Angel Healing ...the extras!
Friday, 13 March 2009
build your own compost loo!
Here is our latest compost toilet.  We'd have liked a different colour from white for the bucket, but as it was the only type we could find, we did the best we could.
Design Emma Holister
Construction David Roure


A few facts to remember about compost toilets:
1) They do not smell!!  The organic cover material such as sawdust or dead leaves blocks all odours completely to the point where you can have your ravishing, state of the art toilet in the comfort of your bedroom and be done with long treks to the bathroom during the night.
My mother and I have proved it to our mentally sluggish husbands and now they're eyes have been opened, as well as their formerly anxious nostrils...
The type of sawdust or cover material you use is essential for insuring the lack of smell, if you use a fine powdery sawdust that is best, anything course is no good.
2) By no longer using flush toilets you save about forty litres per person per day and become significantly more independant from the costly, wasteful and polluting water grid.  Say goodbye forever to costly plumbing, toxic sewage and septic tanks.
3) You show your friends and family that people in rich countries are capable of taking responsibility for the environment by sharing knowledge that will resolve the most serious problems in poor countries ravaged by epidemics caused by lack of adequate sanitation.  This type of toilet is the solution to the world wide problem of water pollution and water scarcity.
4) By applying the simple composting methods taught in 'The Humanure Handbook' by Joe Jenkins you can produce your own top quality compost to use either on your own vegetable garden or to sell to local compost dealers.
Emma Holister



Posted by angel-healing at 8:37 PM BST
Updated: Friday, 13 March 2009 8:50 PM BST

Sunday, 15 March 2009 - 10:43 PM BST

Name: "slow"

Compost loo - what is the red 'frame'made out of? Is it something standard you've recycled, that we could get hold of too? I'd like to make one!

Sunday, 15 March 2009 - 11:21 PM BST

Name: "rachael"

you'll need to contact Emma Holister direct to ask her about that!


pretty sure its just a frame made from wood though!

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