB), rickets, smallpox, lupus vulgaris (skin tuberculosis) , and wounds. He
followed in the footsteps of Danish physician Dr. Niels Finsen, who won a
Nobel Prize in 1903 for his treatment of TB using ultraviolet light. Rollier

found that sunbathing early in the morning, in conjunction with a nutritious

diet, produced the best effects.

The miraculous complete cures of tuberculosis and other diseases facilitated

by these doctors made headlines at the time. What surprised the medical
community most was the fact that the sun's healing rays remained ineffective

if the patients wore sunglasses. [Sunglasses block out important rays of the

light spectrum which the body requires for essential biological functions.]
Note: your eyes receive these rays even if you are in the shade.
By the year 1933, there were over 165 different diseases for which sunlight
proved to be a beneficial treatment. However, with the death of Rollier in
1954 and the growing power of the pharmaceutical industry, heliotherapy fell

into disuse.

By the 1960s, man-made "miracle drugs" had replaced medicine's fascination
with the sun's healing powers, and by the 1980s the public was increasingly
being bombarded with warnings about sunbathing and the risks of skin cancer.

Today, the sun is considered the main culprit for causing skin cancer,
certain cataracts leading to blindness, and aging of the skin. Only those
who take the "risk" of exposing themselves to sunlight find that the sun
makes them feel better, provided they don't use sunscreens or burn their
The UV-rays in sunlight actually stimulate the thyroid gland to increase
hormone production, which in turn increases the body's basal metabolic rate.

This assists both in weight loss and improved muscle development. Farm
animals fatten much faster when kept indoors, and so do people who stay out
of the sun.

Therefore, if you want to lose weight or increase your muscle tone, expose
your body to the sun on a regular basis.
The use of antibiotics, which has practically replaced heliotherapy, has in
recent years led to the development of drug-resistant strains of bacteria,
which defy any treatment other than the balanced use of sun, water, air, and

food. Cutting out or substantially reducing any of these four essential
constituents of life, results in disease.

Any person who misses out on sunlight becomes weak and suffers mental and
physical problems as a result. His vital energy diminishes in due time,
which is reflected in his quality of life. The populations in Northern
European countries like Norway and Finland, which experience months of
darkness every year, have a higher incidence of irritability, fatigue,
illness, insomnia, depression, alcoholism, and suicide than those living in
the sunny parts of the world. Their skin cancer rates are higher, too. For
example, the incidence of melanoma (skin cancer) on the Orkney and Shetland
Isles, north of Scotland, is 10 times that of Mediterranean islands.

UV light is known to activate an important skin hormone called solitrol.
Solitrol influences our immune system and many of our body's regulatory
centers, and, in conjunction with the pineal hormone melatonin, causes
changes in mood and daily biological rhythms. The hemoglobin in our red
blood cells requires ultraviolet (UV) light to bind to the oxygen needed for

all cellular functions. Lack of sunlight can, therefore, be held
co-responsible for almost any kind of illness, including skin cancer and
other forms of cancer. As you are about to find out, it may be highly
detrimental to your health to miss out on sunlight.

Can UV-Radiation Prevent and Cure Skin Cancer?
A major concern of our scientists today is the dramatic increase of skin
cancers around the world. There are three main types of skin cancer, two of
which, basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma (non-melanomas) , are
increasingly prevalent, whereas the third, malignant melanoma, is much rarer

but far more lethal. The most pressing question is why would the sun
suddenly become so vicious and try to kill scores of people after thousands
of years of harmlessness?

The medical community claims that ultraviolet light (UV) is the major cause
of skin cancers. This theory is based on the assumption that our thinning
ozone layer permits too much of the germicidal UV to penetrate to the
surface of the earth and causes destruction of all kinds, including damage
to our skin and eye cells. Yet the theory has major flaws and no scientific
backing. Contrary to general belief, there is no evidence that reduction in
the ozone layer, observed at the poles, has caused any increase in

The germicidal frequency of UV is destroyed or is filtered out by the ozone
layer in the Earth's stratosphere, and only small amounts--necessary to
purify the air we breathe and the water we drink-- actually reach the
surface of the earth. To that effect, a study of Punta Arenas, the largest
South American city close to the Antarctic ozone hole, showed no increase in

health problems related to depleted ozone.
In fact, UV measures were too small to have any noticeable effect. Actual
measurements taken in the United States since 1974 show that the amount of
UV radiation reaching the surface of the earth is decreasing and continues
to decrease slightly each year. This research was conducted to detect the
frequency of UV radiation that causes sunburn. UV radiation had dropped an
average of 0.7 percent per year over the period from 1974 to 1985 and
continued to do so afterwards.

