Angel Healing ...the extras!
Thursday, 23 April 2009
30 days to a greener you!

Earth Day reminds us all of the little things we can do to help save our perilous planet. Now more than ever, many of us are making a conscious effort to incorporate earth-friendly practices into our everyday lives.  This Earth Day, April 22, Intent will run a month-long series, 30 Days to a Greener You.  Gauge your eco-savvy-ness with quizzes; weigh in on polls (do you know what ‘vampire energy’ is?); listen to interviews with green experts; and learn to how to compost and how to make organic beauty products and earthy-friendly household cleaning products.

Rex Weyler, original director of Greenpeace and contributor to 30 Days to a Greener You encourages us to adopt “personal and social strategizes to ‘relocalize’ society.” We don’t need government mandates, tax incentives or super-heroes to make a difference, but rather “ordinary heroes and common decency.”

During these next 30 days, Intent will be speaking to the ordinary hero in all of us. You’ll learn how to make changes – from the small to the significant – to lead a greener life. You’ll minimize your carbon footprint by making easy modifications to your exercise and beauty regimes, your parenting and pet-owning styles, your grocery list and your dinner menus.

You'll find that investing in the planet means investing in you -- in your health, relationships, finances and creativity! 

Here’s what the series will cover: 

Part 1: Introduction to Living Green 

Part 2: Green Approaches to Food

Part 3: Green Approaches to Self Care

Part 4: Green Relationships & Personal Life

Part 5: Green Travel, Home & Work




Posted by angel-healing at 8:56 AM BST

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