Topic: Musings
Life Flows and Expands As We Realize Our Dreams
We live in an ever-expanding universe and the universe expands from the unmanifest silence of Spirit or light outwards into more and more concrete expressions of our dreams, which we create in our spiritual blueprint of reality.
We have all heard about The Secret and Quantum Physics - a field of pure unmanifest energy which underlies all creation. This field contains all expressions of manifest life in virtual form.
It is just waiting for human consciousness to breathe self-awareness into the field and start the creation process through our dreams, visualization, and positive affirmations.
Human consciousness is becoming refined and we are waking up to our creative nature. We realize that we can create our reality by make-believe in the first instance.
As the universe expands our dreams and aspirations start to take form and draw to them all the physical matter and energy needed to start to manifest.
As we look around us in any city, we see the buildings that started their existence in the dreams of the architects, who drew up the plans and drew in all the resources to create the very diverse collections of buildings that form our cities.
This process takes place in nearly every endeavour human consciousness undertakes, be it as simple as cooking our next meal. Human consciousness flows from an unmanifest level and draws in all the resources needed to create in physical form, the reality we see around us.
Therefore, do not complain about what you see around you outside. Go within your heart; see your dreams, passion and desire blending through visualization, and flowing outwards through your five senses and your physical limbs to start shaping the reality around you.
Through synchronicity, we draw to us all the materials we require to bring our dreams into reality, just like the colourless sap in a plant moves through the plant and creates the stem, leaves, and flowers.
Human consciousness is like this colourless sap: it is the energy field which creates the matrix for energy to take form and manifest following its spiritual blueprint. All you need is a little understanding of the process and you can change what is around you.
See the flow of life flowing through you, from your spiritual essence outwards, forming your physical existence and expanding its influence into the environment. By relaxing our physical body and merging our awareness into these more subtle levels of being, we merge our consciousness with Creator.
We tap into the quantum field and allow it to flow through us to take form in the manifest world around us. Each of us is an aspect of Creator creating, if we are relaxed and allow our awareness to settle and merge with the silence within, and the subtle energy to charge our bodies.
We become charismatic creators in tune with the Universal Life Force and create in harmony and peace what we need for ourselves and those around us in a loving, creative way.
By George E. Lockett
www.healergeorge. com
Posted by angel-healing
at 4:58 PM BST