Angel Healing ...the extras!
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Women and Wisdom
So my friends at Women and Wisdom have just put out a new book, an
anthology of writings on women’s spirituality.  The WOW folks do a
conference every year in Seattle, where I have spoken and led workshops
a number of times.  To launch their book, they are doing a campaign to
get it up into the top sellers on  Much as I dislike Amazon,
which did away with the vast majority of independent bookstores, I think
this might be a good idea and I decided to support them by sending out
an email and offering a free prize for people who buy the book today.
Why?  Because, although you may or may not have noticed, major
publishers are no longer terribly interested in books on women’s
spirituality.  Why?  Back in the ‘eighties, HarperSanFrancisco published
not just me but a whole lot of great books—Carol Christ, Marija
Gimbutas, Z. Budapest, Luisah Teish, Vicki Noble if I’m remembering it
all right.  They were the books we read, discussed, got excited about
and inspired by.
Then sometime in the nineties they dropped just about everyone except
me—not because the books weren’t selling, but because they weren’t selling
enough.  They lost interest in publishing for a strong, steady niche, and
only really wanted to publish blockbusters for the mass market.  This
probably coincided with them being bought out by Rupert Murdoch, but it
had a debilitating effect on the movement.  Without the books to inspire
women, without new books to continue the discussions and debate, we lost
ground, especially with younger women.
    Now the entire publishing industry is in disarray.  Part of it is the
web—you’re spending time reading this and I’m spending time writing it
instead of a book which might carry a lot more weight (and which I might
actually get paid at least some pittance for writing.)  But part of it is
their own damn fault—if they don’t publish books of quality and promote
them to potential readers, how will they persuade people that some things
just can’t be said in 1500 words or less, and are worth reading?
    So, though I dislike Amazon and promotions in general, I’m curious to see
if the WOW folks can pull it off.  If they can, it will help all of us
who are writing things we’d like to get out in the world.  And you can
bet I’ll follow their lead when my new book, The Last Wild Witch, comes
out in a few weeks.  It’s a picture book for kids that I’ve never been
able to get any of my usual publishers interested in, but which finally
found a home with Mother Tongue Ink, the women who publish the WeMoon
    So, the message is below.  Check it out—get a good book and a lot of free
stuff and help keep the door open for more feminist spiritual writing.
(Paste links in browser if they don't open from this post.)

Join me today in this special offer from Kris Steinnes, founder of Women
of Wisdom Foundation and director of the WOW Conference for 17 years.

Purchase this Award Winning Book today only and receive exciting gifts
valued over $3000 from many wise women and men, including a fabulous bonus
from myself!

To purchase your copy today go

Women of Wisdom:empowering the dreams and spirit of women

2009 IPPY Bronze Award Body, Mind, Spirit &

2008 Award Winning Finalist Best New Non Fiction

from USA Book News

When you purchase the WOW book today, June 23rd, at

you will receive the bonus gifts valued over $3000 and you will be entered
into a drawing to win a free weekend pass for the 18th Annual Women of
Wisdom Conference, Feb. 11th - 15th in Seattle, WA.

Gifts from some wonderful wise people include Barbara Marx Hubbard, Judith
Orloff, Marci Shimoff, Susun Weed, Starhawk, Nicki Scully, Scott Blum,
David Riklan and many others.

Women of Wisdom Foundation has inspired women to make powerful changes in
their lives for the past 17 years through its annual conference.

Posted by angel-healing at 3:32 PM BST

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