Angel Healing ...the extras!
Sunday, 4 January 2009
Limitlessness newsletter


Since about November it has felt rather absurd to me that is was 2008. Somehow 2008 had started to sound like 1988 to me – from another millennium. As the New Year rolled out across the globe, I most clearly felt something nonsensical, namely the value of the year, become sensical.

2008 was all about becoming clearer and clearer, mostly through more and more clearing (releasing). You cannot see clearly until you are clear in yourself. As you clear your past so you see the present more clearly. As you clear you become more present.

In 2008 what I have come to see more clearly than ever before is simply what I would call the wound. It has a thousand faces, but in essence its effect is the same. It is that which leads people to choose from fear rather than joy. To see the wound in the world I saw with breathtaking simplicity the wound in myself. I will not say that I am 100% free of it, for it almost feels that to be human is to have some form of relationship with it, but I now know its name, its feeling, its presence; it therefore holds no power over me unless I fall into unconscious choice making.

This was moment of extraordinary clarity which completely changed my perceptive framework. It feels like a jigsaw piece has been found. What once felt mystical and intangible, now feels tangible and apparent – obvious even. What once felt insane, now feels to be the only sane choice. The inter-dimensional experience I am having no longer feels dreamlike; it feels, for the want of a better word, real.  Do you see what I am saying? For me, the dream is becoming real.

The dream-like multi-dimensional experience is becoming real – more solid, more obvious, clearer. What was once far away is now all around me. What I once sipped I am now swimming in. Experiences that were once rare are now common. As this happens, so too is my dream to live joyously through sharing my spiritual exploration; the constraints are simply falling away.

Your dream starting is the sensation of your dream becoming real. I am experiencing this as a birthing sense of apparentness as to the existence and nature of the wider reality. Since this realization I have felt the most alien I have felt since my youth – the most like a visitor to another world. It is interesting to note the distinction between feeling like a visitor to another world, as opposed to feeling like a visitor from another world.

I have quite delighted in this experience, especially because with it has come with a strong desire to return to writing. There is so much denial in the world that we are all of one source that I have spent much of my focus on addressing this. Also with the strength of the perceptive divide between what is human and what is divine much focus has been spent on the realization that the divine and the human are not separate. One face of all this has been my saying, “I am you. We are One. I am not different. What I can do you can do.”

I think the delight I am feeling in the experience of feeling alien is because for the first time in my life I am going to publically explore the territory of “I am different. I experience a pervasive experience that is by typical understanding ‘not of this world’. I am by standard definition insane and I wish to explore and unfold more of what is considered insane. I may do things that you find you cannot do. I feel different.”

This is not new territory for me. You know what you get if you type in your browser, but do you know what you get if you type in I own that domain from when I first started on the internet. From my deep feelings of alienation in my youth I birthed unity and connection within myself. From feeling so different I now speak about the birthing of that connection with my self, my spirit, and the world around me.

Now I am feeling to go back to that part of me that felt so separate, so alienated, so different, so not of this world. Why? Simply he is essentially me and as a part of this integration is to be the speaking of this difference and that excites me tremendously. To put it bluntly, but effectively, I feel like I am about to let out my alienated self, and to many that will be the experience of my alien self - that which is other.

There are layers of consciousness within me that are awake in other realities (non-physical ones) and it is my desire to express them into this reality. This is then the process of integrating them into me consciously within this reality. This is then the process of bridging realities such that they can become consciously connected. This is what the process of channeling is all about. This is what Speaking Your Spirit II – Meeting the Face of Multi-Dimensionality is to focus upon. This is the realization of alien, of other, as self. This is the integration of the alien self. This is the realization, “I am a multi-dimensional being, and I can be conscious across that multi-dimensionality.”

The evolution of the Speaking Your Spirit Series will be one focus for 2009. I am really interested to see how far we can push the live video class medium in terms of visceral, energetic, inter-dimensional, live, group exploration. Next up is the release of the Your Dream Starts Here (the expanded and rebranded version of The Messiah Seed). This will become a part of my main focus for the beginning of the year which is to be the launch of a full website at that will house much of my writing. Most excitingly it is also to house a new exploration…

Since our success has grown I have never found the time to get a new book written. The process of writing is one that needs a lot of space and I have not had a lot of that recently. I have found this frustrating and was therefore looking at other ways to write. I am therefore going to try writing my next book online on This is likely to be the expression of the alien self book and it will be a living text online being altered, re-arranged, etc as I see fit before hopefully becoming a physical book. I will probably use a similar format to The Messiah Seed or You Are God. Get Over It! with the book being made up of short passages of not more than a few pages each.

I have no idea if this way of working will ‘work’, but I do know that I am excited by the idea of being able to share what I write instantly and to combine questions from readers into the book’s live online creation. I also love the idea of the site containing something that is in the process of birthing rather than only housing completed texts.  We will let you know as soon as the site goes up!

It is a very exciting time, and I hope you are feeling excitement for the year ahead. It has been fun to share this with you.




3 for 2 sale

Sale Now Ends Sunday Night USA!

Get 3 for 2 until Sunday: 

Sales includes January's two live online video classes.

Loving MoneySpeaking Spirit IIJanuary 10th - Loving Money with Lee & Story
January 24th - Speaking Your Spirit II with Story
Book for January's classes here: 

If you book for both January classes ($36 each) you can select any download from the store of up to $36 value for free using the 3 for 2 sale!
 Ends tomorrow!


Free Budapest Video!  a 10 minute YouTube video of October's Conscious Creation Seminar in Budapest. The video is from the Q & A section, where Story and Lee answer a question on living in a permanent state of joy, as well as a question on Mary Magdalene, Jesus and the Bible. Don't miss Story's message from Jesus!


Watch the new video on YouTube: 


Story Waters Typo Disclaimer: I am sorry if any typos in this email upsets anybody. God made me do it.


Posted by angel-healing at 4:19 PM GMT

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