Angel Healing ...the extras!
Saturday, 5 April 2008
Sleeping with Awareness in Peace and Harmony
Mood:  bright
Topic: Musings
Sleeping with Awareness in Peace and Harmony
Going to sleep is something we do automatically when we go to bed. Every now and then we experience a time when we say we cannot sleep. During these periods of wakefulness I would suggest a few simple exercises to help you check in with your body and centre and balance your energies.
Sleep is a natural, effortless process of relaxing and refreshing the body for a full, active life. As we go to bed with the intention of sleeping, it is good to get out of our heads and into our feelings. By this I mean leaving the thinking mind to relax and putting our awareness on how we are feeling and being.
One way to do this consciously is to do a body scan with your awareness.
This is done by becoming aware of each section of the body and "breathing" consciously into that area with your awareness, inviting all the muscles to relax and find their own natural balance.
For example you could take your awareness into your feet, relaxing the toes, the soles and ankles. Then continue up the legs into the main body. Then from your fingers up the arms and into the shoulders, and up the neck around to the face, relaxing all the muscles and being aware of the feeling of wholeness as you do this.
We can continue this process of releasing tension at deeper levels within the body with a loving smile. Once we have become aware of our body at the gross surface levels we can smile and feel the loving energy that is producing the smile in our face, as we do this. Become aware of the energy field behind a loving relaxed smile. Feel it flow within your skin like a magnetic field, lining up all the cells of your body which this smiling energy touches.
We can do this with the organs in the body. Visualize all the cells in the heart smiling; thank them for the work they do and give them loving appreciation. Request them to do a self-scan and ask for any waste products to be removed and released from the body – a bit like spring cleaning for the body, as you would do in your home.
Continue with the liver, kidneys and all the other major organs, seeing all the cells smiling and happy, working together in peaceful harmony. Feel the awareness growing. Notice how relaxed and calm you feel as a whole when you have done this.
Become aware of your light body (spiritual body), which underlies the
physical body. Check your energy field to see that it feels centred.
Imagine a field of energy forming your aura and surrounding and permeating your body. Feel this now centred on the physical body – so that your soul, energy body, atoms, molecules, cells, organs, and whole body feel in alignment and at peace and in harmony with each other.
Being aware on all these levels helps us to know our Self and be in touch with our inner feelings and emotions. When we have consciously balanced our
energies in this way it is effortless just to relax further into a deep
restful sleep, which will refresh and recharge the body with spiritual
self-love and appreciation.
By thanking and appreciating the layers within the body, we help the body to know itself, in a wholeness that will bring balance and harmony into the body's functioning. Growing in self-love and appreciation helps to bring presence and charisma as you charge up your energies in this way.
Then when you naturally awake it is good to stretch in the normal way or do a simple Yoga workout and a gentle meditation to awaken and charge up your awareness further for the day.
By George E. Lockett

Posted by angel-healing at 11:04 AM BST

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