The fact that the number of skin cancers in the United States had doubled
within this period of 11 years contradicts the theory that UV light is the
reason behind the skin cancer epidemic. The number of malignant skin cancers

(melanomas) discovered in 1980 in the United States was 8,000, and eight
years later it had increased by 350 percent to 28,000. In 1930, the
expectancy of developing melanoma was as low as 1 in 1,300 people. Since
2003, 45,000 to 50,000 new cases are diagnosed every year in the United
States. Melanomas, which account for 75 percent of all skin cancer deaths,
make up only 5 percent of all reported skin cancers. The most striking fact
about this lethal form of cancer is that it can occur in parts of the body
that are not necessarily exposed to the sun such as the eye, the rectum,
vulva, vagina, mouth, respiratory tract, GI tract and urinary bladder.
Overall, since the beginning of the new millennium, each year one million
Americans are being diagnosed with some form of skin cancer. There are
millions of sufferers now, all of whom have been made to believe that the
sun is the culprit for their skin diseases. But since UV radiation is
decreasing every year and skin cancers were extremely rare 100 years ago
when UV intensity was much higher and people spent much more time outdoors,
what other factor could be held responsible for causing skin cancer?

The More UV, the Less Cancer
Even if UV penetration to the surface of the Earth did actually increase by,

for example, one percent each year (which is not the case), such slight
increases would still be hundreds, if not thousands, of times less than the
normal variations which people experience because of differences in

Let's assume that you move from an area near either one of the Polar
Regions, e.g. Iceland or Finland, toward the equator, e.g. Kenya or Uganda
in East Africa. By the time you reach the equator, you will have increased
your body's exposure to UV light by a whooping 5,000 percent! If you live in

England and decide to move to Northern Australia you will increase your
exposure by 600 percent! Calculations show that for every six miles you move

closer to the equator, you increase your exposure to UV light by one

Today, millions of people around the world travel from low exposure places
to areas of high exposure near the equator. Many thousands of tourists
travel to areas that are located at much higher altitudes than where they
normally live. For every 100 feet of elevation there is a significant
increase in UV radiation. But this does not prevent people from climbing
mountains or living in countries like Switzerland or at the high altitudes
of the Himalayan Mountains.

According to the UV/cancer theory, most Kenyan, Tibetan, or Swiss residents
should be afflicted with skin cancer today. Yet this is not the case at all.

The fact is that those who reside at high altitudes or near the equator
where UV radiation is the most concentrated are virtually free of all
cancers, not just skin cancers! This shows that UV radiation does not cause
cancer; in fact, it can even prevent it.

The human body has a unique ability to become accustomed to all kinds of
variations in the environment. It is equipped with perfect self-regulating
mechanisms that protect it against damage from the natural elements.

Overexposure to swimming in the sea or in a lake can lead to extensive skin
swelling, shivering, and circulatory problems. Our body will let us know
when it is time to get out of the water. Getting too close to a fire will
heat us up and encourage us to move away from it. Rainwater is natural, but
standing in the rain for too long can drain our immune system and make us
susceptible to catching a cold. Eating sustains our lives, but overeating
can lead to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Sleeping recharges

our "batteries" and revitalizes the body and mind, yet too much of it makes
us sluggish, depressed, and ill. Likewise, sunlight has healing properties
unless we use it to burn holes into our skin. Why should any of these
natural elements or processes cause us harm unless we abuse or overuse them?

Wouldn't it make more sense to say that a preference for unnatural things
like junk food, stimulants, alcohol, drugs, medical intervention (unless it
is for an emergency), as well as pollution, irregular sleeping and eating
habits, stress, excessive greed for money and power, and the lack of contact

with nature, are more likely to cause such diseases as skin cancer and
cataracts than natural phenomena that have ensured continued growth and
evolution on the planet throughout the ages?

