Angel Healing ...the extras!
Sunday, 4 January 2009
Liver Cleanse

Liver Cleanse
 I have just done a big winter detox and am feeling physically wonderful. Since my early twenties I have had an instinct for a clean diet, but I also have a compulsive side with a wicked history. So before I cleaned up, through my teens into my thirties, I enjoyed enough cigarettes, drugs and alcohol to last several life times. Then in my forties I began to experience hip arthritis and became concerned about that whole lower abdominal area because my father had died of colon cancer. I did my first colon cleanse, which immediately cured the hip pain and also made my complexion cleaner and clearer.

I enjoyed the final colonic flush because as the old faecal matter in the lower intestine (which is similar to a nostril) released, I tranced out and experienced myself as a bitter old woman ejecting a foetus that had been festering within me for years after I had been raped by a filthy medieval soldier. Enjoyable, terrible stuff.

Twice a year now I also do a liver cleanse, which releases bile from the liver. That phrase releases bile says it all. If there is stuff clogging up your liver it not only damages your immune system and longevity, it is also irritating. Physically and psychologically irritating. So it is useful to flush it out regularly. I use a classic strategy which takes seven days.

If you have any concerns or caution about doing it, then don’t. You may also want to consult your medical doctor first too.

So here is the process that many of my friends and I use. It is simple and effective.

Ingredients Needed: 6-12 litres organic apple juice, Golden Seal tincture, Black Walnut Hull tincture, 2 organic grapefruit, organic olive oil, Epsom Salts.

Days 1-6: Clean up your diet a bit. Don’t overeat. If you can, avoid dairy, wheat, sugar, stimulants, red meat … the usual stuff.

Every morning before breakfast, drink a glass of warm water. 15 minutes later swallow a tablespoon of organic olive oil mixed with a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice. Wait 20 minutes before eating anything else.

At some point during the day take 10 drops of golden seal in water. Every day throughout the day drink 1-
2 litres of organic apple juice.
(All of this softens the stones and opens up the bile ducts.)

Day 6: Don’t eat anything after 2pm. You may drink water.

6pm: mix 4 tablespoons of Epsom Salts (these used to be called ‘liver salts’) with 3 cups of water in a suitable container. This makes 4 servings of ¾ of a cup (185mls). Drink your first serving now. This will taste a bit bitter.

8pm: drink your next ¾ cup of the Epsom Salts. The Epsom Salts will flush through you, usually triggering dramatic bowel movements.

10pm: squeeze 2 fresh organic grapefruit (pink is good) to make ¾ cup of juice and mix in ½ a cup of best organic olive oil. Add to this 10 drops of Black Walnut Hull Tincture which acts as an internal disinfectant. Put all this in a container you can shake.

Get ready to go to bed. You may need to visit the bathroom a few times as the Epsom Salts pass through your bowels. Now stand by your bed and shake the container with the grapefruit juice and olive oil until it is well mixed. Standing up, drink it all down. (It may sound disgusting but the two main ingredients harmonise well and it goes down easily.)

Lie down immediately flat on your back and relax. Have a kind and compassionate attitude towards your body, especially towards your liver. Impressions and images may arise. Watch, breathe and enjoy. Go the bathroom when you need to. And sleep well.

Day 7: Between 6 and 7am have your third ¾ cup of Epsom Salts. Rest.

Between 8 and
9am have your last ¾ cup of Epsom Salts. Rest. You may experience some headaches and discomfort during and immediately after the whole process, but this is completely normal during any detox.

With all your bowel movements you may want to take a torch into the bathroom to see what you are expelling. You will see gallstones floating and sinking, ranging in colour from white to green to brown, as well as a white foam of tiny cholesterol crystals.

If you discharge a very large quantity of stones and pellets, this is a sure indication that you need to do the process again. The timing is up to you. I would suggest, at earliest, after three months. What you want to see finally is a liver flush in which hardly anything comes out, after which you just do a liver flush as an occasional process.

The result of this? A healthy liver, stronger immune system, better mood.

All my love, a squeaky clean William




Posted by angel-healing at 6:55 PM GMT

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