Angel Healing ...the extras!
Thursday, 18 September 2008
Find a Friend for the Peace Intention Experiment
Find a Friend for the Peace Intention Experiment
Lynne McTaggartDear friends,

We have thousands of people already signed up for the Peace Intention Experiment.  But what if we doubled the numbers?  Please make it your business to tell at least three friends about the Peace Intention Experiment and urge them to sign up.  Let's treble our numbers by Sunday.

New participants can sign up at:

How the web pages will work

Our web team are placing the finishing touches on our Peace Intention Experiment's experimental portal. I'd like to share with you how it's all going to work on Sunday and every day next week, so there are no surprises.

Read more here.

Posted by angel-healing at 6:25 AM BST

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