Angel Healing ...the extras!
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
My message is simple. It is that all are everything.

The Essence of my Message
My message is simple. It is that all are everything.

The consciousness that you are has been every story ever told. This is to realize that every being can say they are, have been, and will be every being they ever experience. We all straddle Hitler, Christ and everything in between. This realization is nothing more than the clear conclusion of All Are One. If the Hitler comment freaks you, know that he was surprisingly not that dissimilar to some western right-wing evangelical teachers or eastern fundamentalists today; meaning you don't have to look to the past to see the energy of his xenophobia/'hatred of other'.

You ARE an individual in any human life, but you are also ALL lifes (past, future, and present) simultaneously. To understand this is to realize that the past and future are in evolution in just the same way the present is. This is how they co-exist but are not predetermined.

This is the release of trying to separate that which we have all been into good and bad, and instead realize that it has all been an amazing journey. This is to see that we have, with total love of our own evolution, chosen all that we have created. In the realization of that choice is the realization that there has never been an external force of darkness or light other than that which has been a reflection of our own power of creation.

If you still need to know that you are all that is good in the universe then go to the 'love and light' New Age philosophies of love. Please note that under the umbrella of New Age there are also wonderful teachings that embrace the all, rather than just love and light.

If you still need to know you are all that is sinned, flawed, and damned (if you look at the small print of Christianity you are going to Hell if you want to have any life at all) then look to the old organized religions of the world. There are more modern forms such as the Course in Miracles and these still say the same thing, which is the mortality, physicality, individuated self is an inferior illusion that you should awaken from. They still point to a force of darkness – your pride and ego for example.

My perspective is that you are everything and your complete freewill is housed within your ability to subjectively interpret this world through infinite combinations of symbology. You are FREE to do this. There is delusion here for to awaken is to see through the illusion of the objective to see that it is all subjective. Science is heading towards this in Quantum Physics. However please know that all the subjectivity interelates in a perfect harmony of experience amongst the shared collective that we call humanity. There is deep meaning in the Universe! It is just all of our own creation and not law from before we existed. We are living our dream, and whether that is one of joy or a nightmare is of our own determinaion.

Simply put, there is no external force that can affect you negatively unless you create it through your belief in negative / fallen / heathen / unconscious forces (the prison of judgement). To see this is to awaken to the illusion, and the wonderment is that this does not destroy the illusion. It is to birth your full power of self-creatorship. For that is all you have the power to ultimately effect - your own experience. All other interaction is by mutually agreed co-creation. The idea you can invade (or be invaded) is actually an illusion. If you invade then you are always invading an aspect of yourself that you are judging. All judgment of other is a reflection of self-judgment.

When you awaken you will have the choice to leave and dis-incarnate if you choose, but it is my feeling that most will remain as when you awaken you realize you are in one of the most wonderful playgrounds ever created, and although things seem a little messed up on the surface level at the moment it will not take many people awakening to start changing all that if it is their joy to do so; for they will not be in opposition to anything, they will simply be transforming what is through knowing of creation.

A Love Letter to America
Story WatersSo though to some people it may seem odd that one of my first awakening actions is to go after collective conscious self-executions, please know I am not feeling this to be a force of darkness I must conquer. America has every right to sit in its current bed with China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Iraq. What is so surprising to me in this is how in conflict it is with the Obama choice that America has now clearly declared to the world. So know this ... what I am reacting to is not the killing of yourselves, but the way in which it is in total opposition with what you have stated you want to be with the Obama vote.

So though some people may perceive I am attacking / resisting something, I am simply responding to your Obama declaration of intention. For I tell you this America. You CANNOT create the Obama future you desire and have the right to bear arms and the death penalty. Not because I am saying something is impossible, but because you are saying you don't want violence and the choice for guns and the death penalty is the choice to experience violence. It really is very simple to see when you pull your head out of your fear :)

Why do you think all the countries you admire have gotten rid of the death penalty, and the countries you judge are the ones most like you in this. Think about it! You are facing your own judgement of the rest of the world to be inferior. That why you have you needed all those guns and bombs as you were afraid of the perceived 'lack of civilization' in the rest of the world. You voted in Bush because you wanted to destroy the pedestal you put yourselves on; job well done!

Most of Europe released their desire to kill what they feared through what they saw in themselves through the Holocaust. Though you took part in that war you did not see it as being 'of you' hence it was never meant to effect you in quite the same way. You enjoyed being the cavalary that saved the day in the last act. And now you are being your own cavalary. You saved that until now and that has all been wonderful and perfect.

With the Obama choice versus guns and capital punishment I am now just pointing to something that is in direct opposition to what you say you want to be. I love America, and hope with its release of violence I will be able to live their in the future. America has always felt like home to me on some level, but I wouldn't want to currently live there, even with Obama now voted in. A choice for me to move to America today would be the giving up of my right not be shot; for it is written in the law that is the manifestation of every citizen's consensus agreement that you can kill and torture what you fear. I don't want to sign that energetic contract!

America is indeed about to return to what it knows itself to be. One manifestation of this will be the ending of the death penalty, and then the putting down of your need to own guns. I am so happy this IS happening, right now, for I feel it in the heart of the Obama choice.

America, what you are doing is amazing!

With love to America,
Story Waters

p.s. Largely unbelieved fact by Americans. Our cops in the UK do not carry guns around except in very special circumstances. How is that possible the cops don't need guns?!?!? Because we don't have the right to bear arms so we don't have a gun section in our version of Walmart (Asda in the UK)! Trust me, that you have gun sections in Walmart is really, really weird to most of the rest of us; like as unbelievable as our cops not carrying guns is to you.

It is time to start feeling safe in the world America. That is the Obama future you seek. A deep knowing that all is right, that you are safe in what you are. You are NEVER safe with a gun in your hand, or your finger on the execution/invasion button. The choice to release the violence is the facing of what you feared you needed all those guns for in the first place.

Posted by angel-healing at 7:18 AM GMT
Updated: Tuesday, 3 March 2009 7:20 AM GMT

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