Creating Abundance In Your Life -
Please read this abundance Poem - three times each day for a week - to rise
your vibration and attract abundance into your life.
Abundance Angel
Abundance Angel brings to me
Wealth, joy, love that I can see;
My feelings tingle as I perceive
Abundance I can hardly believe
Abundance of Wealth flows into me
Flooding my life with prosperity;
My abundance awakens my memory
Of the love I hold for all I see
Abundance of Joy makes my heart sing
As I thank you for the wealth you bring;
I chant with grace and harmony
As I live my life abundantly
Abundance of Love, you are real
As I open my heart to the warmth I feel;
Draw us together to hug and share,
And show one another that we care
Abundance Angel, I sing your praise
As you shower your gifts down in new ways;
We merge as one; we expand and grow
Swimming together in life's flow
By George E. Lockett
Please forward this email to ten of your friends – to help them create
abundance in their lives too – feel the waves of Love and Abundance
returning to you – ten fold.
Here is an article to help you rebalance your energies:
Relax from Within, Feeling Whole and Complete in the Now
Releasing tension is one of the best ways to re-establish balance and
wholeness in your life. This is something you do for yourself consciously
and with awareness through being present in the Now and centred within
Life has many pressures that can affect your balance and wholeness. When
you look in people's faces you can sometimes see and feel their life
experiences written on their face. Some say this gives people character,
but my own feeling is that they are carrying around with them past
experiences which may overshadow and colour their perception of life.
Releasing this tension through conscious awareness within your Self can help
to re-centre your energies and make your consciousness more whole and
complete, thereby giving you the awareness to be in tune with the Universal
Life Force and gain the support of the environment in fulfilling your dreams
and aspirations.
So how do we consciously release the tension? I find the best way is
through conscious breathing, which you can do as you go to bed at night. As
you lie there waiting for sleep to envelop you, you can take your awareness
to your breath and breathe consciously with awareness into any areas of
tension you may feel within your face and body.
As you get good at this, you start to notice the subtle nuances within your
skin which let you know when your body’s energy blueprint is in alignment
and balance with your physiology.
Self-awareness is one of the best ways to expand consciousness and come into
alignment with the Self. Over time you will realize that as you centre in
the Self, you are centring the Universe and the life force within you, and
this helps you evolve and connect with your life’s purpose.
Practising this daily with the use of positive visualization can change your
body’s energy vibration. As your body’s vibration rises in the Ascension
process and your outlook becomes more life-supporting, you start to use the
law of attraction to attract into your life your heart's dreams and
The Universe comes around you, bringing you all the things you have lovingly
crafted in your mind's eye through positive visualization. Life becomes an
effortless process of Self-love and visualization. Things in your
environment will naturally change to reflect you new outlook on life.
Abundance will be the natural result of being more relaxed and creative, and
enjoying the work you do.
More and more people are growing in this awareness, as they become more
conscious of the subtle energies within, and become more spiritual in their
As the spirit within the person is strengthened so his or her health will
naturally improve and the body’s energy blueprint will become stronger,
holding every cell and molecule together in a natural, balanced way, giving
clear instructions and just feeling good inside you.
As you grow in wholeness and Self-love these feelings will grow and you will
find yourself naturally smiling at everyone you meet. You will make friends
more easily and will have a positive outlook on life. Fear will dissolve as
you connect more and more with the energies in your heart, which is the
centre of Love – in whose presence Fear ceases to exist.
Forgiveness is a wonderful tool for reclaiming your power in life, for as
long as you are blaming others entirely for your life’s situation, you
aren't seeing that situation clearly, and therefore you have little power to
change it.
Forgive those who wrong you, and take personal responsibility for your part
in any situation. With the knowledge that you can think any thought in any
moment, think about what it is that you want to create. Remember, what you
put your attention on grows; so focus on things which bring Joy and
Happiness into your life, and then you will soon align your energies to your
life’s purpose.