It is very encouraging to see that new treatments using light are
increasingly being recognized as breakthrough methods for cancer and many
other diseases. The US Food and Drug Administration recently approved "light

therapy" to fight advanced esophageal cancer and early lung cancer--with
fewer risks than are found with the use of surgery and chemotherapy.

Although it has been known for over 100 years that light can kill diseased
cells, it is only since a number of convincing research studies have been
conducted that there has been a sudden resurgence of interest in light
therapy. There is promising success with bladder cancer, infertility- causing

endometriosis, advanced lung and esophageal cancers, skin cancer, and
diseases leading to blindness, psoriasis, and autoimmune disorders. In one
study, light therapy eliminated 79 percent of early lung cancers. Regular
exposure to sunlight still seems to be one of the best measures one can take

to prevent cancer, including cancers of the skin.

Now Even Doctors And Scientists Say, "It's Not True!"
Like myself, there have always been some health practitioners who didn't buy

into the theory that the sun causes deadly diseases. It warms my heart to
hear that now even some of the top authorities in the field are standing up
for the truth, despite intense criticism from their colleagues.
In an article written in the New York Times in August 2004, a high-profile
dermatologist, Dr. Bernard Ackerman (a recent winner of the American Academy

of Dermatology' s prestigious, once-yearly Master Award), publicly questioned

the commonly accepted assumption about the sunlight/melanoma link.

According to Dr. Ackerman, who in 1999 founded the world's largest center
for dermatopathology training, there is no proof whatsoever that sun
exposure causes melanoma. To substantiate his arguments, he cites a recently

published article in the Archives of Dermatology concluding that no evidence

exists supporting the notion that sunscreen prevents melanoma, a claim the
mega-million dollar sunscreen industry and those in the medical mainstream
have falsely made for decades.

Dr. Ackerman didn't stop at exposing this decades-long deception of the
masses; he also cast doubt on the increase in the incidence of melanoma
cases medical mainstream doctors insist is happening. He found that an
expansion of the diagnostic definition of "melanoma" has allowed a much
broader array of symptoms to be classified as the deadly disease compared to

just 30 years ago. Melanoma has to a large extent "grown" to epidemic
proportions because of statistical manipulations. In other words, if the
same diagnostic definition applied 30 years ago were applied today,
melanomas would have increased only insignificantly.

Furthermore, this respected physician challenged the medical mainstream to
explain why nearly all cases of melanoma among certain races (black African,

Asian and South American) occur in areas of the body that are almost never
exposed to sunlight--places like the palms, soles of the feet, and mucous
membranes. Should it not raise doubts among physicians and patients alike
when even among pale-faces, the most common sites for melanoma (legs in
women, torso in men) get significantly less sunlight exposure than other
parts of the body?
To make a point, based on this and other evidence, your best chance of
avoiding melanoma is to move to areas of higher UV-concentration, such as
mountainous regions or the equatorial tropics and become a nudist! Since
sunlight boosts the immune system, you may find that such a move would also
help with many other health issues from which you may be suffering.
Naturally, all this data raises the question, what actually causes skin
cancer? The answer may surprise you greatly.

Andreas Moritz is a medical intuitive; a practitioner of Ayurveda,
iridology, shiatsu, and vibrational medicine; a writer; and an artist. He is the author of The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush, Timeless Secrets of  Health and Rejuvenation, Lifting the Veil of Duality, Cancer Is Not a Disease, It's Time to Come Alive, Heart Disease No More, Diabetes No More, Simple Steps to Total Health, Diabetes -- No More, Ending the AIDS Myth and Heal Yourself with Sunlight.

Posted by angel-healing at 11:06 AM GMT
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
I woke up today smiling as I recall our friendship because I know that years from now, I will still be waking up smiling for the same reason every morning.

Of all the smiles you received today, there was a smile you didn't see. A smile not from the lips, but straight from the heart - a smile that came from me.

People vanish, people die. People laugh and people cry. Some give up, some will try. Some say hi, while some say bye. Others may forget, but never will I. Good morning!

Every morning, leave your worries outside your gate, coz that's where they pick up the garbage! Have a worry free day!

Hey, good morning! Rise and shine! As you open your eyes to greet the morning sun, I wish that you would be well and fine.

