Angel Healing ...the extras!
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
friends of the earth
Subject: Green the Energy Bill

Friends of the Earth

 20 Oct 2008

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solar panels

Green the Energy Bill

We urgently need more green energy to combat climate change. The Energy Bill needs to include proper government backing for renewable projects like solar panels.
Tell your MP to back renewable energy and green the UK energy system

school children

Involved in teaching?

This year's Shout about educational pack for secondary schools is now ready for delivery. For more details and to sign up for a free copy of the pack,
visit our learning pages

the big ask

Crunch time for the Climate Change Bill

MPs are preparing to vote on amendments to improve the Climate Change Bill. This is your last chance to ask your MP to listen to the advice of the Committee on Climate Change and include emissions from aviation and shipping and cut all emissions by 80% by 2050.


Stop illegal logging

An estimated 20% of timber imports coming into the EU are from suspected illegal sources. Yesterday the EU launched much needed legislation to deal with it. Email your MEP to demand a strong law that will put an end to this environmentally destructive trade.


Inspired, ethical, gifts for Christmas

You can avoid the queues by buying all your ethical Christmas shopping online with the award winning Natural Collection. You'll also be raising money for Friends of the Earth with every purchase.

90% of our income comes from individual supporters like you, which helps us fund campaigns like these - Thank you. (if you're not already a supporter you can join us)

Posted by angel-healing at 3:08 PM BST

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