Angel Healing ...the extras!
Thursday, 3 May 2007
One Simple Act
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Positive News!!

Can Making a Difference Really Be This Easy?

Take a minute to read this... it will be worth it, I promise!

Hi everyone

Today is a big day! Bigger than most because today you and I get to experience something extraordinary together. Tonight is the start of a movement that will impact tens of thousands of lives each and every week.

Last week I told you that today would be the launch of a new program I designed called The One Simple Act Movement. I have wanted to do this for a while now to unite the Pass Along community in a program that would make a MASSIVE difference in the lives of people that need it.

Today is the day this starts!

If you don't mind taking a minute, let me explain t
he premise of this movement so you can understand how amazing it will be and how much we need you to be a part of it.

I believe that making a difference doesn't have to be hard.  In fact, if we all believed it was easy and we did simple daily things towards this goal, we would see immediate and widespread positive results in the world. This is the entire purpose of the One Simple Act Movement.

Each Wednesday I will be sending an email to our entire community, which is around 59,000 people from over 100 countries. You are one of these people. Each person has been automatically setup as a member to a new website located at You can login as a member to this site with your email address as both your email and password and access your own personal One Simple Act account. This is totally FREE!

When you receive the Wednesday email it will outline a "Simple Act." A Simple Act is a suggestion of something you can do each day for the next week for someone else that is simple, powerful and impactful for that person and yourself.

Each Simple Act is SIMPLE, meaning it can be done quickly and easily and anyone with a couple minutes a day can do it (which we all know is everyone!). An example of a Simple Act might be calling up a family member or friend that you haven't talked to in a while and telling them that you love and appreciate who they are.  The topics of the emails will cover a broad range of life.

In your account you will find different tools to inspire you to be involved in this weekly act. When you get the weekly suggestion you can login to this account and make a commitment to that week's Simple Act. For example; if we suggest that you "consciously appreciate people this week", you're going to set a Commitment Goal for the week to appreciate a certain number of people; for example 15 people over the next week.

Now it will be up to you to consciously act on that goal. Find 15 people or more to appreciate in a way you don't normally do. We'll provide varies reminder tools to help you remember to do this.

At the end of the week you'll log back into your account and record the "actual" number of people you appreciated. This number will be added to your overall total of people you have touched with Simple Acts and you'll get a chance to record your thoughts and stories of your experience over that week as a personal reflection for yourself or for other people to read about and get inspired from.

The idea is that with tens of thousands of people doing this throughout the week will translate into tens of thousands of people being impacted by simple but powerful acts of compassion, kindness, love and appreciation; creating a wave of energy that the world needs right now. This energy will grow each week as more people join the movement, until we witness millions of people performing Simple Acts each and everyday. I don't think I need to explain to you how amazing that will be!

The online account has other amazing features and with more to come. One powerful option is to use a special link in your account to invite your friends to join the movement. When you use this link and they join, their Simple Acts will be recorded in the system and shown in your account. So if you invite 10 friends, 5 join and each impact 10 people's lives with a Simple Act in one week, it will show 50 people being impacted in your account, by your friends, because you invited them to join this movement.


That is NOT to be overlooked or underestimated
because BIG change happens w
hen people
choose to spread t
he word!

This is so easy! I can't possibly conceive of any reason why someone wouldn't want to do this, so please give it a try. If you want to learn more, please visit the website and read up on how things work. Login into your account and explore the different pages there. Send us your ideas and suggestions. Let's do this together.

To launch this site I have chosen a topic that inspired this entire movement. Over two years ago I wrote a book called One Simple Act.  It is an act that is so powerful but often overlooked. If you join me this week in applying this Simple Act, I promise you that you won't overlook it anymore. In honour of this first inspiration, look below for the first One Simple Act suggestion for you to join us in this week. Enjoy!  Next week we'll send you the results of this week's collective efforts and invite you to join us in a new one for the following week.

Thanks for being so amazing!



Posted by angel-healing at 10:48 PM BST
Updated: Thursday, 3 May 2007 10:51 PM BST

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