A smile is a way of writing your thoughts on your face, telling others that they are accepted, liked and appreciated. So here's a big smile just for you.

Every morning has a new beginning, a new blessing, a new hope. It's a perfect day coz it's God's gift. Have a blessed, hopeful perfect day to begin with.

The best gifts to give: to friend - loyalty; to enemy -forgiveness; to boss - service; to child - good example; to parents - devotion; to friends friendship.

This message has no fat, no cholesterol and no additive. This is all natural except, with a lot of sugar. But it can never be as sweet as the one reading it. Smile!

A smile is a curve that sets everything straight and wipes the wrinkles away. Hope you receive a lot and share a lot of smiles today. Here's one from me.

Never get tired of doing little things to others, because sometimes those little things may mean so much to them. That's why I won't get tired of sending my little hi to you.

We're not too close in distance. We're not too near in miles. But a message and thoughts can bring us smiles.

A smile is a language everybody understands. It costs nothing but creates much. It happens fast but its memory may last forever. Keep smiling.

All mornings are like a painting, you need a little inspiration to get you going, a little smile to brighten it and a message from someone who cares to color your day.

One of the joys in life is waking up each day with thoughts that somewhere, someone cares enough to send a warm morning greeting! Good morning and enjoy the day!

An icing can make a cake so sweet, a string can make a balloon so high, a match can make a candle so bright. I hope that a simple message can make you smile.

Could you do me a favor? Put your left hand over your right shoulder then your right hand to your left shoulder. There! I've just given you a morning hug.

Posted by angel-healing at 12:41 PM GMT
Updated: Friday, 15 February 2008 10:49 AM GMT
Monday, 11 February 2008

"Peace means to me love inside. I'm Peace. Wind is Peace. Trees have Peace inside.
Stars are Peace. Night is Peace. The World is Peace."
--Jason C., seven years old

Posted by angel-healing at 12:40 PM GMT
thoughts on love from NDW

My dear friends...


And here we are, ta few days before Valentine's Day...

A good time to talk about love, yes?

What a wonderful experience love is! (All love, of course...but I am talking here about romantic love in particular.) Yet so many people (myself included) have had a tough, tough time with relationships and romantic love. In my own life there has been lots of hurt involved, lots of learning, lots of sadness and challenge. I wish it all could have been easier. I wish I hadn't hurt so many others. I wish I had been more clear much earlier in my life.

I am only just now understanding so much of what I need to know about romantic relationships, about life partnerships, about this kind of love. (Eros, they call it. There is filial piety, or family love. There is agape, or deep-friendship love. And there is eros, or erotic love.)

All I know is, whatever you call it, it's tough on the heart. Unless it's not. All my life it has been - and most of my life it has been rough for others as well: those who have been in relationship with me. That is because I am convinced that this is because I, like so many people, entered into most of the relationships in my life for the "wrong reasons." I entered them in order to fill my needs...or what I perceived to be my needs. And when those needs were not fulfilled I became unhappy. And when I became unhappy I began looking somewhere else - and my relationships ended.

Or, they were ended for me. 

I've come now to a new understanding of relationships and love. I have come to an awareness that love has nothing to do with "need fulfillment." Actually, I've known this for a long time...but I'm not sure I knew how to put that into practice. Now, at last, I believe I do.

All I want to do now, for the rest of my life, is the very, very best I can at loving others - those close to me, and those farther away. And, of course, I must start all this with loving myself.

The end of my using love relationships for "need fulfillment" came when I understood at last that I have no needs. There is nothing that I need to survive, because my "survival" is not, and never has been, at stake. Even if I were to leave my physical body tomorrow, I will continue to survive. I will continue to exist. I will continue on my journey, filled with peace and joy and love. The happiness that I will experience will be boundless and indescribable.

Knowing this makes all the difference in the world IN the world! Now I am learning to be "in this world, but not of it." And as that becomes my more-often-than-not mode of being, I find that I am able to separate "love" from "need" in my experience of others. This allows me to love them more, in every way.

I am more "tuned in" than ever before to my soul and my heart and my mind - and to the soul-heart-mind of those I love. And yes, of all people. For I am coming to truly love all people. We are all here just trying our best to get through, to make some sense of it, to understand, to find a belief that works for us and to live that belief. We are all trying to make it, and then to get back Home.

