Angel Healing ...the extras!
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Humanity's Struggle
Humanity's Struggle
Humanity's struggle is not a military struggle, it is a struggle for the mind.

If it were merely a military struggle, then the struggle would be over, because the mightiest military would easily win. Yet your histories, and world events to this very day, prove that the mightiest military cannot win anything. It can subdue, but it cannot be victorious.

Subjugation and victory are not the same thing.

Only when you change people's minds can you claim victory in the struggle to bring peace and harmony to humanity. And this will only occur when humanity understands that its problem is not a military problem, it is not a political problem, and it is not an economic problem. The problem facing humanity today is a spiritual problem.

Tomorrow's God
Neale Donald Walsch

Posted by angel-healing at 8:04 PM BST

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