Angel Healing ...the extras!
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Moon Times Newsletter

Subject: News from Moon Times; new shop, gift sets, new stock and events

Please forward this newsletter to any friends, family or colleagues who may be interested!





click the links to buy!

We are happy to make up gift sets from our stock- or choose from the ones below. (usual P&P costs apply)

State if you would like a set with a jute shopping bag, jute hand bag, jute drawstring bag, a basket or a box! 

Hi there,

I've got some exciting news...a few of us 'green minded businesses' in Bristol have got together and we are opening a shop!! The Bristol Green Store will launch on Nov 1st- So if you're around drop in and say hi! see



Patterned pad

 Panty Liner

 Daughters in Flower set

bath bomb

In jute shopping or hand bag



31 Oct is wear it pink day

Buy PINK pads or panty liners and Moon Times will donate 25% of the price to the Breast Cancer Campaign!

(state PINK when ordering!)

we have a limited stock of pink animal print, butterflies, fairies and bunnies!

Our PINK ORGANIC pads are naturally dyed with beetroot :)






Moon cup (state size)

Panty liner

Moon tea


In jute hand bag/

drawstring bag/box




Earth Pathways Diary

Moon Calendar

Crystal chakra set

Bella Bees Soap

In jute shopping bag/hand bag




The DIVA moon cup

a slightly different design to the Moon Cup as it has a shorter stalk...and retail a bit cheaper at £16.99!

it has 2 sizes- do state which size when ordering

Model 1: for women who are under thirty (30) years old who have never had childbirth or caesarean section.

Model 2: for women who are thirty (30) years old and over and/or for all women who have had vaginal childbirth or caesarean section.

*Easy-to-use instructions enclosed

*Storage Bag and Diva Lapel Pin included! 

click the link to buy 



Moon Calendars £6 each

click the link to buy

or 2 for £10

click the link to buy

they make a great Xmas gift!



Earthy Pathways Diary

Crystal chakra set


In jute hand bag/

shopping bag





Soap nuts

Organic Pad

bath bomb

In jute hand bag/

drawstring bag/box




Soap nuts

Bella Bees Balm

bath bomb

 In jute hand bag/

drawstring bag/box

Moon Times Pads have been featured on the BIG GREEN
A dynamic new charity dedicated to showing people how sustainable living can be easy, healthy, inexpensive and fun. Read more about why we set up the BGI here

Our Big Green Bus is equipped with a solar-powered cinema and a space for talks and workshops. We also carry a huge range of energy-saving devices, natural skincare and cleaning products, recycled items, clothing made from sustainable crops, composting systems and much more besides. As well as showcasing greener alternatives to everyday items and demonstrating how they can help us to reduce our impact on the planet we will offer information about local environmental initiatives and support groups. Read more about our bus here

Do check the EVENTS section below- hope to see you at some of them...

 much love and blessings, Rachael

at Moon Times xxxx



LAUNCH 1st Nov


local products

body & hair care

home ware & gifts

laundry & cleaning

wool thermal insulation

full range of natural paints

solar pv & hot water systems

Buy truly inspiring, sustainable gifts this Christmas!

practical information on sustainability

& a select range of products from

ethical sources & local producers


The Old Post Office, Chessel Street, Bedminster

Holistic Insights Fair

if you are local to Bristol you may want to pop down to the Holistic Insights Fair at The Southville Centre, 1st & 2nd Nov- The Barefoot Doctor will be doing a talk...and I'll be selling my wares- so pop in and say hi! see

And another one to pencil in to your diaries....The Goddess Show: Bath Show Ground, 7th June 09! I'll be there with my Moon Lodge doing workshops and of course selling my products! do check their website:

It is not our intention to send out spam or unwanted mail, if you DO NOT wish to receive mailings in future, please reply to this e

Posted by angel-healing at 7:26 AM BST
Updated: Saturday, 25 October 2008 7:46 AM BST

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