We all have our faults and our foibles, our ups and our downs, our good points and our bad, our glorious aspects and our not-so-wonderful personality traits. And I the eyes of God, we are all - ALL of us - totally and completely and absolutely lovable, and perfect in our so-called "imperfection."

I was writing about love in romantic relationships this week in the Reader's Forum on my personal website. You may have missed what I posted there, so I thought I'd include it here, in this Letter for the Weekly Bulletin. (If you already read this, please forgive me...but the thoughts were so clear for me that I just wanted to share them with any who may have missed them...because I think this is part of how real love is experienced...)

What I said in that post is...All Love is Art. It is God's Art, in its finest form. Art is our most sacred and deep experience of life, unabashedly shared. All Art serves as either a Reminder or an Inspiration. It either reminds us of something magnificent, or it inspires us to create or produce or experience something magnificent. Love -- God's Highest Art -- does that most profoundly, I have found, in the Otherhood.

If you are in the Otherhood chances are that you can look at your loved one and say, "I love you minute-to-minute and not only moment-to-moment." Then you know you have a relationship that can last.

What I call "Moment Love" is a love that is real, but seems to be built upon our experience of special moments: How it feels when you are making love; what it's like to be walking side-by-side through the snow to a church service on Christmas Eve; the special glow of dinner and wine...

What I call "Minute-to-Minute Love" is a love that is real, but seems to be built upon our experience of every minute: How it feels to wake up with that person on a Monday morning; the fun of just grabbing soup and a salad or a quick turkey sandwich; standing in front of the bathroom mirror together and seeing your Beloved's reflection and realizing you're smiling inside...

I like this minute-to-minute love that people sometimes have -- although I experience that it is very rare. It's about reaching across the front seat while you're driving somewhere and just squeezing a leg or holding hands. Holding HANDS while DRIVING, folks! Now that's when you know you're in love "for real."

It's about making breakfast together on a lazy Sunday morning and not being able to keep your hands off each other's body parts; picking out colors together at the paint store and giggling all the way through it; watching a movie together and reacting the same way in the same places; finding it strangely exciting to work together cleaning up the house or clearing out the closet or tackling the storage bin or sitting on the carpet assembling the corner hutch that you bought on the Internet and just came in boxes and pieces and you have to figure out how to put the gosh-darned thing together...

It's about jumping in the tub together with some wine and cheese; talking until three in the morning about nothing; chuckling at each other's habits with warmth melting your heart; lying together and just staring into each other's eyes with nothing else going on...and nothing else needed for the experience to feel way beyond special.

It's about paying the bills together with a CD on the player that is a favorite of you both; going grocery shopping together and knowing exactly what the Other would want...and hugging and smooching in the aisles like teenage kids.

It's about jumping up to get that glass of water or the pen that is never where you want it or the TV remote that's across the room for no reason that anyone can think of...and doing it to save steps for your loved one and feeling soft and good inside while doing it, and being inordinately happy to see that smile on your Beloved's face when they say "gosh, thanks, honey. You are so thoughtful!"

It's about rubbing feet and massaging scalps and nuzzling necks and scratching backs and cherishing every kind of physical contact life provides -- and never wanting to miss an opportunity for another.

It's about that small shot of happiness that runs through your veins when your Beloved's voice shows up on the other end of the telephone. It's about feeling safe and deeply cared for in the middle of the night when you've had a bad dream and your Beloved hovers over you, asking softly, "Are you alright?", and then holding you like a child when you say, "Whew. I've just had the worst dream." It's about dropping all your clothes and running naked in the woods, for the sheer deviltry of it...and the sheer joy of a stolen naked hug with your dearest loved one.

This is Minute-to-Minute Love, when a Saturday afternoon in September, raking the leaves and clearing out the yard with your love partner, makes it clear that you have never been happier before in your life.

You know right now if you are having these kinds of experiences. If you are, you're saying right now: "Hey, I have that!" If you don't, you're saying right now: "Hey, I want that!"

One way to create that...make SURE you tell your Other on Valentine's much you love and adore and cherish them, and every moment that you share.

Have a wonderful Valentine's Day,



Posted by angel-healing at 12:39 PM GMT
Sunday, 10 February 2008
some quotes...
Your Whole Life Leads You Back Home
Your whole life leads you back Home, back to me. Therefore, bless every event, every person, every moment, for each is sacred.

