Angel Healing ...the extras!
Sunday, 27 January 2008
Moon Times.. an ad!


 Disposable pads cost

the Earth.

What are they costing you?


Moon Times© are the soft, comfortable alternative to disposables, they  are made from breathable cotton, leaving you feeling confident and fresh.


As featured in Organic Life Magazine!


buy on-line


Moon Times© are handmade in Bristol.


Pads cost from £4.75 each, sets from £42 -including a beautiful ‘pad bag’ with a waterproof section for used pads- we’ve thought of everything,

so you don’t have to!

And pads will last for years and save you £100’s!




For more information see

 Not a step back in time but a positive step forwards towards our planet’s well being!

Even if you only use moons’ at night it will reduce the amount of sanitary waste we women produce with ‘disposable’ products.

We spend an average 6.5 years of our lives bleeding. Most women in the world have no access to the luxury of disposable sanitary towels and tampons but the average woman in the 'developed' world uses about 12,000 of these products during her life.

Taboos about menstruation have led to expensive, wasteful, polluting sanitary items, which bring unnecessary health and environmental problems. Moon Times© are an alternative to disposable sanitary products.


Moon Times © are an ideal gift for young women new to their menses and for new mothers who need soft cloth against their delicate tissue

after giving birth.


Comments from customers:

‘They look - and feel lovely - so soft!’ Becky      

For the first time ever I’m really looking forward to bleeding!’ Tanya   

‘They are so much more comfortable than ordinary pads! And prettier too. Thanks!’ Louise (age 14)     

 ‘I love my washable pads- for me they are about getting away from the attitude of 'stick in a tampon and forget you’re bleeding' and more about honouring your menstruation and the earth. I love watering my garden with my moon blood (from soaking my pads)- I make the whole ritual a sacred ceremony- it's a beautiful thing to connect to your cycle, the moon and the earth...

and to other women.’ Sarah  

 “I love using Moon Times© ~ the best thing is never having to remember to buy more pads!” Victoria

Some Environmental and Health Facts from the Women’s Environmental Network

Menstruation is a natural and healthy process. So why are we so hung up on the issue? Why, for so many, is it so associated with pain and negativity, surrounded by silence and secrecy? What effect does this culture of silence have in terms of our choice of sanitary protection and its implications for health and the environment?

The average woman in the western world uses about 12,000 sanitary products during her life. In the UK we buy more than three billion disposable sanitary items every year; in 2001 we spent £370 million on them!!!

Four million tampons and pads are flushed away every day in the UK, adding to marine pollution. It takes a tampon six months to biodegrade, a plastic sanitary towel liner lasts indefinitely. Flushing sanitary protection causes 75% of blocked drains. Then there's the issue of the manufacture of 'disposable' products-despite being white disposable sanitary products are NOT sterile!!
Tampons are made from eit
her cotton, or a mixture of cotton and rayon. Use of cotton of course raises issues of fair trade, pesticide use and genetic modification. Rayon is chemically processed from wood pulp.

Disposable sanitary towels and panty liners are also made mostly from wood pulp, bleached from its natural brown colour. Chlorine gas was originally the bleaching agent used, and was a source of dioxin, which is a known carcinogen-due to lots of campaigning from The Women’s Environmental Network they now use either chlorine dioxide or hydrogen peroxide. As a result of this and reduced use of chlorine in other processes, dioxin levels in the environment are tending to fall. Dioxins released during chlorine bleaching and plastics manufacture have been shown to cause cancer, miscarriages and damage to the immune system and toxic shock syndrome.

Moon Times© are the only manufactures of organic washable pads in the UK! So not only are you supporting the environment by using Moons, you are also supporting a small ethical business and not engaging in any international importing. All fabrics are locally sourced and mostly organic*. (*apart from the patterned flannelette)

Moon Times© are made with organic cotton flannelette and fair trade organic cotton. Liners are available in organic hemp. Flannelette is both soft and absorbent and used as the ‘top’ layer- next to your skin. You put a liner inside the pocket of the pad (or a few if you are bleeding heavily) choosing cotton, hemp or toweling liners. Pads have wings- so they are very secure!


There are 2 colour themes- plain (white or naturally dyed colours) and patterned* ( prints of flowers, stars, moons, rabbits, teddies etc *dependant on what is available- patterned flannelette is not organic)

When you first use Moon Times©, it may seem as if your flow is heavier or even lighter than usual- this is natural- I believe that some of the chemicals used in other sanitary products can affect the amount we bleed-also we may not be used to seeing our blood that closely!

 Since Moon Times are lovingly hand made rather than churned out in a factory, each one is unique – slight irregularities are characteristic of this!


Posted by angel-healing at 7:19 PM GMT

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