Angel Healing ...the extras!
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
I woke up today smiling as I recall our friendship because I know that years from now, I will still be waking up smiling for the same reason every morning.

Of all the smiles you received today, there was a smile you didn't see. A smile not from the lips, but straight from the heart - a smile that came from me.

People vanish, people die. People laugh and people cry. Some give up, some will try. Some say hi, while some say bye. Others may forget, but never will I. Good morning!

Every morning, leave your worries outside your gate, coz that's where they pick up the garbage! Have a worry free day!

Hey, good morning! Rise and shine! As you open your eyes to greet the morning sun, I wish that you would be well and fine.

A smile is a way of writing your thoughts on your face, telling others that they are accepted, liked and appreciated. So here's a big smile just for you.

Every morning has a new beginning, a new blessing, a new hope. It's a perfect day coz it's God's gift. Have a blessed, hopeful perfect day to begin with.

The best gifts to give: to friend - loyalty; to enemy -forgiveness; to boss - service; to child - good example; to parents - devotion; to friends friendship.

This message has no fat, no cholesterol and no additive. This is all natural except, with a lot of sugar. But it can never be as sweet as the one reading it. Smile!

A smile is a curve that sets everything straight and wipes the wrinkles away. Hope you receive a lot and share a lot of smiles today. Here's one from me.

Never get tired of doing little things to others, because sometimes those little things may mean so much to them. That's why I won't get tired of sending my little hi to you.

We're not too close in distance. We're not too near in miles. But a message and thoughts can bring us smiles.

A smile is a language everybody understands. It costs nothing but creates much. It happens fast but its memory may last forever. Keep smiling.

All mornings are like a painting, you need a little inspiration to get you going, a little smile to brighten it and a message from someone who cares to color your day.

One of the joys in life is waking up each day with thoughts that somewhere, someone cares enough to send a warm morning greeting! Good morning and enjoy the day!

An icing can make a cake so sweet, a string can make a balloon so high, a match can make a candle so bright. I hope that a simple message can make you smile.

Could you do me a favor? Put your left hand over your right shoulder then your right hand to your left shoulder. There! I've just given you a morning hug.

Posted by angel-healing at 12:41 PM GMT
Updated: Friday, 15 February 2008 10:49 AM GMT

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