Even if you disagree with that event, even if you dislike that person, even if you are not enjoying that moment, all are sacred, for Life informs life about life through the process of Life Itself, and there is nothing more sacred than Knowing, and then Experiencing, what Life has to tell us about our Selves.

Home With God
Neale Donald Walsch
Page 40


Love wholeheartedly, be surprised, give thanks and praise--then you will discover the fullness of your life.

-Brother David Steindl-Rast


God's Love for You

My love for you is always changing, because you are always changing, and I love you just the way you are. For Me to love you just the way you are, My idea of what is "lovable" must change as your idea of Who You Are changes.

Conversations With God, Book 3
Neale Donald Walsch
Page 346

Posted by angel-healing at 12:19 PM GMT
Thursday, 7 February 2008
your daily prosperity thought

Happy dark moon. This is a great time for looking at dark stuff like blame. Blame is a sure way to stay hooked to the past. Blame is an energy that refuses to let go of past wrongs. We can blame ourselves or other people. Either way you may have noticed that the things you cannot accept have a habit of popping up in your reality.

Forgiveness is said to be the best antidote for blame. However, today I am proposing that acceptance is the best way of releasing blame. Accepting the past does not mean condoning the past. It is a decision to finally accept what happened and move on. Self-acceptance is a great way to experience living more joyfully in the world so today how about choosing to accept one thing about your physical or emotional nature?

Sign up for your daily prosperity thought at

Posted by angel-healing at 3:45 PM GMT
Tuesday, 5 February 2008
daily prosperity thought

Today I am going to ask you to face the truth. The past has no power over you. I know this runs counter to what many therapists believe but still I am going to say to you that the past is over, and only the present moment exists. Now some people choose to replay the past over and over in their minds and wonder why the same patterns keep popping up in the present. The good news is that today you can choose a different future, one that is radically more joyful than the past.

The real question is to what degree you can let go of your past? This does not mean letting go of the lessons and teachings of the past. It means letting go of the struggle of the past. The freer you are from the struggle of your past the easier it will be to step into a radically more joyful future.

Blessings. Sign up for your daily prosperity thought at

Posted by angel-healing at 7:24 AM GMT
Monday, 4 February 2008
10 Spiritual Ways to Approach Money
Mood:  bright
Topic: Positive News!!

10 Spiritual Ways to Approach Money

 Prosperity. Abundance. Opulence. Plenty. Is your heart resonating "Yes" to these words? How about moolah. Dough. Greenbacks. Bread. Cash. Is your heart still saying "Yes," or are you having a more complicated reaction? Money and fear tend to be intertwined--especially right now, as the stock market flips and flops, and the word "subprime" gets tossed around. In this gallery, Dr. Susan Corso offers counsel on what we can focus on instead of the anxiety--like connecting with unlimited abundance and prosperity, the ultimate Federal Reserve.

Text by Susan Corso

Dr. Susan Corso is an omnifaith spiritual preacher, teacher and counselor. She is the author of "God's Dictionary" and writes a blog, Seeds for Sanctuary.

Make Peace With Your Financial Past

 What is your money history? Take time to write about this in your journal. Write whatever comes to mind, no censoring. Make time to reflect on your past actions with money and make peace with it. No matter what it is. Where you see flaws, forgive yourself. It is only when you accept where you're starting from that you can begin to go forward.

Ask God for Help

 One of divinity's traditional names is Providence, the all-provider. God/Goddess/Spirit is intimately involved in all aspects of our lives, and finances are no exception. If human economics hasn't worked for you in the past, what do you have to lose? Try spiritual economics: where there is demand, supply will appear. Address your request to God, let go, and joyfully expect an answer. Give thanks every day and listen within: You'll be guided if there are actions to take.

Remember That Debt Is Trust

First, think about what debt means: Someone (or some company) trusted you would be good for the money. Now turn within and from the place inside you that knows what's so, look to Providence and give your trust over to all provision, a.k.a. Spirit, God/dess, Nature, Wonder. Clearing up debt is about learning to trust yourself and Providence.

