Angel Healing ...the extras!
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
Moses, Jesus and You
Mood:  a-ok
Moses, Jesus and You
Who parted the Red Sea?

NDW: God.

Indeed, but who called upon God to do that?

NDW: Moses.

Exactly. And who called upon Me to heal the sick, and raise the dead?

NDW: Jesus.

Yes. Now, do you think that what Moses and Jesus did, you cannot do?

NDW: But they didn't do it! They asked You to! That's a different thing.

Okay. We'll go with your construction for now. And do you think that you cannot ask Me these same miraculous things?

NDW: I suppose I could.

And would I grant them?

NDW: I don't know.

That's the difference between you and Moses! That's what separates you from Jesus!

Conversations With God, Book 2
Neale Donald Walsch
Page 20

 your daily prosperity thought 

For centuries material wealth has been seen as incompatible with spiritual growth. For awhile perhaps this separation was necessary but now we have evolved to a point where we can drop such artificial constructs. You do not need to live in a monastery to live a spiritual life nor do you need to deny any material blessings. The good news is that you can both meditate and shop until you drop. Perhaps, if you are really enlightened, you will find you can do both at the same time!

Blessings.your daily prosperity thought at www.prosperitythoughts


Posted by angel-healing at 8:11 AM GMT
Updated: Wednesday, 27 February 2008 8:13 AM GMT

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