Angel Healing ...the extras!
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
You Are a Miracle
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Musings
You Are a Miracle 

Now I come to tell you again that this is what is true: Love is unconditional. Life is unending. God is without need. And you are a miracle. The miracle of God, made human.

This is what you have wanted to know all along. It is what you have always known in your heart, and what your mind has denied. It is what your soul has whispered to you time and time again, only to be silenced by your body, and the bodies around you.

 You have been asked to deny Me by the very religions that would invite you to know Me. For they have told you that you are not Me, and I am not you, and that to even think so is a sin.

We are not one, they say, but rather, the Creator and the created. Yet this refusal to accept and know yourself as one with Me is what has caused all of the pain and all of the sorrow of your life.

I invite you now to a meeting with the Creator.

You will find the Creator within.
Communion With God
Neale Donald Walsch
Pages 125-126


Posted by angel-healing at 8:16 AM BST

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