Visualize the Flow

There are two major modes for dealing with money in life: circulation and congestion. Circulation is paying bills, tithing, giving to charity. Congestion is hoarding, saving for a rainy day, being stingy. It's no coincidence that one word for money is currency; it comes from the word current, which means flow. When you congest around money, the flow stops. Money, by its nature, flows. Picture yourself and your money in the flow.

Set Your Intention

Intention is everything when it comes to manifestation. What do you want money for? Do you want a new pair of shoes to match your new suit? Great. Do you want to start a foundation for homeless children? Great. The wild thing is, it doesn't matter to God as long as you intend the highest good for all. Tell yourself your intention, share it with God through prayer, and listen for guidance.

Pray Your Bills

Yes, of course, pay your bills, but first, PRAY your bills. Put them all in your lap, sit quietly, and pray for each bill. Give thanks for the service you received, and pray that you and your loved ones may continue to enjoy what each bill represents. For example, your utility bill can bring to mind a warm home in winter, hot meals, and clean water to drink. While you're at it, send the same blessing to those who helped provide for you.

Be Conscious of Your Judgments

Okay, let's really get into it now: resentment, envy, finger-pointing. Where you have judgments, you only hurt yourself! Try these on: Rich people are miserly; the IRS is a dirty, rotten scoundrel, the oil companies are greedy, money is the root of all evil (the misquote most often used about money). It's really very simple to get clear around money: Just wish for others what you would wish for yourself!

Bless Your Money

Whatever you praise increases. Praise works to increase anything, both the positive and the negative. Why? Because you are showing interest in it. The activity of praising is blessing. Bless your money! Every penny of it. Blessing is also a form of gratitude. You are thanking God for the money you have in order to create more money.

Receive Graciously

There is a cost to giving, dear one. The cost of giving is receiving. Conversely, the cost of receiving is giving. It's a wondrous cycle of circles where we all participate in all of its phases at all times. Learn to receive graciously! You go to lunch with a friend who has just gotten a raise. She offers to buy you lunch to celebrate. Do you let her? You let money out, don't you? Now, let money in.

Share the Wealth

You do not need to have a lot of money in order to give to others. Ask yourself, Where am I wealthy? Start your giving there. Do you have extra time? Give time. Extra money? Give money. Extra talent? Give talent. The feelings associated with genuine joyous giving are to be cultivated.

Secret: Wealth attracts wealth!

Posted by angel-healing at 7:26 AM GMT
Friday, 1 February 2008
Daily Affirmations

Learn to think in terms of positive affirmations. These are statements that affirm your being and your capabilities in life. Affirmations are a great way to start countering limiting belief in yourself or your world. It is possible to start living in a loving and supportive universe but only if you believe it is possible. You cannot experience something you believe is impossible. In this world of over 6 billion people there are over 6 billion different realities. The real question is which one are you choosing?

Sign up for your daily prosperity thought at

Your Daily Affirmations for the
first week of February, 2008

Friday, February 1, 2008
Today I accept the perfection of all of my experiences. I know that I bring my unique essence of individuality to each experience. I embrace my uniqueness. I boldly express who I am. I realize I am the only “me” there is, so I give the world the gift of my authentic expression.

Saturday, February 2, 2008
Today I accept that it’s okay to express in the way I do. I don’t try to fix myself. I rejoice in doing things just the way I do them. I embrace my unique gifts, talents and ways of expressing.

Sunday, February 3, 2008
Today I listen to the call of my heart. I discern its meaning and act vigorously on anything that expresses more love, joy or another aspect of my divine nature. I live the life that fulfills life’s longing to be expressed uniquely as me.

Monday, February 4, 2008
Today I align my will with the will of my highest truth. I act only from the sense of fully authentic expression. Therefore, I am confident, strong and at peace with all of my choices and actions.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Today I choose love in all situations. I am guided into perfect understanding wherever I find it difficult to love. My capacity to love is unlimited because my nature is love.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Today I release old concepts of who I am. I open to see myself through the lens of the infinite. Limitless possibility lies before me. I allow myself to be drawn forth by a greater vision for my life.

Thursday, February 7, 2008
Today I embrace the darkness and I willingly bring light into the dark places of my life. As my light expands, I stand more fully in the truth of my wholeness, and the seeming darkness is dispelled. I always have access to light.

Posted by angel-healing at 8:01 AM GMT

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