Topic: Musings
Lust for life
We have a fantastic standard of living. If you are reading this e-mail, then compared to any other period in history and most other parts of the world we are the fortunate ones. We live in a time of relative peace, prosperity and plenty.
We have a fantastic standard of living. If you are reading this e-mail, then compared to any other period in history and most other parts of the world we are the fortunate ones. We live in a time of relative peace, prosperity and plenty.
Opportunities are abundant for us. If we are feeling held back from pursuing our dreams by something just imagine how our ancestors felt.
Relatively our ability to pursue our dreams has never been greater.
This is true for us as individuals and also for us a society.
But - there are no guarantees that this window of opportunity will continue indefinitely for either.
I read this morning that an authoritative report estimates that "peak oil" passed in 2006. Peak Oil is the name given to the moment when global oil production reaches it's maximum and then begins to fall inexorably.
A great deal of the affluence and opportunity that we enjoy in our part of society is based on the abundance of relatively cheap oil.
I think of our society like an adolescent who has just inherited the family fortune and has gone on the mother of all binges.
Oil is the wealth of our planet which these few generations have inherited and we have not always invested it wisely.
One of the positive investments we have made with this inheritance has been in mass travel. Mass travel has created a generation of internationalists with a far greater appreciation of different cultures and lifestyles than ever before. It is mass travel and internationalism that creates the connections that make peace possible.
If our dream as individuals is happiness and fulfilment then peace and security is an essential foundation.
If our dream as a society is continued evolution of our lifestyle and consciousness then we are in a race against time.
It is time to grow up. We must now shift all of our investment away from simple hedonism and fear limitation (war, exclusion, greed) and towards love and sustainability.
The recipe is simple, the challenge is to apply it.
We must invest as much of the rest of our inheritance as we can in creating truly sustainable energy systems that can sustain the positive aspects of our lifestyle.
Every single one of us must commit to a life based in authenticity, love and contribution so that when the crunch comes the response is collaboration and not conflict. And both as individuals and as a society we must use our energy wisely.
We are the fortunate ones - and that is why the responsibility lies with us - with you - personally - now.
Posted by angel-healing
at 11:16 AM BST